’Johnny Gat’, nu kendt som ‘Vigilante Intelligence’, er en mesterlig analytiker, hvis observationer er legendariske, excessivt værdifulde og sjældne - man forbliver i al fald analfabet i historiebevidsthed, hvis man ikke er bevidst om disse ting.
Der er med rimelig stor sikkerhed, at det kun er 1 ud af 1000 i dette hjernevaskede land, som er værdifulde historiebærere i dette sandhedspensum for eftertiden. Dvs. højst ca. 5000 mennesker i DK, nok mindre.….vil tro, at der kun er max. 1000 mennesker som er bevidste om disse skjulte aspekter af historien.
Evidensen er oftest selvforklarende med interviews, artikler, og ofte videoklip fra nøglepersoner selv:
VIDEO - MESTERLIG analyse af Israel, KGB, MOSSAD, Rusland. Er KBG og Mossad identiske? I hvert fald i meget høj grad! Det er meget omfattende [1]. Starter 38 sekunder inde:
Ekstern link til samme video: https://odysee.com/@The-Johnny-Gat-Archive:5/Putin_Bibi_Bolsheviks2:f
Brendon O'Connell om sidste ovennævnte exposé (og O’Connell er meget svær at imponere): "Johnny Gat" is an Asian American who made an excellent video on Putin and Netanyahu and the Soviet Union and Russia's long relationship with Israel. If after watching you still think Putin is fighting the New World Order, I have some swamp land ideal for a sky scraper to sell you."
Andre analyser fra Gat:
Iran Israel Russia Secret Relationship Part 1
Iran Israel Russia Secret Relationship Part 2
Who Controls The U.S. Government
Trump’s Pedophiles (jeg har selv dækket dette 2017-2022, senest her)
Tidligere analyser i samme boldgade:
Iran Not an Enemy of the Jewish Power Elite? - Paradigmet 2018
RT, 2. august 2011: ‘Påstande om, at terrorangrebene den 11. september 2001 blev orkestreret af amerikanske efterretningstjenester er "fuldstændig nonsens," sagde premierminister Vladimir Putin…. "Dette er komplet nonsens, det er umuligt,"…"At forestille sig, at amerikanske efterretningstjenester gjorde det bevidst, med deres egne hænder, er komplet nonsens," sagde premierministeren. "Kun folk, der ikke forstår, hvordan sikkerhedsbureauer fungerer, kan sige det. Det ville være umuligt at skjule det."
- ‘9/11 inside job “impossible to conceal,” says Vladimir Putin’, RT 2011
Kontraster Putins udsagn med følgende af Andreas von Bülow (chef for den tyske efterretningstjeneste, tidligere assisterende tysk forsvarsminister, tidligere forskningsminister og teknologi, 25 år som SPD-medlem af det tyske parlament. Han skrev bogen, Die CIA und der 11. September, hvori han hævder den amerikanske regerings medvirken til 9/11, omend andre analyser viser et primært israelsk ansvar);
‘Planlægningen af angrebene var en mesterlig udførelse i teknisk og organisatorisk henseende….Det er utænkeligt, uden opbakning fra statens og industriens hemmelige agenturer.’
- Andreas von Bülow, Tagesspiegel, 13. januar 2002
’9/11 var en perfekt udført operation som ikke kunne være indtruffet
uden støtte fra efterretningstjenester’
- Andreas von Bülow
Putin støttede løgnen om Saddam/Irak 2003: “Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country warned the United States several times that Saddam Hussein’s regime was planning terror attacks on the United States and its overseas interests”
“Putin, who had been the first to call Bush with his sympathy after learning of the 9/11 attacks, graciously offered to help with the invasion of Afghanistan”
The Assassination of Russia – FSB false flag bombings of 1999 - dokumentar
Putin’s False Flag - Off-Guardian, Iain Davis, 2022
Det 3. Narrativ, Putin, The Great Reset, Sandhedsbevægelserne & Exit The Matrix Ildspor 2022
“Pro-Russia” does NOT mean anti-globalist - Off-Guardian 2023
Ifl. flere analytikere arbejder USA og Kina sammen på dde højeste niveauer (James Corbett bl.a.) - og City of London og Rothschild imperiet, m.fl. er de klart styrende bag Israel, Iran, Rusland og Kina i et tæt samarbejde, og at bagmændene bag Israel er arkitekt, og den førende magt i den 4. industrielle revolution i et drakonisk planlagt fremtidsscenarie, m.m.
[1] Dokumentation og yderligere research:
*Trump, Fox News - "Putin loves Israel and Bi Bi"*
*Borscht Belt: Will Israel Spurn America for Russia?*
*Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany*
*Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country*
*Why Russia Needs Israel*
*Why Russia should take over Israel's defense from America*
*Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone*
After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union; separately, Tehran also set to sign deal ‘in the near future’
*As Putin Becomes One of World’s Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed*
*An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel*
*Shin Bet Withheld Iran Secrets from Lieberman [Sec.Def Israel] as Security Risk*
*KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel’s Army, Business, and Political Leadership*
*Like Putting the K.G.B. Into the Pentagon*
*'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died*
*The KGB's Middle East Files: 'Illegals' in Israel - Russian agents and assets in Israel and elsewhere*
*A new stage in Russian-Israeli relations?*
After the meeting, one Russian analyst wrote that “Moscow is trading its ‘Astana format’ for a ‘Russian-Israeli’ one”.
*Russia-Israel Relations: Expectations and Reality*
Russia expects Israel to "pay" for what Moscow perceives as its cooperative approach in regard to Israeli airstrikes in Syria. Israel’s alliance with the U.S. creates a situation in which Russia views Israel as a bridge to Washington and expects Israel to function accordingly.
*Israel Is a 'Russian-Speaking Country,' Putin Says*
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Israel is a Russian-speaking state and that the two countries share a common history and extensive family ties.
“The positions of Russia and Israel, the peoples of our countries, coincide. We consider any attempt to revise the outcome of the war, to distort the truth and justify fascism and its lapdogs, completely unacceptable.”
*Russia and Israel: Friends with benefits*
One of the most amazing consequences of Russia’s Syrian intervention is the strengthening Russo-Israeli dialogue. Relations have greatly improved from the 1980s, when an openly anti-Semitic Soviet leadership ruled and anti-Semitism drove policy. By 2008, Israel was selling weapons to Russia.
Second, Russia’s elite respects Israel's military-economic--technological prowess and knows that it is also a channel to Washington.
Third, there are thriving trade and investment relations, even to the point where Israel has previously sold weapons to Russia.
*‘Russia Report’ highlights Israel’s closeness to Moscow*
The long-awaited ‘Russia Report’ from MPs overseeing Britain’s intelligence services has pointed out Israel’s friendliness towards Moscow, noting its open-arm approach to oligarchs and its refusal to condemn the Kremlin.
*Report: Israeli arms manufacturers paid millions to Azeris through Russian bank*
Following a FinCEN Files report that Israel Aerospace Industries paid suspicious sums to a reported slush fund for Azeri elites, new report reveals Russian involvement
*The Russian Jewish Mind*
The younger generation does not even know any different reality, but little is known that behind Silicon Valley’s technological explosion are Jews, particularly those from the former Soviet Union. State of the art inventions and software have transformed the world, but the most important Jewish contribution to humanity is yet to be revealed.
*How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel*
A document uncovered by The Daily Beast shows that Soviet mole Kim Philby was hampering his British intelligence colleagues in their efforts to defeat the Zionist movement.
*Stalin & Secret Diaries: “Soviet Involvement in the Creation of the State of Israel”—Feb. 25 *
Gorodetsky is a Quondam Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University. He founded and became the director of the Cummings Center for Russian Studies at Tel Aviv University.
PDF DOCUMENT - https://mega.nz/file/A7gWxbQD#qrVtruJ9khpR2T8VsQ3-EfNz14UFzQFaSrbaVcXaXic
*“Arik’s New World Order” Envisions Making Israel Broker of U.S. Military Technology to Russia*
Sharon also promised the Russians that Israel would make an effort on their behalf to loosen the purse strings of the World Bank and provide Russia with a much-needed cash infusion. In addition, Israel would use its extraordinary influence over the U.S. to get the Americans to end the freeze on U.S. help to Russia, the imposition of which Israel had originally engineered.
But the most remarkable thing about Armand Hammer is that he created this personal empire largely by negotiating extraordinary deals with nations that have usually been hostile to the United States - and even more hostile to American capitalists. The son of one of the founders of the American Communist Labor Party, Hammer became a multimillionaire capitalist, thanks in large measure to his relations with the leaders of the Soviet Union. He has maintained cordial relations with Soviet leaders for more than half a century, providing Moscow with a vital link to Western industry and technology.
*Russia's forgotten role in the creation of Israel*
Many people have been surprised by the level of cooperation these days between Russia and Israel, two seemingly very different countries. Yet this relationship is not just based on current parallel needs but on the history of the creation of Israel in which Russia played a major, if often forgotten, role.
*RAND Corporation PDF - Chinese Investment in Israeli Technology and INfrastructure: Security Implications for Israel and the United States*
*Britain as vulnerable as the US to the threat of Russian cyber attack, warns John Bolton*
“Obviously, what Russia did to America, it can do to Britain. For those who doubted that cyberspace is a potential war-fighting domain, here’s your wake-up call.
“It dwarfs the flap between Washington and London over excluding Huawei from participating in 5G systems. This is the big one,” he writes.