Geoengineering, syntetisk biologi, nanoteknologi & elektromagnetiske våben
Elana Freeland, en student af Rudolf Steiner
Min intuition fortæller mig, at Elana Freeland er en af de mest avancerede antroposofiske studenter (siden 1977). Hun skriver om Deep State-spørgsmål som geoengineering, MK-ULTRA, rituelt misbrug, syntetisk biologi, nanoteknologi, transhumanism, AI og invasive elektromagnetiske våben. Hendes site er:
Hendes andet hovedfag på college var biologi, og hun modtog hæder for sin kandidatafhandling i historiografi. Min fornemmelse er selvfølgelig også, at hun er så dybt inde i sagerne, at det er meget fremmedgørende for de fleste Steinerfolk, endda 'traditionelle konspiranauter'.
Spritnyt interview med Freeland for 12 timer siden:
Military Space Fence and "Full Spectrum Dominance" w/ Elana Freeland - "Full Spectrum Dominance" being put in place by the Globalists via the Space Fence and other technology. We discuss how they are using military technology in space for controlling weather, military weapons, communications and even DEW weapons that can be used to control average citizens
Kort klip på 20 sekunder fra ovenstående video:
Nogle af hendes bogtitler siger en hel del om hendes åbenhed:
* Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized By Chemicals, Electromagnetics, and Nanotechnology For Synthetic Biology
* Under An Ionized Sky
* Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
Hvis folk ikke ser dybden af problemet eller problemets natur først, vil løsningerne blive derefter; delvise eller symptombehandling. Løsingerne er altid kausalt forbundne med erkendelse af problemets årsag. Folk vil ikke erkende problemets dybde, da det forståeligt afstedkommer frygt og emotionelle identifikationer, som tager energi.
'Again and again, when confronted by the many serious problems with which humanity has been struggling since the First World War and is still facing, the almost despairing question is often asked, even in anthroposophical circles: 'What can I do? What can the individual do about the machinations of these secret groups, if indeed they exist? It's all too much for individuals.'
Rudolf Steiner's answer in these lectures is bold and clear:
The only defence against these things is knowing about them. If you know about them, you are protected ... But you must not be idle about acquiring real knowledge of these things.
- Fra forordet til 'Secret Brotherhoods & the Mystery of the Human Double', Rudolf Steiner, 2004, by Terry Boardman
Et andet interview - Dark Journalist AKA Daniel Liszt (som også er antropsofisk student): Free Humanity vs Transhumanist Tyranny - AI Synthetic Biology Researcher Elana Freeland on her Breakthrough New Book, Geoengineered Transhumanism. Elana's remarkable scientific and esoteric work connects major military operations of global control and goes inside the Electromagnetic Lockdown of the Space Fence and growing web of Nanotech. She shows us the rising landscape of technological control, DNA Patents and how humanity is to be neurologically directed toward a Transhumanist future unless we wake up now. The Occult influence of Ahriman and the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, Mystery Schools and the Eighth Sphere are also covered!
#AI #ElanaFreeland #EighthSphere #Anthroposophy, Reincarnation, Eighth Sphere, Ahriman, Nanotech, Space Fence, Electromagnetic Transhumanism
Som jeg har skrevet igen og igen over årene:
Alt hvad der er advaret om i årtier fra de "konspiranoide", blev stort set virkelighed i 2020, og mange ser stadig ikke det totalitære samfund.... det værste er endnu ikke indtruffet....og mange vågner i en meget meget sen time....folk tror det først når de ser det....
Der er så mange ting i horisonten, at det virker totalt kaotisk og uoverskueligt, f.eks. denne spritnye fra James Corbett:
’Think you've got The Great Travel Reset under control? Think you're too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports? Well, you'd better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that's coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis!’
- Episode 453 - Don't Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved !Corbett • 27. okt 2023
Alle dem som tager "dyrets mærke" (for at bruge en forslidt men passende kliche) a la vaccinen og digitalt certifikat, får lov til at få og gå mere "frit", mens de ulydige bliver udstødte, yderligere dæmoniseret, lagt for voldsomt had i massepsykosens hjernevask, fængslet, etc....
Dette kinesiske rædselsvælde vil dog kollapse indenfor nogle få år..... den dag bliver frihedsfølelsen ufattelig og hinsides forestillingsevnen....