Joe Rogan Missed Out: Osho Killed By The Deep State: The Whole Truth About Wild Wild Country
The Vatican, Ronald Reagan, the CIA, the FBI, and 15 other government agencies involved
Joe Rogan on Wild Wild Country - VIDEO clip
Wild Wild Country is in 6 parts and premiered on March 16, 2018 on Netflix. It is about the Guru, Osho AKA Bhagwan Rajneesh, more precisely; the circumstances surrounding him. Wildest MUST-see documentary ever.
Translated repost from a Danish article from 2018:
There are many many things to say about the documentary, e.g. the unimaginable feat of building an anarchistic self-sufficient city in no time in the desert, one feat out of many unimaginable things in Wild Wild Country, but let’s limit ourselves with the following unknown Deep State analysis which the documentary does NOT depict because mainstream is - as you know - always lamestream.
Despite Wild Wild Country being a phenomenal documentary, its omissions are nonetheless destroying the full truth about Osho. The story is much much wilder! Based on several sources, i.e. extremely thorough work by Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein, and especially Max Brecher's shocking Passage to America and +300 interviewees, et al., there is a Deep State political Rabbit Hole that goes much deeper than depicted in Wild Wild Country.
One must therefore include these beyond insanity bullet points and what Joe Rogan (and everyone else) missed out on:
Rajneesh/Osho was perceived as extremely dangerous by powerful groups who were responsible for an international Deep State conspiracy against him. Bold claim? Read on! The convenient pretexts - which Sheela with her insane actions gave the authorities - functioned as a perfect alibi for a deeper agenda; namely to remove Rajneesh from the US.
Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) , the Vatican, President Ronald Reagan, the CIA, the FBI, and 15 other government agencies were involved , possibly Zbigniew Brzezinski . Osho was - despite his faults - clearly perceived as a major threat to the Vatican, Oregon, and the US-Christian elitist-political network with direct contact to Reagan, and US agencies were put on the case big time.
The local authorities in Oregon were surprised that a parallel level existed BEFORE Rajneeshpuram. The White House and actors at the highest level were very vigilant about Rajneesh before he was on his way to the US (see Alexander Haig's cable exchange with Bombay below).
Osho was denied entry in +20 countries. These countries were either pressured or threatened by the US AFTER he was expelled by the US.
Europe did not want him, citing his mannerisms and speech, not least the episode in the US.
Uruguay was especially threatened by the United States because it granted Rajneesh permanent residency. The Uruguayan President Sanguinetti later admitted that Uruguay was threatened with immediate demand for repayment of a 6 billion dollars loan (equivalent to at least +20 billion today), and furthermore threatened with a total stop of loans afterwards, if they gave Osho a permit in Punta del Este in Uruguay. Sanguinetti asked why!? The ambassador read from a CIA report: ‘Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh is a highly intelligent man. He is very dangerous. He is an anarchist. He has the power to change men's minds.’ (Passage to America).
Rajneesh's flight was closely followed, he was only given an emergency stay, and an order of deportation or ultimatum to leave immediately, every single time he landed in a country, often stayed on the plane, etc. He ended up in a kind of internal exile in India.
Some disciples in Oregon launched terrorist actions, a bio-terrorist operation (the largest in US history, where about 700 were poisoned), but whether this was a state black op/false flag operation is unknown (one only has to think of Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc.), assassination attempts and threats against officials, etc.
It was admitted by the prosecutor or the governor that the case against Osho was a political case camouflaged as a legal case.
American military fighter planes - i.a. F-16 - were put on the wings and harassed Rajneeshpuram in Oregon over several years, often with very low overflights - down to less than 30 yards above the city. Buildings were, among other things, used as simulated targets for bombing missions. In addition, there was surveillance from the air, etc.
(see page 183 of Passage to America - an extremely thorough documentary book , (PDF), about Rajneeshpuram and Rajneesh, which was already blocked in 1989 and rejected by 20-30 Western book publishers - and first published in 1993 by an Indian publisher without any mention in the west!All the mainstream media in the US failed to mention that the photos of the armed sanyasins (disciples) were employees of a US government sanctioned police force, all of whom were trained under the State Police Academy in the US.
Max Brecher interviews two mercenaries who claim they were offered money by the CIA to kill Rajneesh, but turned down the offer when they heard Rajneeshpuram was armed to the teeth.
'In his book Passage to America, Max Brecher interviews two soldiers-for-hire who allege that they were offered money for killing Rajneesh. In both instances, the individuals were sure that the CIA was ultimately behind the payment offers. John Wayne Hearn, now serving three life sentences for three gruesome murders for hire, admits to working for the CIA on several covert operations, including running guns to Nicaragua and assisting in a plot to overthrow the government of French Guyana. Hearn claims to have been offered a significant amount of money to blow-up several trailers at Rajneehpuram in an attempt to scare the sannyasins. The second man Don Stewart recorded his conversations with his contact who went by the name Wolfgang. In these conversations, Wolfgang specifically mentions government agencies targeting Rajneesh.Wolfgang's plan was to assassinate the Bhagwan during one of his daily drives. Once a day Rajneesh would drive his car along a commune road and sannyasins would line up to watch their guru drive by. For Wolfgang, and presumably his backers, the killing of a couple of hundred devotees was more than acceptable if Rajneesh was taken out. It is ironic that in both these instances, the soldiers turned down the victim due to the rumors they had heard about the commune being an armed camp. The prospect of being trapped by a couple of thousand armed zealots proved an unacceptable risk.
- source
See also Passage to America, page 219
It took the state authorities over 12 days to transport him from the east coast to Oregon, with many pit stops in prisons along the way, a very, very unusual procedure that should have taken 6 hours by plane!
There are indications that Osho was slowly murdered with radioactivity and/or poisoned by The Deep State while in custody in the Oklahoma County Jail (and possibly other prisons). Reportedly, it was also the only stay in the endless series of transports to prisons where Osho was registered under the name, 'David Washington', supposedly someone granted him VIP anonymity for the purpose (as opposed to their usual practice where an anonymous prisoner gets the general designation 'John Doe')
Max Brecher's book, Passage to America (PDF) is a gold mine of documentative thoroughness if you want to get the whole story but the directors of Wild Wild Country ignored this explosive information, probably deliberately.
It was one of the most toxic clusterfuck operations involving state and inter-state shadow actors. A little-known but encyclopedic rabbit hole that is still unclear to many - Max Brecher's book compensates for this. In virtually all countries, incl. India, there were disproportionate and explosive incidents, threats, sabotage, etc. against Osho and his followers in the most virulent manner. I am not a Sanyassin, nor an Osho follower, but truth be told, despite Osho's, Rajneeshpuram's and the Sanyassins' own clusterfucks and pitfalls. Notice the names in the following extract, which many people know today. The following is derived from Carl Bernstein and Max Brecher and their +300 interviewees
"Reagan soon found himself surrounded in The white House with ...William Casey as head of CIA, Zbigniew Brzezinski as national security adviser, Secretary of State Alexander Haig , Vernon Walters, deputy director of CIA, and quite a few others. .. The alliance between Washington and the Vatican was initiated by Brzezinski ... Already in the Spring of 1981 the Reagan administration began an intelligence shuttle at the highest level with the pope, ... This alliance and 'geostrategic dialogue' between Reagan and Pius II, with CIA.......
The primary sources of the book are Bernstein's and Politi's interviews with more than three hundred key-persons - in the US and in the Vatican- conducted mainly between 1993 and 1996. What is revealed in these pages is by all means one of the most profound and consequential tales of our time... .it's hard to miss evident facts of a White House initiative to get rid of a ' persona non grata' visitor to the US And maybe the operation was going even further.
When Osho - before 1989 known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh - entered the US in the summer of 1981 it was by all means not the beginning of his work as an enlightened master, but rather an extension of his work from the Eastern to the Western hemisphere. Born in India in 1931, Osho soon demonstrated an independent spirit, and following his experience of enlightenment at the age of 21 he started to address audiences and speak on hot topics within spirituality and sexuality. His ashram in Poona was soon to become a beehive of talented seekers and therapists from the West, pouring their energies into the work of their master and turning Poona into a spiritual growth center of unique quality on a global level in the 1970's.. ..
Prior to the departure for the US, one early Monday morning on June 1st with Pan Am's New York bound flight 001, the American Bombay Consulate was approached with a visa application. Three days earlier during the handling of the application, a cable was sent May 29 am Bombay time to the Consulate from Alexander Haig, first secretary of state. It said in plain words that 'THERE IS HIGH LEVEL INTEREST IN THIS CASE'.
And so it seemed, still more evident in the following years, that the harassment by the Reagan administration against Osho's land estate in the mountains of Oregon were actions that fitted overwhelmingly smoothly into the overall framework of the strategic alliance with the Vatican. To celebrate 'The Year of the Bible' relations with the Vatican were formalized as from January 10th 1984, and soon the CIA also found themselves engaged in the out phasing of anti-papal 'liberation theology' in Latin America.
Being a long time entry on the Vatican's list of forbidden authors - Index Librorum Prohibitorum - Osho and his criticism of the papal institution was causing constant anxiety in the leading circles of the Roman-Catholic church.
Among the sixty interview persons approached by Brecherduring his 1989 fact-finding-research, cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , Head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the second most powerful man in the Vatican, revealed that he would only consider the matter if all questions were submitted to him in writing months in advance. According to information from someone 'very close' to Ratzinger, he 'is known to have operated behind the scenes in the expulsion of Rajneesh from America'.
It is beyond doubt that Ratzinger got the creeps when 'oriental godmen' were threatening the church and seducing the followers away from Christ.
.....The whereabouts of Osho kept quite a few officials occupied in US Government, and applying for a 'green card' for residency it was once again confirmed by USState Department in a confidential telegram to the American Consulate in Bombay on November 24th 1981, that 'THERE IS BOTH CONGRESSIONAL AND WHITE HOUSE INTEREST IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE GURU AND HIS ASHRAM'.......To coordinate the legal approach to these questions communication lines were glowing between agencies like Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS ), FBI, CIA and DEA. Considering the 1985 prosecution of Osho for violating immigration laws and marriage fraud, it is admitted in an interview by US Attorney in Portland, Oregon, Charles Turner, that 'we were trying to use the criminal process to solve what was really a political problem'.
During 1985 when the pressure for expulsion of Osho from US was rapidly growing, there were telephone conference calls of up to an hour or more participated in by the attorney General Frohmeyer, the governor of Oregon, the head of the state police, the head of the FBI and Charles Turner. Twice a day. According to Frohmeyer, it was 'the longest single criminal investigation ever mounted in the state of Oregon'. To solve a political and religious matter between the US administration and the interests of the Vatican. ...Instead the opportunity turned up when Osho left the Ranch onboard a Lear jet on Sunday at 5.30 pm October 27th 1985. In the airport of Charlotte, North Carolina, Osho and his fellow travelers were met by armed guards and arrested without any arrest warrant.
An official arrest warrant was only presented three days later in the federal court in Charlotte. It was not signed, it was not completely filled out, and it was later not to be found in the federal court records , either in Charlotte or in Portland, Oregon.
The process was definitely not to take place in Oregon at once. The signals from the federal government were loud and clear: "Hell, no!. We move to detain him. We're not interested in talking about shipping him anywhere. Period!". Still it was and became an Oregon state matter and many, including media, were surprised that the federal government as an entity was involved to a great extent.....A medium-strength radioactive source is suspected to have been hidden inside the mattress, to destroy his mental abilities, faculties of speech and his immune system. [1]
In the morning of the 5th the filthy mattress was changed and for breakfast he was served two slices of bread soaked in a tasteless odorless sauce. Immediately after eating Osho felt nauseous, and later his doctors expected him to have also taken in thallium, a heavy metal used in rat poison. They also believe he was heavily sedated, in fact he didn't remember much of what had happened on November 5th. The same afternoon - mass media were following the trail - Osho was secretly taken to El Reno, a 30-minute drive away. The trip took two hours.
...On his following World Tour to followers in four continents the message from the US was heard loud and clear all the way. Whenever his jet had landed, it was soon followed by another jet carrying two US officials with a handcuffed black hard case. It contained official dossiers and press clippings exposing Osho as a hard-lined criminal any country had best get rid of. The sooner the better.
In Europe Italy, Germany, England, Holland, Switzerland and Greece were officially closed to him; also in Arlanda Airport in Stockholm armed police rejected his entry to Sweden.
While Osho was settling for a while in Punta del Este outside of Montevideo, Uruguay, a motion was introduced into the political committee of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. The motion, which was introduced by twelve leading members of the Parliament's second-most influential party, the right-wing Christian Democrats, called on ministers "meeting in the framework of European political cooperation to do their utmost to ensure that the Bhagwan Leader is no longer allowed to settle in any Community Member State", an it further expected all member states "to take measures provided for in their legal systems to prevent his [Osho] residence on their territory". Any way the resolution died in committee, but at that time the above mentioned countries had already on their own, or so it might seem for an out tender, taken steps never to allow Osho within their borders. For entering these countries his speeches, his manners and - not the least - the US influence together gave the rationale for the exclusion.
At the very time in April 1986 when the Uruguayan government was getting ready to announce the granting of permanent residency for Osho, President Sanguinetti was called by the American Ambassador Malcolm Wilkey. Conditions for an Uruguayan state loan on $ 6 billion was to be tightened up if the residency permit was forwarded. Answering his "But, why?" the President was read from a CIA report by the ambassador: "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh is a highly intelligent man. He is very dangerous. He is an anarchist. He has the power to change men's minds." By June 19th Osho was invited to leave Uruguay, and after stopovers on Jamaica and in Portugal Osho finally reached New Delhi on July 30th 1986...
....... As mentioned based on a research method familiar with Bernstein's story on the ties between the pope and the Reagan administration. During the year 1989 primary research material was procured by interviewing sixty informants, among them most officials involved in the case. Needles to say some key-persons - nine - refused to participate. But that did not impede the unveiling of a high level conspiracy, orchestrated in tuned harmony with the most sincere interests of the Roman-Catholic Church....The book was finished already in 1989 but for certain reasons 20-30 publishing companies mainly in the West were approached without result.In India Motilal Banarsidass Publishers accepted the manuscript for publishing in 1991 but later happened to cancel the agreement. Somehow corresponding with the Indian government's actual efforts to rebuild goodwill with the US at that time. The launching of the book by Book Quest Publishers in Bombay 1993 for certain reasons did not trigger off any reviews in the Western press . In an interview in Poona, India, on August 30th 1996, Max Brecher was summing up the stunning result of his fact-finding research: "With a certainty on 98% Edwin Meese - and with him Reagan - was involved as promoter of the operation . But all clues were blocked at the level right below him in the administration."
- His Holiness. John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time. By Carl Bernstein & Marco Politi. New York, Doubleday, 1996. 582 pages. * A Passage to America. By Max Brecher. Bombay, Book Quest Publ.,1993. 407 pages.
[1] "Rajneesh and his doctors later suspected that there was a medium strength radioactive source inside the mattress. 1065 Kristian Dahl-Madsen, a Danish sannyasin and nuclear engineering expert with an MS degree from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, described for me how radioactivity works. "A normally sensitive person can feel if he is being given a substantial dose of induced radioactivity. However, this sensitivity can be avoided by either creating a stressful situation or by making sure that the subject is cold and, therefore, insensitive. This could explain why Osho was not given a blank in November. He would not receive a pillow because they would want to get his head as close as possible to the source of radiation. Apparently, they wanted to destroy his mental abilities, he couldn’t remember much of what happened during the rest of the day, they also believe he was heavily sedated. At around 3:46 pm on Tuesday, November 5, Rajneesh signed out of the Oklahoma County Jail. There is a radical difference between that signature and the one from the night before. He had obviously been severely traumatized. The same afternoon he was secretly taken to El Reno Federal Penitentiary. A 30 minute drive, the trip took two hours. 1067"
- Passage to America , pages 360-361
See also:
Who Killed Osho?: An Interview with Author Abhay Vaidya
'No society wants you to become wise: it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them. They will like to live in freedom. Freedom comes with wisdom, intrinsically. They are inseparable, and no society wants people to be free. The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian — no society — would like people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous — dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to the people who are in power, dangerous to the 'haves'; dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation, suppression; dangerous to the churches, dangerous to the states, dangerous to the nations. In fact, a wise man is afire, alive, aflame. But he cannot sell his life, he cannot serve them. He would rather die than be enslaved.
Death will not matter much to him, but he cannot sell his life to all kinds of stupidities, to all kinds of stupid people. He cannot serve them. Hence, the societies down the ages have been supplying you with false knowing. That's the very function of your schools, colleges, universities. They don't serve YOU, remember, they serve the past, they serve the vested interests. Of course, they go on puffing your ego up bigger and bigger, they go on giving you more and more degrees. Your name becomes longer and longer, but only the name -- you go on becoming shorter and shorter. A point comes where there are only certificates and the man has disappeared. First the man carries the certificates, then the certificates carry the man. The man is long dead.'
~ Osho
Some more fragments:
I have researched on this subject for over 22 years now and I have interviewed a lot of current and former disciples, visitors and friends on this subject. I have been 8 times in his commune in India, now called Osho meditation resort. So, I consider myself an expert on this theme: Osho's life and work. .....Many people were expelled from the commune in Oregon and big international and prosperous communes like Medina in England and Sushila's in Australia, were closed down because they were too successful and independent from Sheela's regime. Osho knew nothing about it (we must remember he was not speaking in public or having personal contact with his disciples) and to all of them it was said that it was Osho's order. Sheela's fascist style developed over time as a response to the intense antagonism that the commune created around them.
There were 17 state agencies trying to get them out of there; the sign announcing the nearby commune was used as a shooting target by the local resident of the area; the hotel they bought in Portland was bombed, and even there is convincing evidence that the CIA hired someone to kill Osho. All this has been documented in the books "Passage to America" by Max Brecher and, "The way of the heart" By Judith Thompson, and "rajneesh garden", by Dell Murphy. Also, it can be checked Juliette Forman´s accout of the time and Ms appleton´s Book. .... nobody knows for sure what killed the man. The doctors consulted thought that the case looked like heavy metal poisoning. As they could not trace anything in the blood, they thought of Thallium, as it cannot be traced in the bloodstream after a while. This was told to Osho and then he and his personal staff concluded that the only place where this could have happened was while held in custody in the USA for his immigration trial. It is a proven fact that he was held in a jail in Oklahoma under the false name of David Washington. "
Another thing that the documentary touches on only superficially at the beginning is Osho's eclectic and extremely versatile philosophy (good or bad, pitfalls and clusterfucks notwithstanding). Wild Wild Country is also more about everything that happened around Osho, not the content and reasons for the therapeutic-spiritual philosophy. Osho had good things too, despite his pitfalls - not a clear-cut either/or picture. The non-dual teacher can in many aspects have its own pitfalls, as shown here It is complex. Jes Bertelsen has also commented favorably on Osho's knowledge.
"My personal physician, Dr. Amrito, immediately informed all sannyasin doctors around the world and asked them to contact the best experts about poisoning, because his own analysis was that unless I have been poisoned there is no possibility to explain why my body has lost all resistance.
And as this idea became stronger in his mind, step by step he started searching into the matter and he found all the symptoms that can happen only if some kind of poison has been given to me.
I myself had been suspicious about it, but I have never mentioned the fact to anyone. The day I was arrested in America for no valid or even invalid reason, they refused to bail me out—although the United States attorney argued for three days and concluded in the end by saying, "I have not been able to prove anything against him , but neither has the other party been able to prove anything."
It was hilarious, because the innocent cannot prove his innocence by any means, and no law in the whole world requires that an innocent person should prove his innocence. The burden was on the government of America, which had arrested me, to prove the reason for my arrest....
Now, Dr. Amrito feels I was poisoned. Perhaps they poisoned me in all the six jails; that was the purpose of not giving me bail and that was the purpose in taking twelve days to complete a journey of six hours. A slow poisoning which will not kill me immediately, but in the long run it will make me weak—and it has made me weak.
Since those twelve days in the American prisons, all sleep has disappeared. Many things started to happen in the body which were not happening before: disappearance of all appetite, food seeming to be absolutely without taste, a churning feeling in the stomach, nausea, a desire to feeling of thirst, but a tremendous sense as if one is uprooted.
Something in the nervous system also seems to have been affected. At times there has been a sensation of tingling all over the body which was very strong—particularly in both my hands—and a twitching of the eyelids.
The day I entered the jail I was one hundred and fifty pounds; today I am only one hundred and thirty pounds. My food is the same, but I have been losing weight for no reason at all. And a subtle weakness...And just three months ago, the bone in my right hand started hurting tremendously.
These are all symptoms of certain poisons. My hair has fallen, my eyesight has become weaker, my beard has become as white as my father's beard was when he was seventy-five. They have taken away almost twenty years of my life.
Dr. Amrito immediately informed all the doctors who are my sannyasins to approach all the best poison experts in the world. And one of the doctors, Dr. Dhyan Yogi, immediately took my blood samples, urine samples, samples of my hair, and went to England, to Germany, to the best experts. The European experts suggest that after two years there is no poison which can be detected in the body, but all the symptoms show that a certain poison has been given.
No resistance against disease, falling weight without any reason, hair becoming white before its time, hair falling out without any reason, tingling sensations in the extremities, loss of appetite, tastelessness, nausea, the bone pain in my right hand...One of the experts, a doctor from Germany had come twice to check my bone; he could not figure out what kind of disease it is—because there is no disease. The expert here—Dr. Hardikar, a man who loves me—has been here continuously watching for three months and has not been able to figure out why this pain should be there.
The European experts in England and Germany have suggested a name for a certain poison, thallium. It is a poison of a family of poisons of heavy metals. It disappears from the body in eight weeks' time, but leaves its effects and destroys the body's resistance against diseases. And all the symptoms that I have told you are part of thallium poisoning.
The American experts have suggested a different poison which they think has been used by governments against rebellious individuals. The name of the poison is synthetic heroin. It is one thousand times more dangerous than ordinary heroin. All the symptoms are the same as with thallium, but the poison is more dangerous and after two years there is no possibility to find any trace of it in the body.
The Japanese experts, who have been working in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on atomic radioactivity, have suggested that these symptoms can also be created in a more sophisticated way by radioactive exposure—either while I was asleep, or food can be exposed to radioactivity and there is no way to find any trace of it.
One of the scientists who is immensely interested in me is coming within a week or two. He has been working for twenty years only on radioactivity. His suggestion is that the Americans, the bureaucracy in America, must have used the most sophisticated poisoning which leaves no trace.
Dr. Amrito's own research...and he is a genius as far as medical science is concerned. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Physicians in England, and he is a rare individual in the sense that he is the youngest man ever accepted by the Royal Society of Physicians as a member. He has all the highest qualifications. His own research is about a fourth, very uncommonly used poison. The name of the poison is fluorocarbon. This poison disappears immediately. Even within minutes, you cannot find any trace in the blood, in the urine, but all these symptoms indicate towards it.
It does not matter which poison has been given to me, but it is certain that I have been poisoned by Ronald Reagan's American government.
There is other circumstantial evidence for it….*
- Was Osho poisoned by the US government?