Denne bog vil kunne få status som 'bibel' for frihed
En modgift mod den nye verdensordens social engineering.
"By the year 2020 we will all be governed by a new system of law." - 2006
Utroligt hvad man finder af ukendte ildsjæle, som var 30 år forud før egen tid.
Niki Raapana og Nordica Friedrich skrev en bog baseret på titanisk flid gennem mange år: 2020: Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto. Bogen er fra 2012, lysår forud før sin tid, og modgiften mod den kommende kollektivisme. Selvom Smart Cities infrastrukturen er den senere tilføjelse af "hardware", er communitarianism den evige "software" i NWO social engineering under Agenda 21/2030, den kollektivistiske mentalitet man ønsker at fremavle. Tucker Carlson er i øvrigt selverklæret communitarian.
Bogen kan downloades i PDF og andre formater i højre kolonne: 2020: Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto
Agenda 21 / 2030 - E.G. Griffin forklarer det på 2 minutter: Edward Griffin explains agenda 21 in 2 minutes - VIDEO
Forudsætningen for at imødegå noget er at vide magtens intentioner - og deres intentioner lykkes ofte fordi folk er uvidende om dem, pga. kognitiv dissonans, m. m.
Hvad skal de f.eks. bruge de massive gigantiske centraliserede insekt og fødevarefaciliteter til? Fabrikeret kollaps med hungersnød er en del af planen. Fabrikeret kollaps af private afgrøder er en del af planen. Forbud mod individuel bilisme er en del af planen. VIDEO: Agenda 21: Megabyer, Smart Cities med 5G som kontrolsystem og stavnsbånd.
De fleste mennesker kan ikke forestille sig sådan hensynsløs malign umenneskelighed.og implementeret på et globalt niveau. DERFOR vil de kunne blive offer for den, fordi de ikke tror på, at det eksisterer. Man kan ikke -bevidst - beskytte sig imod noget som man ikke ved eksisterer!
Min intuition siger mig - og nogle hardcore kyndige synes at pege på - at de som forstår bogen, 2020: Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto, nærmest vil være oplyste, som ikke kan hypnotiseres af Agenda 21 hjernevasken som er på vej. En modgift mod den nye verdensordens social engineering. Bogen vil kunne få status af at være et stort kapitel i "bibelen" for frihedsbevægelser...eller den vil blive opdaget engang i 2045 hvis ingen læser den nu, og færre forstår den.....eller gå i glemmebogen....
Det danske økø-samfund er i øvrigt communitarians uden at vide det selv. En vigtig pointe med social engineering.
Regardless of what you may hear or read, Agenda 21 planners do not now nor have they ever identified their sustainable development plans as "Communitarian."
Background: Communitarianism is the theory that individual rights must be balanced against the rights of the "community." Its many proponents insist that individual rights and liberties pose a real threat to the health and safety of the "community at large." The founders of the Communitarian Network began "shoring up the moral, social and political environment" in the early 1990s. Today the communitarian theory is the basis for hundreds of new global rules and regulations eliminating individual rights, yet fewer than one percent of the affected population knows about it.
Results: The progression of recent history clearly shows a dedicated effort to lead the world into unknowingly accepting communitarian solutions. To understand how philosophical Communitarianism advanced itself, the authors traced it back to the original source. Using the works of the leading Communitarian theorists, they followed the path from Seattle Neighborhood Plans all the way to the International Court at the Hague.
Conclusion: The foundation for the communitarian theory is undisputedly the Hegelian dialectic; Part I, a tutorial on the Hegelian dialectic is fully substantiated by Jesuit priests, Renowned Marxists and Pope John Paul. Theoretical analysis, i.e.. (A) Communitarianism did not evolve naturally (B) and it was never a movement that arose out of U.S. society (C) therefore, communitarianism has no natural home in the United States., is further substantiated with 70 verifiable, solid references that overwhelmingly support it. Part II, also heavily referenced, outlines historical events leading to the global communitarian synthesis.
The changing duality of the new legal system clearly indicates Communitarianism is a criminal enterprise whose aim is to destroy all legal institutions established under national and state constitutions. Both Part I and Part II establish the aims and shared goals of the lesser arms involved in the global communitarian insurrection, showing direct ties to the War on Terror business, the European Union's integration under Communitarian Law, the emerging North American Free Trade Zone, UN Local Agenda 21, global sustainable development programs, Regionalization, Faith-Based Initiatives, Volunteer America, Community Oriented Policing, Rebuilding Community and Community Development.
- 2008
Nogen har virkelig virkelig gjort et stykke titanisk hjemmearbejde for at sætte lys på mørket i 90'erne og 0'erne:
"I have just finished reading your book "2020" … First of all, I would say that it is very concise and well-ordered. It gets right to the point and sticks to the point straight through to the end. That is a rare quality to find in a modern book, at least according to my experience... This book is really exceptionally well put together."
—A reader from Massachusetts
"I have loaned the older version (2020: Our Common Destiny) out to several friends, one in particular who is a high level State of California judge. When I went to pick the book up, she seemed a bit put-off and non-communicative. When I asked her opinion and if she felt the basis of the book was true, she simply turned, looked at me directly in the eyes, nodded her head in the affirmative and raised her hand for me to leave, which I promptly did. What stunned me during this brief exchange was when she looked at me I observed tears welling up in her eyes."
—A reader from California
Fandt også dette fra samme forfattere:
Table of Contents
Welcome to the supranational system
For visitors coming from outside the U.S.
1. How U.N. Agenda 21 is directly tied to the U.S.
2. How non-U.N. afilliated American researchers see Local Agenda 21
3. How the U.N. Agenda 21 ties to the War on Terror
4. How U.N. Agenda 21 blends communism
5. Imperial Great Britains' influence on Agenda 21
6. How Agenda 21 incorporates global Community Policing
7. How Agenda 21 ties to data gathering
8. Here's a sampling of "spontaneous" local sustainable development movements around the world
9. Here's how U.N. Agenda 21 promotes elitist eco-tourism
10. Here's how Agenda 21 ties to the Peace Movement
11. Here's how Local Agenda 21 ties to our health
12. Here's some holistic organizations that work for U.N. Local Agenda 21 objectives, but pretend they work for the "planet"
13. Here's how Agenda 21 ties to feminism
Noget andet i farten (som er en del af det samme): ”Vi har ikke set en sådan stigning siden firmaet startede i 1922” – siger Lars Svanholm, adm. direktør i bedemandsforretningen.