'Pseudo-realities are thus the natural playground of psychopaths, and they are made possible by the cowardice and rationalization of their victims. The most dangerous collective imagined ideas: An ideological pseudo-reality [ belief in dangerous vaccines fx.], is almost certain, as soon as it begins to gain support and power, to develop towards the capricious and criminal, into a totalitarianism of the most pernicious, dangerous and vicious kind - and to the end of civilizations and vast numbers of their inhabitants IF it is NOT STOPPED early enough in its development. In the logical nature of the matter, the ONLY people who can stop the pseudo-reality are the people who do NOT fall for the lie (today it is popular to call such people 'conspiracy theorists', in itself a result of more imposed pseudoreality )’
– – Psychopathy & Obedience – Cause of the Downfall of Civilizations
UPDATE september 2023
There is a chapter in the video dealing with climate change, but climate change is a presupposition instituted by a small elite. The mainstream version of climate change is ‘a specter, a ghost, an illusion designed to create, initiate, and justify a long-sought technocratic agenda’ - James Corbett
How is it that people with so-called non-dual experience can believe lies as truth. e.g. the propaganda of the horizontal world? I have been warning about this problem for 15 years now. It seemed abstract and irrelevant, but the Corona lie, dangerous vaccines and the CO2 lie (Agenda 21/2030 horror) made it clear that it is a huge huge problem. The explanation is that vertical awakening (spirituality) is not the same as horizontal awakening (thinking)
Also: during the last decade I have increasingly noticed another bypass besides the spiritual bypass [1] , [2]. I have tentatively named this 'new' type of bypass 'Cognitive Boddhisatvic Bypass Syndrome':
Non-Dual Spirituality
Spirituality can be defined as a striving to recognize the deeper unity that exists in the universe. A unity of which we are all a part, and which, when experienced, leaves no doubt that there is a deeper and divine love behind and in all that has been created.
With some variations in theme and form of expression, such spiritual experiences of unity have been described many times within Christian as well as Islamic, Buddhist Hindu and Taoist cultures.
The hallmarks of such experiences seem to be all the following bullet points:
• The experience of an expanded form of consciousness where the normal identity with body and mind is replaced by a sense of oneness with everything in the universe. A feeling that the boundaries between subject and object are dissolving.
• The expansion of consciousness often leads to the experience of ego death. That is, one experiences dying to the limited identity that is the ego, in favor of the experience of oneness with the divine love that permeates, creates and sustains all that is.
• The experience is described as returning home to the real thing. To what is. When you look back at the consciousness you had before, it is experienced as sleepwalking and out of touch with reality.
• Finally, the spiritual experiences are described as having a lasting effect on those who have had them. Few people manage to integrate the expanded consciousness in such a way that it is more or less permanently present, but everyone who has had a spiritual experience feels deeply affected by it in one way or another.
Horizontal versus vertical awakening
The horizontal is the life of the ego and the thinking (and emotions), cause-effect analysis, discursivity, historical awareness, etc.
The vertical - the spiritual - is to transcend the ego, and the emotional (astral) and the thinking, disidentification.
Meditative awareness does not provide concrete knowledge of and insight into fluoride, vaccines, aspartame, GMO, etc. The spiritually oriented people are most often unaware of the points that activists/dissidents make, why spiritually oriented people can also become the useful idiots of the powers that be. Therefore, spiritually oriented people can be just as ignorant as common man Average Joe.
Many activists, on the other hand, are often aware of manipulations and lies, while on the other hand they lack the inner dimension, meditation, working with the power of negative emotions, integrating the shadow, etc.
While many dissidents lack shadow integration and freedom from negative emotions, the majority of the so-called spiritual vanguard lack the insight of the 'conspiranauts' (and average Joe lacks both), but a third category - the 'conspiritual' - is aware of both things.
Vertical inner spiritual development does not automatically produce horizontal knowledge – the horizontal path = thought, knowledge, analysis of concrete cause-effect relationships in the external world.
Activists and dissidents, on the other hand, are often aware that there is a lot of manipulation of the population going on, but they, on the other hand, lack the vertical path; the inner dimension a la meditation, spirituality, mindfulness, working with the power of negative emotions, shadow side,
Both true deeper knowledge in the horizontal about what goes on behind the curtain AND the vertical inner development is necessary.
You can call such combination of vertical + horizontal the 'conspiritual' (spiritual people's awareness of directed history (Directed History is the idea that key events in modern history – wars, revolutions, transformations, concentration of wealth and power, at least the last 250 years, but possibly longer - have not been random or simply the product of economic forces but were directed: directed. History has taken a certain direction by a powerful super-elite, as I call them. I use the term super-elite to distinguish them from the national elites. Directed History – source).
Dissidents are not less emotionally reactive than other people, 'just' far more awake 'horizontally' (how the world works) regarding the many things that happen in the world behind the curtain, and perhaps therefore often more emotionally affected, because they are aware that a 'Sauron' actually exists, figuratively speaking. The sleepers are not exposed to the same stress, because they have not looked deep down the rabbit hole, …ignorance is bliss
Awake VS Asleep in 4 categories
Awareness that something is true vs untrue is equal to the terms 'awake' and 'sleeping' respectively. One is conscious or unconscious of something. All who use the words 'awake' is an expression of the fact that one makes such a discerning distinction, and that one must therefore accept the opposite of 'awake', namely 'asleep'. These distinctions between 'awake' and 'asleep' are primarily mental and logical judgments in distinction, deductions. These are mental categories that are NOT emotional in nature (although they can be used emotionally condemning and derogatory in addition to a mental judgement).
All who use the term 'awake' are thus using this distinction, regardless of what the individual may label as true and false. Eg. you were asleep if you believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in 2003 - you believe a lie as truth, and are thus not awake. 'Awake' is popularly an expression of awareness of something, and 'asleep' is unconsciousness.
I have merely extended this frequent use of this binary awake/asleep terminology that all use linguistically. .
Vertical/horizontal/awake/asleep exists, as one can clearly observe these out in the landscape, in reality. This gives you 4 categories:
Horizontally awake
Horizontally asleep
Vertically awake
Vertically asleep
The ideal combination is both horizontally and vertically awake, an awakening is also a layered process in both the vertical and the horizontal. The 4 categories can be viewed as a genus, which has subtypes, species.
Why are some horizontally asleep even though they are spiritually awake? [1]
This is not doctrinal, rigid or mental masturbation (and awakening is layered), but a clear pointing out of the way people operate, which can be observed again and again in people in the real world.
By using the vertical and horizontal asleep/awake model, this solves some very serious fundamental explanatory problems that the black-white awake/asleep binary model cannot explain. One cannot explain why a spiritual state of consciousness (vertical) can be asleep regarding big lies, e.g. Therefore, horizontally awake is an essential concept, as one can be vertically awake and horizontally asleep.
Very strong divisions have occurred in the spiritual environment since 2020 because of Corona. Those who took the vaccine VS the vaccine skeptics (as with everyone else). The horizontal/vertical model in 4 categories is a somewhat explanatory model for this, which the binary black/white asleep/awake model cannot solve. This is not an academic question, because your optics determine life and death. Literally.
The model elucidate why spiritual people are blind to the dangers of vaccines, side-effects of death and disability - not to mention the spiritual dangers of vaccines
Many spiritual and good-hearted people have recommended and taken the Corona vaccine (Martinus and Steiner Circles, Dalai Lama (now Dalai Pharma) and countless clearly highly developed and spiritually aspiring people with high ethics , etc.). NB! I don’t see Dalai Lama as non-dually enlightened (he is not a Rinpoche either).
Searching for the reason why both spiritual and non-spiritual people are not waking up (horizontally) I would think is relevant....to say the least, as they will tip the scales in favor of brainwashed artificial majority consent to usher in the cashless digital horror regime if more people don't wake up.
Why can enlightened people also fall prey to horizontal deceptions?
People who follow great spiritual figures believe that true wisdom on the vertical plane (spiritual development beyond the ego) must also include true knowledge on the horizontal plane (analysis and awareness of what is going on in the world), but this is what is called a category fallacy, a well-known fallacy in logic.
3 categories which must not be conflated:
1.Sensory knowledge is methodologically empirical-analytical and the field of interest is of a technical nature.
2. Mindful knowledge is hermeneutic-phenomenological, rational and historical, and the interest is of practical and moral observance.
(these 2 'horizontal' faculties are used by every human being, which require thinking, the analytical and mental (thinking, language) – whether one is spiritual or not – to see through the global Corona deception, for example, or to learn to drive a car, fix the heat pump or engineering or analysis of history. One uses the mind here.
Historical consciousness is also found here, including concocted big lies by the victors who write history. Belief in false history as truth is thus corresponding to horizontal sleep, horizontal illiteracy, educational damage, parroting the curriculum, etc. If you see through the falseness of the horizontal narratives, you are horizontally awake.
The third category is beyond the ego, the 'vertical', beyond the linguistic and mental:
3. Spirituality. When the mind works with the spiritual domain it is methodologically dialectical-paradoxical and the interest is universalistic and teleological. Here you work with what transcends the ego and the mental mind.
(Ref: Jürgen Habermas, Ken Wilber, Kristian Dalgas, et al)
Mixing the 3 categories together results in category errors (and conceptual confusion).
You cannot learn a new language, survival skills or engineering via meditation as these presuppose the intellect and the area of reason, the modus operandi of the dual mind, the mental. One cannot build a skyscraper through meditative non-duality, which is the post-mental, the post-linguistic ego-transcendent domain. Conversely, one cannot reach the non-dual dimension analytically since the spiritual is a different domain from the analytical.
You can’t learn that there are harmful insects in some foods, or about the harmfulness of vaccines by practicing mindfulness meditation (which is no-mind) or therapy.
Thus, you cannot - vertically - solve horizontal problems and vice versa
Ergo, both types - both spiritual and so-called non-spiritual people - can fall into the trap as 'useful idiots' for the Big Lie and manipulations by government, mass media - or the transhumanist totalitarianism that lies behind the global Corona deception, as well as the dangerous vaccines, demands for totalitarian vaccine passports, useless and harmful masks, consent to the destruction of businesses, etc.
The distinction lies therefore NOT in non-spiritual VS spiritual or 'open heart' or 'closed heart' in terms of seeing through the Corona deception, 9/11, etc. (although spiritual people's compassion sort of explicitly commit themselves to actions that aren’t harmful, whereas egotists are easier to understand as they are indifferent).
Just the fact that highly narcissistic people without much empathy can see through the Corona hoax or 9/11 shows that the causal factor for horizontal awakening is not open VS closed heart. For the same reason, there are both spiritual AND so-called non-spiritual people who do NOT see through the vaccine and Corona deception - and on the other hand, there are also spiritual as well as non-spiritual people who CAN see through the vaccine and Corona deception.
Transcendence of the ego initially involves disidentification with the personality's anchoring in thoughts and emotions, changing the subject-object point of view, etc., but meditation and non-duality do not provide insight into the various specifics of the horizontal world. Intuition can know if something is true, but you cannot, for example, meditate in order to learn the specific traffic rules, and believing this will surely cause traffic accidents.
Thought itself is also conditioned by biography and socialization. The enlightened consciousness is disidentified with the ego, emotions and thinking (although it makes use of it), but the horizontal mainstream worldview and traditional (or indoctrinated) thinking about the world that the ego learned in education and from the media can continue to operate likewise AFTER the ego is transcended. Thus the horizontal worldview imposed by the authorities and the media can remain intact. This again explains why one can continue with horizontal sleep even though one is vertically awake.
'The uprooting of the ego-identity in enlightenment does not terminate the processes of attention: it merely ends the anchorage of attention to ego.' ‘The uprooting of the ego-identity in enlightenment does not terminate the processes of attention: it merely ends the anchorage of attention to ego.’
In a larger context: When society's supporting institutions are murderous without most people realizing it – i.e. power renders its own mischief and normalizes psychopathy – meditation and therapy itself can (and will) be used as symptomatic treatment and adaptation to psychopathy (social insanity) if one believes that meditation is sufficient. It is not, as mindfulness (the first step) is simply the ability to rest quietly in 'what is'. It is the job of discernment to know whether 'what is' is causing suffering or not, not mindfulness.
( if your knee risks injury by sitting in a position that can make you disabled, then you do not use the meditation on a course to accept this dangerous position, but change your position - this ability is not mindfulness in itself, but the discernment that mindfulness is inserted in, in an ethically correct view of life. It is also ironic that sodiumfluoride fx. in toothpaste, which tends to calcify the area around the pineal gland, is something that many meditation practitioners continue to brush their teeth with).
Some will object that spiritual enlightenment with a big heart should give a magnificent intuitive insight which can see through lies and truth within the first 2 domains, categories, but as shown above, reality does not function like that. 'Vertically enlightened' is not the same as 'horizontally enlightened'.
There are exceptionally clairvoyant people who are not spiritual, because spirituality has nothing to do with clairvoyance per se, as clairvoyance is merely an ability, siddhi ability, which both spiritual and non-spiritual people can open up to.
In addition, there is another problem with clairvoyance, in that there are many, many different intuitive abilities, clairvoyance and siddhis. Jes Bertelsen and others are e.g. exceptional aura readers and meditators, can see into past lives, see if a woman is pregnant, etc. - but the shocking thing is that many do not necessarily possess the technical types of clairvoyance that apparently enable some people to see through the greatest events in world history, totalitarian deceptions (or instantly know whether something is true or false).
Why do many spiritual leaders and people demand vaccine passports, masks and distancing, and believe the memes of the power elite about the pandemic, vaccines, about climate, etc? Footnote [1] and the concept of horizontal and vertical provide an (incomplete) explanation…..
Jes Bertelsen, for example, voted in favor of EU, eve though it is an undemocratic totalitarian monster (recently declassified documents fx. also show that the EU was created primarily by the CIA and Bilderberg, just as the World Economic Forum's organization is almost identical to the CIA's organizational structure)
Most people use the mind to see through falsehoods in the physical relative world, although intuition can help, so to argue that one can simply use a special technical clairvoyance – or remote viewing and what-not-exotic faculty – to see through falsehoods such as the Corona hoax, so thinking becomes redundant, is beyond reality. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of it, nor is it necessary to see through the Corona deception - intellect and knowledge are more than sufficient in this regard, although intuition can point to the solution.
I would then say that some people can actually see through the Corona deception intuitively, in a non-specific way under certain successful conditions, but the successful conditions of perception, stand in the uncertain as unknown factors. The 50 clairvoyant practitioners had the opportunity to work with vaccinated people whom they knew before receiving the vaccine. They had a clear basis for comparison with clients before and after. Whether the clairvoyant therapists were horizontally awake beforehand is also uncertain, and this has an impact on the functioning of intuition.
And intuition cannot convince others verbally, as it presupposes analysis and linguistic rationality (and this is often not even enough for most authoritarian Corona believers).
Mass Hypnosis through error in logical typing
Without an extraordinary intuition of some kind, an ignorant authority-believing person will only have thought/analysis as a tool to work with as a counterbalance to the mass psychosis and brainwashing, which requires looking at alternative info. The logic must be stronger than the contrived wishful thinking ('Corona is deadly' - 'vaccines save life', etc.) and trump the cognitive dissonance (anxiety that the world view is threatened) in the end.
But many people do this instead - my old maxim ad infinitum: You see what you are told because of the conditioning (education, socialization, etc.) - of what you focus on, and therefore; what one can mentally see and cannot see, what one accepts and denies, etc. As a tendency (or in general) one accepts what is in accordance with the schooling, the conditioning, the map, and filters out – consciously or unconsciously – what is not on the map. You confuse the map with the landscape – what cognitive theorist Gregory Bateson called error in logical typing.
‘One of the most important achievements of Western philosophy of science is the recognition that scientific theories are nothing but conceptual models organizing the data about reality available at the time. They are only useful approximations to reality and should not be mistaken for a correct description of reality itself. The relationship between theory and the reality which it describes is that of map and territory in Korzybski's sense (1933); to confuse the two represents a violation of scientific thinking - a serious error in what is called logical typing. Gregory Bateson, the famous American anthropologist and generalist, used to say that a person committing logical errors of this kind may one day eat the menu instead of the meal.'
- Stan Grof
This is also the explanation why most people react with disbelief and discomfort when confronted with new information that is incompatible with what they 'know' (cognitive dissonance) - the result of the conditioning itself - and the resulting emotionally reactive negative reactions when the cognitive dissonance presents itself, and therefore most often immediate counter-attempts to invalidate the new information through rationalization, defense of an invalid worldview – and therefore errors in logical typing; confusing the map (what you 'know') with the landscape. For 'conspiracy theorists' - AKA individualists who see through the Emperor's Corona clothes - the process is reversed, observing the anomalies - not the norms - and moving on from there. They end up revising the map based on new observations out in the countryside while normies do the opposite; they edit the landscape to preserve the incorrect map imposed by their polluted perception via the echo effect of others created by a power elite invisible to them.
The solution, paradigm shift and Rudolf Steiner on the future
'The first thing we do is open our minds, start taking back responsibility and removing the edifice of control and suppression of information, which will allow the full flow of knowledge about who we are to come back into the public arena... When people recognize , who they really are and the nature of life, then we can enter phase two, which is the incredible shift in consciousness that will happen, and which is happening to many people already, but it can happen to everyone if we open up to the knowledge of what is going on - and to do this, the oppression must end. And what I see so often in what we call the New Age movement is that they focus on the second part [the shift in consciousness] and they are in denial about the first part [the control and oppression, conspiracies against humanity, etc.]. And the second part isn't going to happen to many people, unless we remove the oppression first because most people will think 'what the hell is going on there' and they will go through this great change in a complete fog of what is happening. Two things to do here. One is to start focusing on how the world is controlled, identify it and remove it. Then we can concentrate unhindered on the spiritual change that is unfolding'
- David Icke, 2009)
( whether Icke should prove to be controlled opposition is not relevant to the truth value of the quote above, since it is logic itself that supports the statement).
What is missing is the knowledge that is actively suppressed, is made conscious, i.e. all that the mainstream media does not bring.
The very awareness that the power elite has fabricated false power paradigms is part of the paradigm shift and innovation, and the end of the old false power paradigm.
There is both a gigantic horizontal and vertical awakening taking place, which will lead to a paradigm shift sooner or later.
Steiner could see the deception of the future as well as the deception of his own time about many historical things, and explicitly warned about vaccines, but he was also an Akashic seer of very rare caliber, thus an exception. Steiner warned about the effect of vaccines on cutting the individual off from the spiritual [2]
We find resonance that the following types of people must characterize both the vertically and horizontally awake, the 'conspiritual':
'Rudolf Steiner prophesied that leaders of the spiritually aware will join together to form the most widespread and determined underground movement against the distortion of spiritual values represented by the New World Order. The members of the underground will be those people from all walks of life who have entered a path of spiritual self-discovery, uniting the rational mind and the new spiritual faculties to reveal the presence of the spiritual world; people who have begun to reveal the meaning of their personal destiny and accept with love the service of the individual human spirit in the service of the true goal of humanity..... Steiner claimed that Ahriman will do everything in his power to advance this moment as much he can. It will depend on all mankind together, whether evil will succeed in this or not. Whether it will succeed in this will depend on whether there will be enough people to see through its designs’
- 'The Mark of the Beast: The Continuing Story of the Spear of Destiny', Trevor Ravenscroft, Tim Wallace-Murphy, 1989
'Again and again when confronted with the many grave problems with which humanity has struggled since the First World War and still faced, the almost despairing question is often asked, even in anthroposophical circles: 'What can I do? What can the individual do about the machinations of these secret groups, if they actually exist? It is far too much for individuals'. Rudolf Steiner's answer in these lectures is bold and clear:
The only defense against these things is to know about them. If you know about them, you are protected ... But you must not be idle in acquiring real knowledge of these things.
- Foreword to Secret Brotherhoods by Rudolf Steiner.
As long as the diabolical modus operandi of the Darth Vader Empire' is unchallenged by our apathy or denial, it will march on unabatedly and the world will not be truly free. The fact that people work, meditate, dance, make love, etc. is great, but a truism that hardly is the point, since the murderous modus operandi of the 'Darth Vader Empire' and activities of elite-psychopaths aren't being challenged directly by dance, joy of living, meditation, etc. (perhaps indirectly to a certain extent through morphic resonance and similar effects ). They are being challenged by awareness, knowledge and subsequent action (it wasn't meditation that challenged and weakened Monsanto the last 6-10 years, but focus, vigilant activism based on research, morality and discernment. They are still a very powerful entity whose undoing depends upon a greater horizontal political awakening. Just one example of many).
Fake Awakenings
Finally, there is another category where you can have a fake horizontal awakening. You think you are awake, but you are still dreaming or sleeping, just on a new level outside the mainstream bubble. In other words, you are still horizontally asleep, even though in your self-image and in a certain sense, you are one degree more awake than the mainstream person. This is also connected with the power elite attacking and infiltrating the more awake people with psychological operations.
In the movie The Matrix, one of the unspoken secrets is that the 'real world' outside The Matrix was also a simulation, another layer created by the Architect to keep track of escapees so that the rebels thought they had escaped - but the idea was to maintain the power structure with limited hangouts to avoid real escape from The Matrix.
'Zion is simply allowed to exist, is it possible that its existence is part of a predetermined script? Although Zion has always been associated with the last hope for humanity, is it really another prison for people who have taken the red pill and think they have escaped the simulation?’ - source
A false layer was constructed, a false awakening, a limited awakening, which was mistaken for a real one...exactly as planned (a trace and red flag are, among other things, that the rebels’ stronghold and bastion of 'freedom' in The Matrix is called 'Zion', wink wink). There are technical things about The Matrix that 100% also that show that the second layer, the real world, was a Fake Awakening, not a real awakening. See:
Related to the same principle in another context. False Awakenings in Lucid Dreamers
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[1]Loose lofty notes about the reasons for highly developed spiritual people supporting deadly vaccines, for example. Especially such leading examples as the Dalai Lama that have caused many of their millions of readers/followers jumping the wagon with the worst and most damaging lie ever. That many of them are spiritual makes the irony and darkness thick with the eerie black irony of fate.
There must be concrete cognitive reasons that some non-spiritual and spiritual people can see through the Corona deception, while other non-spiritual and spiritual people cannot.
One thing is the lack of access to alternative critical info about Corona, which many people do not read (which is also connected to indoctrination, censorship and shaming by the power elite) - another thing is that many of those who are presented with alternative explanations still reject alternative explanations for Corona that expose it as a clear giant hoax, perhaps the biggest so far in human history.
Many continue to subscribe to the official lie - whether they are spiritually inclined or not. Ergo, the reason for the disposition, any fatal belief in the authorities - the Corona deception, etc. - does NOT lie in the vertical spiritual spectrum. Thus, the reason for the lack of insight into the Corona fraud must lie elsewhere.
It is possible that the belief in authority has its cause in a model similar to the Wilber-Combs grid, although the cause is not to be found in the WB model, but in a similar counterpart.
The Wilber-Combs grid points out that mystical experiences or so-called peak experiences can occur at any stage, giving at least 28 dispositions. The idea behind the arrangement is that the same states are interpreted differently according to the developmental center of gravity of the person having the experience:
The twenty-eight points of intersection show as many types of mystical experiences.
The idea behind the arrangement is that the same states/spiritual experiences are interpreted differently according to the developmental center of gravity of the person having the experience.
(Gross stands for gross, the experience of oneness with the sensible world, also called the lower subtle). (
In the subtle state area, also called deity, the typical feature is thus the experience of the encounter with the divine. A Buddhist typically sees Buddha, a Christian Jesus, a Hindu sees Ganesh or another Hindu deity, and so on.
This is confirmed by an article about Persinger's so-called God machine, in which it is said that when the brain is stimulated with a certain electrical impulse, "Christians experience God, Muslims Allah and atheists the presence of a superhuman 'force'". Thus, a person with developmental emphasis in an archaic worldview/culture will typically interpret a mystical experience at the subtle level as a spirit with magical powers to protect the person or the clan. Magical worldview will similarly experience a powerful deity who can help the person in question take what he wants. Mythically, it experiences the God whose message is law that must be followed to the letter otherwise... Rational will be able to experience a superhuman power or a deistic all-loving God. Pluralistic will typically interpret the experience into a new age or relativistic framework of understanding, while integral will interpret it in the context of other understandings of the divine (from a danish source).
In the same way as the Wilber-Combs Grid provides a possible explanation for very different interpretations of spiritual, i.e. vertical experiences, there must be a model that can explain why both spiritual and non-spiritual people ONLY interpret horizontal experiences (conclusions about the physical world) as they are told by the authorities and the media! Why are some people blind and obedient to the oppression and the Corona deception, while others are not? Robert Kegan's Order of Consciousness is one offer for an explanation.
Robert Kegan's Consciousness Stages - 3rd and 4th Consciousness Order Robert
According to Kegan all people strive to create meaning from the events of their lives, which we can call our "mindset" or "consciousness". The theory is that we construct our reality because we are meaning-making creatures (same as narrative theory; we are all storytellers). What his research discovered is that development continues into adulthood and not just during childhood and adolescence. The narratives Kegan discovered is that there seem to be categories of adult consciousness, which are groupings or clusters of ways in which people explain what they experience.
Furthermore, these categories are not static. People seem to be at different levels and also seem to be traveling along a trajectory (albeit an undulating one) towards increasingly complex ways of making sense of the world. He has mapped a dynamic movement that develops throughout our lifespan, revealing how the self transforms throughout life.
Definition of the 3rd order of consciousness:
Robert Kegan: "This 3rd order of consciousness enables one to grow up in a traditional world, that is, a kind of homogeneous definition of how I should live - which is a characteristic of traditionalism - the 3rd order of consciousness will be sufficient for me to function as a successful adult within such a society. It is; my notions of how I should function as an adult or male adult or female adult or whatever will continually be represented in a fairly seamless or fairly monotonous representation of what I see other men and women and adults doing.”
ChaosNavigator: “You basically mirror the surroundings.. ”
Robert Kegan: “Yes, but I mirror it and in a certain way I have become them and I am identified with them and it feels like me. In other words; I don't feel like I'm mirroring, I don't feel like I'm copying, I don't feel like I don't have a mind of my own, and I do what others tell me to do. I feel that these are my own choices and that I have my own mind. But the nature of the mind is one that is shaped by these surrounding values.”
ChaosNavigator: “Conditioning”?
Robert Kegan: Yes, you can call it a form of conditioning
ChaosNavigator: Being trapped in 'The Matrix'?
Robert Kegan: Yes, being trapped in 'The Matrix'. Being vulnerable to groupthink…We call the third order the socialized mind because the mind is no longer a free agent running its own game, it has become a member of the tribe. In a modern world we may have to develop an even more complex order of consciousness'
– interview with Robert Kegan, Harvard University, 2008
About the 3rd order of consciousness: 'Somewhere you are constantly on guard against and afraid that others or you yourself will lose esteem and self-esteem in relation to the group. Your shyness of conflict will therefore take up a lot of space in you... The reason is not really that you lack courage or strength. Imagine instead that your consciousness is a physical space where 95% of your consciousness is allocated to being able to register what other people think, feel and think, what other people have of attitudes, what others think about you, and about others like you. On the other hand, the last 5% of your consciousness is dedicated to what you think. This causes an imbalance in your perception of the world, you become far too good at registering other people's thoughts, feelings and attitudes, and too incompetent at being in touch with your own attitudes, thoughts and opinions.'
– lederne.dk, Development stage 3, The socialized self
Due to this imitation and greater absence of independent thoughts in the 3rd order is the proximate explanation for the fact that the conventional human type - REGARDLESS of whether the person concerned is spiritual or not - cannot take Corona skepticism seriously, as morality and thinking are shaped by the need to fit in with the majority and the dictates of the authorities.
The 4th Order of Consciousness – the self-authoring mind, the self-narrative mind
'Development stage 4 is called the self-authoring self. At this stage of development, you no longer allow yourself to be controlled by the social field and the group. On the contrary, you can now control the social field and the group. At developmental stage 4, it is your identity that controls you. According to Kegan, at this point you have a strong set of values that are truly your values. Now you can observe and empathize with other people, but you can do this from the outside, so that you are not consumed and paralyzed by shyness of conflict - Corona skeptics and protesters, for example. You can say that you now own yourself, instead of different parts of you being owned by the different contexts you are part of. You are no longer a chameleon, you become you. You have taken something with you from your life's journey, a core within you that is constant, even in changing contexts. You can be a member of a group without being absorbed or dependent on it. You have become better at handling conflicts because you are no longer dependent on others to maintain your self-esteem. … That is why, at this stage of development 4, you are described as the author of your own life – the self-authoring self….At stage 4 of development, it is more important for you that you are respected than that you are liked.”
– lederne.dk
People in Robert Kegan's 4th order of consciousness create their values internally, a form of inner guidance. Their cognitive reflection is therefore characterized by being individualistic 'outside the box'.
It must also say something about why the 4th order of consciousness is NOT so cognitively bound by 'error in logical typing', i.e. to rationalize the landscape and confuse it with the map imposed by power.
Kegan estimates that only approx. 20% of adults in the population reach this stage (the 4th order).
It is in the logical nature of the matter, almost a banal observation, that the people who are predisposed to doubt the official Corona narrative at all, are NOT to be found to the same extent in the 3rd order of consciousness - and that in the logical nature of the things this also means , that there must be more people from the 4th order of consciousness (compared to the 3rd order) who doubt the official Corona narrative and vaccines, even though they are a minority. All this may sound tendentious or like a form of 'cognitive racism' or ditch digging, but all else being equal, the difference IS empirically observed over and over again: the Stanley Milgram experiment and Ach-experiments for example. (2/3 approx. were order-followers). NB! The percentage distribution between people matches the 3rd order of consciousness (2/3 approx.)
Loose associations to the 3rd order: The conventional, 'The Socialized Mind,' which can be called the non-self-authoring mind. In existentialism and not least in Jiddu Krishnamurti’s teachings, society is the individual's way of responding, which is the result of all possible cultural influences that are consciously or unconsciously instilled in him/her. There is almost nothing new that he himself has discovered. The thinking is purely mechanical, the reactions are automatic. The individual person lets himself be swallowed up by the social structure he is born into, lets himself be shaped by the accustomed ways of acting, and 'new' actions are just eternal, habitual repetitions.
The term 'individuality' comes from 'indivisible', which means indivisible. Being an individual, an individuality, therefore refers to a state that is indivisible in itself. But human beings are so shaped by many things that do not originate from their own discovery, and therefore there is a split in them. Man must free himself or continue to sleepwalk with robotic steps through his existence from birth to death. The individual must face the fact that he/she is not an indivisible whole, but is a copy that exhibits herd mentality by psychologically having made himself/herself totally dependent on other people's opinions and outlook on life. (masks, vaccines, the corona narrative, for example)
The listener, the reader, the individual, therefore lives inauthentically, is a second-hand product. But at the same time, it is possible that I, as an individual, am able to free myself from any form of addiction. In the existentialist basic attitude, for example, it is the individual himself who must, so to speak, break through from within.
The distinction between living inauthentically or authentically is already found in Søren Kierkegaard as the distinction between experiencing one's anxiety and despair in the right way or lulling oneself into a petty-bourgeois false security. Only by breaking out as one from the tyranny of mass opinion, one has the opportunity to live one's life authentically (Not protesting the lie of the Corona narrative contributes to totalitarianism). In Nietzsche there is a teaching about the strong individual who breaks with the tyranny of the crowd and lives his life out of an inner strength, defying tradition and hypocrisy. Martin Heidegger talks about that it is characterized by the fact that man hides himself in the anonymous average, by being, thinking and relating, as the others do (which seems to characterize the conventional man (Kohlberg) as well as all orders of consciousness prior to Kegan's 4th order of consciousness) One lives as what Heidegger calls "Das Man". But the individual has the opportunity to break out of this decadence.
It is not too much to say that people whose psychology is firmly rooted in Kegan's 3rd order are more dangerous to the common good in times of oppression because of consequence in that they do not perceive oppression so easily.
“But the fact that good, obedient citizens themselves do not perceive oppression does not mean that oppression does not exist. Whether a society is free is determined not by the treatment of its complacent, docile citizens—such people are not attacked by the authorities—but rather by the treatment of its dissidents and its marginalized minorities…..The temptation to submit to authority strengthens authoritarian culture by turning its leading institutions into servants of power rather than keeping power in check. But worse is; it hides the presence of oppression by ensuring that most citizens who choose to follow, trust and obey authority [the Corona narrative for example] do not personally experience oppression and therefore do not believe – refuse to believe – that it really exists”
- 'Film highlights the temptations and perils of blind obedience to authority'
In the quote above by Glenn Greenwald, it is a no-brainer to see that the 2 groups currently can be divided in relation to 'Corona-obedient' VS 'Corona-disobedient'.
The problem is nothing new either, because many philosophers have written about it throughout the ages but the Corona polarization has put the division into extreme clarity.
Repetition: Denmark is known as the voluntary North Korea: "Behavioral researcher at Roskilde University Pelle Guldborg Hansen explains with these words in Weekendavisen that the Danes have been obedient during the corona crisis, and that it has not surprised behavioral researchers."
– 'The voluntary North Korea', Ekstrabldet, 27.06.20 – ‘Det frivillige Nordkorea’, Ekstrabaldet, 27.06.20
As predicted many years ago: Collectivistic thinking is directly dangerous for almost everyone.
To be an executioner of oneself and others, without knowing that one is an executioner – that is the most absurd. By definition, in the consequence of their actions and behaviour, they are often dangerous to others - regardless of whether you think it is emotionally condemning or not, the truth remains! Useful idiot is not only a pejorative term, but descriptive and neutrally true when consistent with the truth.
Perception management, imitation, important collective psychological barriers, comfort zones, herd mentality - that man, collectively and individually, is at the mercy of conditioning and perception management to an uncanny degree, and that he slavishly irrationally imitates/reproduces the environment, is irrefutably verified by Solomon Asch already in the 50s, Stanley Milgram in the 60s (and repeated many times in our time), the Stanford prison experiment in the 70s, and more recently, not least Adam Curtis' award-winning series of BBC documentaries, The Century of the Self The Century of the Self and og The Power of Nightmares, Scott Noble's documentaries, and not least Howard Bloom's supremely masterful article ‛Reality is a Shared Hallucination', to name just a few.
What is most grotesque is that good-hearted people can act cruelly towards others, without perceiving that what they are doing is cruel, on the contrary; in self-perception it is 'decent' or 'normal'!
Make no mistake: It is not the 3rd order that will create a paradigm shift, but the people who find themselves in Kegan's 4th epistemological order (although it is not a guarantee that everyone in the 4th order sees through the deception of the Corona narrative, but the predisposition to see through the collectivist and fatal belief in authority, IS far greater in the 4th order).
The decisive task is that awake people in the 4th order are midwives for an awakening in the 3rd order, as ‘majority democracy’ from the echo effect of the 3rd order poses an enormous danger to the common good under Corona totalitarianism, not least with digital certificates and a cashless control society in the future.
Incidentally, I once found correlation between 4 independent systems/perspectives:
1) Spiral Dynamics (partially wrong but useful in some respects)
2) Paul Ray's Cultrural Creativess
3) Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies 3 logics
4) Jeff Green's 4 evolutionary stages - This is very parallel to Robert Kegan's orders of consciousness.
From https://ildspor.wordpress.com/2020/12/28/corona-menneskehedens-storste-deling-i-to-grupper-tredje-vs-fjerde-bewisnheidsorden/ Fra https://ildspor.wordpress.com/2020/12/28/corona-menneskehedens-storste-deling-i-to-grupper-tredje-vs-fjerde-bevidsthedsorden/
100 years ago, Steiner said: "I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people's souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — 'foolish' here, of course, in the eyes of materialists."
- Rudolf Steiner (GA 177, L13: The Fallen Spirits' Influence in the World)
"The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption... people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination towards spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field "the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the spirits of light."
- Rudolf Steiner
"A longing will arise (and become) general opinion: Whatever is spiritual, whatever is of the spirit, is nonsense, is madness! Endeavors to achieve this will be made by bringing out remedies to be administered by vaccination just as vaccinations have been developed as a protection against diseases, only these vaccines will influence the human body in a way that will make it refuse to give a home to the spiritual inclinations of the soul. People will be vaccinated against the inclination to entertain spiritual ideas. Endeavors in this direction will be made; vaccinations will be tested that already in childhood will make people lose any urge for spiritual life". "A longing will arise (and become) general opinion :Whatever is spiritual, whatever is of the spirit, is nonsense, is madness! Endeavours to achieve this will be made by bringing out remedies to be administered by vaccination just as vaccinations have been developed as a protection against diseases, only these vaccines will influence the human body in a way that will make it refuse to give a home to the spiritual inclinations of the soul. People will be vaccinated against the inclination to entertain spiritual ideas. Endeavours in this direction will be made; vaccinations will be tested that already in childhood will make people lose any urge for spiritual life".
- Rudolf Steiner, Lecture 3, Secret Brotherhoods, 1917
Let's go 100 years into the future:
Anthony Patch 2014: “Let´s talk about people who get flu shots… which is really a manmade disease…Nanotechnology and Nanolayers… you are building a third strand DNA….so that more information can be digitally imported or programmed…you are transferring that, importing into a persons body, through vaccines, because they are afraid of contracting a virus… ' well we couldn´t force people to take this vaccine or this hidden third strand of dna… but if we create the problem and present the solution, people will demand the solution. Thus we achieve the ultimate Goal…what's the purpose. Change everybodys DNA, what do they become, they become a hybrid. The insidious part of this is that, once a person is injected, almost immediately their DNA undergoes transformation, almost immediately they lose all awareness of the fact that they have lost their independence.., to make decision on their own and to affect them on moral level, the moral independence, their beliefs, religious, moral, ethical, legal, all of those go away..if you remove the independent thought and that awareness that you´ve lost your independence is gone, what then do the powers that be do with these new forms of human hybrids, they can control them, they can turn them into Serf Class… a class of slaves to serve the Elite, to serve the Ray Kurzweils [1] of the world who want to achieve Immortality… That they need to have labour to manufacture, develop all of the technologies and they have enough technologies now..
The scientific world, if you will, has reached the level where they don't care about hiding it anymore. Their Agenda is so far advanced, both, politically, philosophically, their sense of morals and technologically.. an opinion serf class, they are not worried about what we think, they are not worried about us rebelling and in fact we won´t rebel , partly because we are so dumbed down, to a variety of mechanism… Now they can do what they want with us.. They are achieving what I call the Hive Mentality, like a Bee ive.. Working Bees, Soldier Bees, serving the Queen... and it´s not the politicians... forget the politicians... This has nothing to do with political structure or classes. It has to do with a small group of people who are in control and have been in control since ancient times. "The scientific world, if you will, has reached the level where they don´t care about to hide it anymore. Their Agenda is so far advanced, both, politically, philosophically, their sense of morals and technologically.. an opinion serf class, they are not worried about what we think, they are not worried about us rebelling and in fact we won´t rebel, partly because we are so dumbed down, to a variety of mechanism… Now they can do what they want with us.. They are achieving what I call the Hive Mentality, like a Bee ive..Working Bees, Soldier Bees, serving the Queen… and it´s not the politicians…forget the politicians… This has nothing to do with political structure or classes. It has to do with a small group of people who are in control and have been in control since ancient times. "
- (Anthony Patch)(3rd Strand DNA)(Covert Catastrophe)” 2014