Jeg håber virkelig, at folk vil forstå de globale katastrofale proportioner af denne dagsorden, den kan ikke ignoreres for evigt - og det følgende er 'blot' ét aspekt af transhumanismens anti-menneskelige mål, som er den ideologiske drivkraft par excellence bag magtelitens motivation:
’Guerini has warned that the growth of the artificial reproduction industry threatens to lead to what she calls “a world without mothers”.
In an article for the French journal Ecologie & Politique in 2022, she explained that the eugenicists behind test-tube babies and surrogate motherhood now had their sights on genetic engineering and artificial wombs which would cut women out of the reproductive process. [9]
While the current justification for the technology was on medical grounds, helping people who could not have babies naturally, the long-term goal for the industry was no doubt to make artificial reproduction the norm and turn babies into yet more industrial “products”.
Guerini wrote: “The use of your own body would be considered a sign of social inferiority and poverty.
“A natural mother would be considered potentially irresponsible, like mothers who currently opt for home birth, refusing the hospitalisation and medicalisation of the process… Natural childbirth would first be treated as irresponsible, then criminal”.
Artificial wombs would eventually be demanded, or rather marketed, as a “right” for everyone, including “transgender” people, she predicted.
Indeed, she noted that “the interests and the demands of the LGBTQ+ movement and of transfeminism on the subject of reproduction converge with those of the techno-scientific and transhumanist system”.
What was involved, she set out in her 2023 book From the ‘Neutral’ Body to the Postmodern Cyborg: A Critique of Gender Ideology, was “a new synthetic identity, a dissociation from one’s sexed body and a claim to new rights bestowed by a progressive, rainbow and transgenic left together with LGBTQ+ organisations and the pharmaceutical and bionanotechnological apparatus”. [10]
“This is not a grassroots movement, it is an elite project, a lot of money is being invested to promote a dissociative body condition that unties us from our sexed bodies.
“The LGBTQ+ cause is now high on the agenda of the powerful, and its advocates are at the top of the media, in academia, and especially in Big Business, Big Philanthropy, and Big Tech”.’
- uddrag fra artikel nedenfor af den eminente analytiker, Paul Cudenec, se resten:
Som jeg skrev i 2021: ‘Meget tyder på, at LGBT promoveringen i tidsånden intet har med Gender (køn) at gøre, men skyldes transhumanisternes ønske om at ankomme til en verden som er NON-gender. LGBT er blot et af flere værktøjer til dette. Magtelitens plan er en forberedelse til transhumanistisk udslettelse af køn, kernefamilien, og ikke mindst: UDSLETTELSEN af den ‘gammeldags’ biologiske fødsel ved livmoder, da fødsler via en kunstig biosyntetisk livmoder vil blive normen på sigt (denne teknologi er allerede på plads, bl. a. dækkede James Corbett dette for et par år siden). Det er udslettelsen af individuel naturlig reproduktion mellem par samt kontrol og monopol på fødsel. Dette kan også forklare den befolkningsdøende 1,6 fertilitetsrate i EU og USA samt Spermageddon (katastrofale nedadgående sædtal). Vi taler ikke kun folkemord, fordi vi skal stoppe ‘overbefolkning’, men en genetisk-tekno-totalitaristisk kontrol af liv, genetisk manipulation, kloning, etc. – ikke mindst transhumanistisk teknokratisk monopolisering af retten til at skabe liv på det mest fundamentale niveau for Homo Sapiens Sapiens… som skal indsluses i fremtidens Fagre Nye Verden.’
- CN