Professor Norman Finkelstein Says Israel May Use A Nuke
Brendon O'Connell: This is an incredibly thoughtful interview with Finkelstein. He speaks slowly but surely. He says basically..."what were you expecting?"
This can only end in a nuke. Israel cannot take on Hebollah backed by Iran in a ground war. How about a virus that targets non blue eyed semites? Why not. Israel has pioneered genetically targetted viruses and lead the world in virology research and super computers dedicated to the task.
The Samson Option is real for them. Where do they go to hide? Even from their own people. This has started and it cannot stop - unless the United States decides to stop it and I bet they have done a deal to preserve "the jewish state". They need a pliable and needy population of computer scientists to run the super computers and AI machine learning databases that are stored their. Bi Bi is vulnerable after unlocking all the doors for China and Russia, lucky he has a dead man's switch on US Elites - whores, all of them.
Israel is not going hand to hand with the IRGC. If hezbollah will not react and fire missiles at those amonia tank farms in Haifa, Netanyahu and Likud will do it anyway and blame them. They may as well have at it.
There is nowhere to go for the Jabotinsky gangster Bi Bi. Israelis are ever more forceful in their demands to know..."How did Hamas breach that wall and run around for 6 hours killing and taking hostages?"
Talk is, Russians were brought in, maybe former IDF themselves. Mercenaries. They killed the young consripts and officers manning the check point's at the Gaza Wall, opening the way for Hamas at sunrise. How else to explain it? Maybe someone will, and it was just "bad luck".
The IDF is not going toe to toe with Hezbollah. But it will drop 2000 pound guided bombs, and artillery. They will lay waste to southern lebanon.
With Hezbollah rumoured to have 400,000 rockets ready, of a much higher quality than Hamas rockets, they gurantee a massive reprisal.
Iran and the IRGC will de ZERO, publicly. They will send a few martyrs. Advisers. The more the merrier. They have a few thousand ballistic missiles themselves, but they are as gutless as Hezbollah when it comes to American air power. So do not fret.
Israel cannot be defeated, because the Arab world will not lay down it's arms. They have the internet. A far more powerful weapon. Likud NEEDS to be attacked. It MUST be attacked, and Hezbollah will not be able to help themselves. Bi Bi will exclaim through the ammonia smoke and thousands of dead Israelis..."Never again six trillion!" And that will be that.
This is as predictable as can be. THEY CANNOT GO BACK. Likud and their fairy dove feel good leftie fake opposition must move ALL THE WAY. All the way - total cleansing. Gaza then West Bank. MINIMUM. Jordan might want to watch it's back. Syria is already in ruins and looks a lot like Gaza itself, but a futher chunk wont hurt. I presume oil will be found there.'
I disagree with Professor Finkelstein that the Palestinians from Gaza will be left to rot in the desert. The UN, in their love and compassion will play good cop and cry at Bi Bi that he is mean and nasty and the Gazan's are going to get THE COOLEST Smart Tent Gulag you have ever seen. A better life than they could imagine. Great Israel desalination plants. New Israeli Smart City tech, food growing techniques and the Sinai will blossom as a rose. Yay for Israel! They are a cyber genius nation!
But before that, a lot more dismembering and pain and suffering and trauma ALL ROUND. Because you cannot let a good crisis go to waste and Likud cannot afford to miss this one. It is their end.’
- Brendon O’Connell 20th of October 2023