Saturns 8. Måne & Hexagon, Tabte Civilisationer, Undertrykt Viden, Elite Symbolik, Rothschild
Kryptonautiske Research Noter in Extremis
Uddrag fra bl.a. 2015-2016.
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
This unusual moon is the only object in the Solar System which we might seriously regard as an alien signpost - a natural object deliberately modified by an advanced civilization to attract our attention
- Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen (the latter, the NASA discoverer of “the face on Mars!”)
A shorter english variant on Iapetus (PDF).
Nøgleord: Magtelitens symbolik * All-Seeing Eye * Stanley Kubrick og Eyes Wide Shut * Rothschild * Iapetus, Saturns ottende måne * Saturns Gigantiske Hexagon * Pyramide i en Equadoriansk tunnel * Uncut dialog i Prometheus Sci-Fi filmen * Hvad er den esoteriske hemmelighed bag Jødisk religion? * The Stargate Conspiracy * Soldyrkelse er Saturndyrkelse * Klerksdorp Kuglerne * Cosmic Abandonment og Cargokult
Følgende er diskontinuert og fragmentarisk. Du må læse det som research noter. Det er kryptisk, springende, og af samme grund ikke altid umiddelbart sammenhængende, da ledsagende forklaringer ikke altid er med. Der er taget uddrag fra tidligere artikler på Paradigmet.blogspot NB! Husk: Det er research noter! Noget vil blive tilrettet indenfor de næste par dage….
Krypto-konspiranautisk-esoterisk udsyret silversurfer expedition i det følgende - fasten your seat belts, cause Kansas is going bye-bye:
Få noter om Magtelitens symbolik
Højesteret, Israel - se mere på The Vigilant Citizen
Det Iranske Parlament, Tehran - Pyramide med 33 vinduer - 33 er det ypperligste tal for frimurerne:
Irans parlament
Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall
All-Seeing Eye er i præsidentpaladset i Kreml (- det er overalt i gamle kirker også, og fortaber sig i tidernes urtåge gennem tusinder af år. I sig selv ikke noget symbol for ondskab. Mange kristne ser det som symbol for treenighed.
‘Vladimir Putin vil gå op ad en massiv 66-trins trappe og passere gennem mange historiske rum i Kreml før sin indsættelsesceremoni. Efter præsidentens ed på 33 ord starter Putins nye periode officielt’ - 2018
A crowned double-eagle (issued by Russia) with the all-seeing eye within the
delta or triangle is a true rarity. It is a Russian Medal, issued by Czar Nicholas I in
the year 1849 for the "Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania." On the obverse
is a radiant triangle with the eye of providence (Almighty God) above a crowned
double-headed eagle, wings upward, shield of armor, with scepter and orb held in
its claws. I think it is worth noting that the all-seeing eye of Almighty God is positioned above the man-made royal crown. The eagle's claws are holding the scepter and orb. The legend (translated) "God with us. Consider, Heathens, and Submit!"
The Eye of Providence - The Great Seal of the United States
Stanley Kubrick peger i Eyes Wide Shut på en skjult moderne saturnsk elite med en meget mørk dagsorden for menneskehedens 'Useless Eaters' .
'Eyes Wide Shut' - Ypperstepræsten sidder på en trone med et meget vigtigt superelitesymbol: En dobbelthovedet ørn. Scottish Rite Freemasons hævder, at det er "det ældste kongelige våbenskjold i verden", måske er dets oprindelse endda så langt tilbage som 12 tusind år siden. Den tidligste repræsentation af The Double-Headed Eagle findes i oldtiden Sumerisk by Lagash. Det er det sumerisk-babylonske symbol for guden Lagash. Ninurta, søn af Enlil. Kulten af Ninurta kan spores tilbage til den ældste periode af Sumerisk historie. Der er en forkærlighed for Ninurtas kongelige blodarvingssymbolisme. Den dobbelthovedede ørn fra Lagash bruges som et emblem af den skotske frimureri, som er emblemet om de højeste niveauer af ære og præstation og omtales ofte som"Ørnen fra Lagash". Den dobbelthovede ørn blev populariseret i Europa af kejser Karl den Store, og symbolet blev formelt vedtaget i frimureriet i midten af det attende århundrede, af kejsernes råd fra øst og vest.
De ucensurerede scener fra Eyes Wide Shut, men de er stadig cnsurerede. Den usagte hemmeligheded i Eyes Wide Shut er, hvad Kubrick ikke kunne vise, nemlig at sexscenerne dækker over magtelitens sexmisbrug af børn.
Eyes Wide Shut: Censored Vs. Uncensored (GALLERY)
Den slags rituelle sexorgier foregår i virkeligheden, bla. i den verdensomspændende og tiltagende populære sex-magiske loge, OTO. Seksuelle perversioner, især pædofili er udbredt i de øverste kredse. Se f.eks. den meget grundige James Corbett rapport om elitens pædofili for dokumentation om dette (video med transkription, fodnoter og links): Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia: The Corbett Report
'Never, ever go near power. Don't become friends with anyone who has real power. It's dangerous.'
- Stanley Kubrick, his often-repeated well-known credo throughout his life - source
Sexscenerne fra Eyes Wide Shut dog bærer mere præg af en dekadent swingerklub
Rothschild - angiveligt verdens rigeste familie (og ansvarlig for Danmarks bankpakker) - afholdt et lign. maskebal med venetianske masker. The Black Nobility (som også er kendt som Venetianere - Venetians var tidligere Phoenicians), er bl.a. Aldobrandini familien, som i hht. nogle kilder er mere magtfuld end Rothschild (men usynlige), og havde muligvis tætte forbindelser til Stanley Kubrick, hvor han skulle have bevidnet orgier i et hus tilhørende Aldobrandini, hvorfra han kopierede Eyes Wide Shut. Andre påstår, at handlingen i slottet er taget fra et Rothschild domicil eller begge dele.
David Rothschild married into the Aldobrandini family in 1974.
‘ [The family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816-1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendent of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family. - wikipedia
Den uhyre betydningsfulde Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) kontrolleres og reguleres af UNIDROIT. UNIDROIT kontrollerer og styrer også global forsikring, franchising, motorkøretøjer, principper for internationale kommercielle kontrakter osv. Det Internationale Institut for Ensretning af Privatret (UNIDROIT) er en uafhængig overstatslig organisation med sæde i Villa Aldobrandini i Rom. Dens formål er at undersøge behov og metoder til modernisering, harmonisering og koordinering af privat- og især handelsretten mellem stater og grupper af stater og at formulere ensartede retsinstrumenter, principper og regler for at nå disse mål.
The Villa Aldobrandini is a villa in Frascati, Italy. Still the property of, and still lived in by, the Aldobrandini family, it is known as Belvedere for its charming location overlooking the valley toward the city of Rome. It is the only grand Papal garden not owned by the state.
- Villa Aldobrandini - Wikipedia<
Back on track: Filmen, Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick) henviser med andre ord til virkeligheden ifl. diverse kilder - eksistensen af et elitært ekstremt magtfuldt netværk var et af filmens hovedpointer. Men Stanley Kubrick's film er vand sammenlignet med virkeligheden. Dette gælder ikke kun VIP-logers praksis i rituel sex og magtbesættelse - og dersom rituelt-hedonistisk-dekadente swingers sexparties, var alt det, som dette handlede om, var det komplet uinteressant, men kigger vi dybere i 'the rabbit hole' finder vi andre ting, nemlig omfattende VIP secret societies og loger. Deres centrale karakteristika er økonomisk manipulation, pædofili, både i rituel sammenhæng med depraveret-hedonistisk praksis, ritualmord, men ikke mindst afpresning (kameraoptagelser af sex med mindreårige,o.a.) som essentielt kontrolredskab af toppolitikere og businessmænd (Mossad, CIA, etc.), mind control, okkulte ideologier ført ud i mord på børn, narkotikahandel, pengehvidvaskning, sexslaveri, snigmord, organ trafficking, og brugen af efterretningstjenester som prætorianske garder for Deep State aktører, staten i staten, etc.
Ekstremt signifikant at man finder Black Nobility symbolet, Star of Ishtar, overalt i Eyes Wide Shut.
Ishtar - 'The placement of this eight pointed star is undoubtedly purposeful
The same star can be found in Chaos magick which is a modern version of magic that utilizes various occult beliefs" - source Dugin bruger dette symbol i den Euraiske politiske bevæglese..
Star of Ishtar insignia and Fleur-de-lis on The Black Nobiliby Aldobrandini Mansion:
The Villa Aldobrandini is a villa in Frascati, Italy. Still the property of, and still lived in by, the Aldobrandini family, it is known as Belvedere for its charming location overlooking the valley toward the city of Rome. It is the only grand Papal garden not owned by the state.
- Villa Aldobrandini - Wikipedia
In Mesopotamia the Fleur de lis was a symbol of the Sumerian-Babylonian Trinity, of Nimrod, Tammuz, and Simerimas
Eyes Wide Shut | The Disturbing Truth
Stanley Kubrick and The Saturn Death Cult
OG vi teleporterer lige et GIGANTISK kvantespring videre:
Iapetus, Saturns ottende måne - det måske mest mystiske objekt i vort solsystem.
Ligesom vores måne vender den altid kun den ene side mod Saturn, dens inklination er også sindssyg (15% som den eneste). Den har den mest perfekte cirkulære orbis i solsystemet med en excentricitet som kun er 0.00283, mindre end 3%, den eneste anden cirkulære orbis i solsystemet er vor måne, som afviger med 6%, det dobbelte af Iapetus. Iapetus'bjergryg hæver sig 20 km over overfladen i en lige linje omkring dens ækvator over tusind kilometer. Naturen producerer ikke sådanne lige linjer, men ikke nok med det; den har parallelle linjer, 1 på hver side, dvs. 3 i alt. Kurvningen af Iapetus formet som en valnød går imod konstansen; loven om påstanden om tyngdekraftiens udnivellering af objekter på den størrelse - den burde ikke være formet som en valnød (den bliver kaldt ' The Walnut' af NASA i øvrigt).
Dette giver et hint om de ekstreme vanvittige anomalier - en liste - MUST SEE:
"In terms of anomalies Iapetus is loaded! ....Nowhere is objectivity in modern science so clearly challenged as in the case of the wildly eccentric moon of Saturn,"
The incredible feature of having one hemisphere black and the other white,
The intriguing anomalous inclination and nearly perfect circular orbit,
The unique geometrical (hexagonal) shape of the satellite,
The strange surface features and the low radar reflectivity,
The low density of the overall satellite, combined with the higher density of the surface – in particular the equatorial ridge which rises up 12 miles above the surface of Iapetus
The three, parallel bands arcing around Iapetus’ surface and parallel to the equatorial ridge.
Se listen: Iapetus - Halexandria
Selv National Geographic tripper over Iapetus:
Saturn's Moon Wears the Weirdest Mountain Range in the Solar System
Iapetus' Ying-Yang feature - skyldes ikke lyset
da den ene side er mørk, den anden lys.
Iapetus - markant afvigende i sin bane - i modsætning til alle andre objekters elliptiske bane, er banen næsten perfekt cirkulær, har 15 graders inklination, og flere millioner kilometers afstand til Saturn - alle karakteristika gør den unik
No one (disable comments)Iapetus is based on a geometric design. It is ‘the same geometry that defines a geodesic dome, a replicating tetrahedral pattern.’ LOOK AT THE ANGLED HORIZON.
- Incredible Iapetus
Iapetus igen (det ene med farvefilter) - hvad minder dette jer om?
Virkeligheden overgår SciFi - Dødsstjernen fra Star Wars og Iapetus side om side - you couldn't make this up:
Synkromystiscisme, insider viden eller tilfælde?
En Kryptonautisk kommentar, Clarkes insider viden, Saturn-kulten
"The “Cult of Saturn” does not want the soylents to find out the secret….meaning Saturn is the key…as well as it’s moons (mainly Iapetus). NASA has been charged with the concealment of Saturn, it’s moons…as well as Mars and its moon Phobos.
NASA is run by the offspring of the paper clip Nazis….they are members and minions of the “Cult of Saturn”.
Humans from antiquity could see the rings of Saturn, because the planet was much closer to earth millions of years ago. The Lord od the Rings movie is referencing the Archons (which purportedly hail from Saturn and it’s moons)
Stanley Kubrick was trying to tip people off about Saturn more than once in his movies, but was forced to use Jupiter to direct attention away from Saturn. The black monolith in his 2001 space oddity is a reference to the black hexagonal cube at the north pole of Saturn.
There are no coincidences in the 3rd density….because it is controlled by creatures from the 4th and 5th density.
The Archon creatures that bring destruction everywhere are worshipped by the Syndicate, the Crypto-Jews, and the Vatican’s Death Cult.
There will be plenty of mind control operations going forward. Regardless of whether or not the Archons from Saturn are here now or will be returning to claim the earth/human prize….the “Cult” will continue to pour their derision upon humanity by hitting on all fronts. These movies are meant to leave people flat-footed and desensitized for the transhumanism and mutation they are planning for the soylents.
When you see Jupiter….it is a substitute for what the “Cult” is afraid you will see and investigate (Saturn)"
- fra kommentar til anmeldelse om Jupiter Ascending. Hans website om Saturn kulten og den sorte kube:
The Cult Of Saturn - Windows On The World - Zen Gardner
The Stanley Kubrick Conspiracy - Part 7: Saturn and the Black Cubes
The Nazi Conundrum | Saturn Death Cult
"If Dolan is right, there is one that we may call, for want of a better term, the Anglo-American Intelligence-Military complex. And if I am right, there is at least one other that we may call the Nazi or Fascist International."
- the breakaway civilization: richard dolan
Jesuit insigna - det velkendte symbol for Saturn i midten
“Did Arthur C. Clarke have access to secret knowledge? It is speculated that some of hollywood's best writers, including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have been privy to accessing secretive occult knowledge. In other words: not all of their ideas are original. It is interesting that Arthur C. Clarke wrote about an alien monolith on Saturn's Moon Iapetus, at a time in the 1960's when NASA knew very little about this moon.”
Fra Wikipedia:
"In Arthur C. Clarke's novel 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), astronaut Dave Bowman finds an enigmatic alien monolith waiting for him on the surface of Iapetus (referred to as "Japetus" throughout). Iapetus's two tone coloration is caused by a vast white ellipse on the moon's surface, with the monolith appearing as a black dot in its exact center. When the Voyager space probes arrived at Iapetus thirteen years later, they discovered that there was indeed a black region within the moon's brighter hemisphere. Clarke reports that Carl Sagan, who was on the Voyager imaging team, sent him a photo, with the note "Thinking of you ...".[3]."
Arthur C. Clarke's bog forudsagde det mørke område på Iapetus' lyse side 20 år før NASA bekræftede det i 1980 (derfor Sagans kommentar), hvilket er en umulighed, og hans bog, '2001', var Iaepetus-monolitten et centralt tema, men i Stanley Kubricks filmatisering erstattede man Saturn med Jupiter, og i SciFi-filmen 'Jupiter Ascending' er det igen spækket med Saturn-symbolik.
'Bowman spends months on the ship alone, slowly approaching Iapetus. During his approach, he gradually notices a small black spot on the surface of Iapetus,...When Bowman approaches the monolith, it opens and pulls in Bowman's pod. Before he vanishes, Mission Control hears him proclaim: "The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God! — it's full of stars!"
- Wikipedia om '2001: A Space Odyssey', uddrag
It is a well-known cliché that “Nature doesn’t usually create straight lines.” If that is true, then it certainly doesn’t create three of them (close-up-below) – all running parallel, not only to each other, but to the literal equator of the planet.
- Moon with a View; Or, What Did Arthur Know...and When Did He Know it? 1
Moon with a View: Or, What Did Arthur Know … and When Did He Know it? 2
Saturns Nordpol
Men, det bliver mere svimlende - nyligt billede af Saturns nordpol:
Saturns nordpol - gif med farvefiltre:
Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth
Fantastisk farvefilter-billede:
Og så fandt jeg dette for nogle år siden -mindblowing - Here comes the shocker (klik for at forstørre):
Bogen er den mest autoritative bog om progressionen af historisk astronomisk viden gennem tiderne. Et genoptryk fra 20'erne
Ifl. Richard Hoagland (eller Hoaxland) var denne Hexagon-anomali på Saturn kendt af NASA siden 70'erne (som angiveligt var hush-hush dengang),men hvordan kunne Kaldæerne vide, at Saturn var associeret med en hexagon? Og for tusinder af år siden?
Hexagonen på Saturn kan ikke engang ses med Hubble teleskopet(pga. ekliptika), kun med rumfartøjer over dens nordpol!
Iapetus viser hexagon geometri:'why is Iapetus’ shape approximate a hexagonal geometry?'
-Iapetus - Halexandria
Nogen - for tusinder af år siden - må have haft en avanceret viden/metode, for ikke engang idag kan man se Saturns enorme hexagon med teleskoper, kun med rumfartøjer/space probes. Første gang var med Voyager i slut-halvfjerdserne, anden gang med Cassini i 00'erne.
Men hvordan kunne Kaldæerne vide det? Medmindre man påstår, at det er et tilfælde.
Den eneste kilde på nettet (som jeg kan finde), som attesterer, at jødiske og arabiske kilder via Kaldæerne for tusinder af år siden gav attibutten, en hexagon til Saturn, er fra en 2010 reproduktion af en bog fra 1923 som oprindeligt er fra 1833.
Sammen med det faktum, at Iapetus har fysiske egenskaber, som trodser forklaringer om, at den hverken er naturlig skabt i hht. konstanter og naturlove eller menneskeskabt (medmindre man vil definere 'mennesker' som havende levet for milliarder af år siden, og med en teknologi, der får vores nutidige til at se ud som håbløst latterlig og dybt primitiv), og at den på makroplan har hexagonale faste 'klippe'-strukturer (i modsætning til den flydende Hexagon på Saturn), gør det kun mysteriet endnu vildere. Enten var det tidligere forsvundne hyperavancerede civilisationer fra jorden, som er milliarder af år gamle eller en extraterrestrial intelligens, som kunne gøre dette stunt.
En tredje mulighed for denne viden om Saturns hexagon er okkult: astral travelling, remote viewing. Det sidste forklarer bare ikke Iapetus' ekstreme anomalier eller oprindelse.
Kan ikke finde andre kilder på nettet, så jeg mener det er eksplosivt, et næsten ukendt novum af dot-connecting, omend nogle få sikkert er bevidste om det, men det må være meget meget få, for jeg kan intet finde på nettet andet end denne bog foreløbigt:
Fra An Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Astronomy: With Plates Illustrating, Chiefly, the Ancient Systems Paperback – 3 Jan 2010
byJohn Narrien(Author)
Her er afsnittet igen fra Google books
Her om bogen fra Amazon:
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
Flere har bemærket en trekant inde i centret af hexagonen med noget som kunne tolkes som et øje: (antropomorf tolkning)
DEN FJERDE MULIGHED: DET ELEKTRISKE UNIVERS - Saturn set fra jorden i den Gyldne Tidsalder (Troy Mclachans udtryk)
Kunne de i en ældgammel tidsalder have set Saturns hexagon direkte fra Jorden? Fra Symbols of an Alien Sky - dokumentar:
What the hell is going on!?
The Black Kaaba Cube at Mecca, Saudi Arabia (Timelapse of thousands of people moving counter-clockwise). A perpetual ritualized replication of what the ancients once saw in the sky from Earth as Saturn's Hexgagonal storm?
The word 'Kabbalah' can also be split as Kab-Alah (Kabba- Allah)?
"The cube from Denmark is very interesting because it denotes the TRINITY. It is a 10 x 10 x 10, which is derived from 1 (ALEPH), 10, (YUD) and 100 (QOPH) and back to a large ALEPH = 1000. This cube conceptually is derived from the MONAD or from the empyrean (transcendent): unconscious mind. All major religions are based upon the square of #10." - from William John Meegan who is an expert in this cryptic field
Det elektriske univers er sandsynligvis det rigtige paradigme, og det er muligt, at mange myter refererer til ancient knowledge, ikke det 'indre' verdensrum:
Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie - YouTube | A voice for the Electric Universe
Jeg præsenteerede mine fund for Troy Mclahan [1]
Selv Joseph P. Farrell gør i øvrigt ironisk grin med de nye teorier om Iapetus, da videnskaben ikke kan forklare det: YOU CAN RELAX NOW: THAT MYSTERIOUS EQUATORIAL RIDGE ON IAPETUS IS FINALLY “EXPLAINED…”
Tip of the iceberg.....
Jeg fandt i 2016 ud af, at den sol-dyrkelse som mange sporer i elitære netvæk, i virkeligheden er Saturn dyrkelse. Mindblowing [2]
Saturn is portrayed in mythology as our original sun where it was fixed in the heavens at Earth’s celestial north and from where it watched over the ancients like the All-seeing Eye of god
Dvs. det var et astronomisk fænomen, som symbolsk har affødt the Eye in The Sky, Horus’ øje, senere pyramiderne måske (sikkert over 20000 år gamle), frimurere (og brugt af alle mulige grupper siden da.
Mange loger blev infiltreret ifl. Rudolf Steiner:‘Steiner admits these began without “evil” intent (which I would dispute), they “continued their underground work in many different forms,” after being driven underground. Steiner alludes to the disingenuousness of Grand Lodge Masonry in being able to say: ‘[L]ook at our Lodges, they are very respectable – and we are not concerned with the others’. But if one can see through the historical connection and the driving forces in an interplay of mutual opposition to one another, then it is indeed high British politics that is concealed behind it.’
- Rudolf Steiner, Secret Societies & ‘The Ahrimanic Deception’
G.O.D.S - Guns, Oil, Drugs, Sex
Følgende peger på, at historien om elitære netværks kontinuitet - the cult of the all-seeing eye - op til vore dage ikke er taget ud af fri fantasi, at det ikke kun er indre arketypiske myter.
Denne kamp - som er afspejlet i okkulte logers prakis idag og verdens nuværende tilstand - har årsag i en tidligere tidsalder. Her er Troy McLahans tolkninger:
‘Electric Universe‘, the ground-breaking easy to understand science of plasma cosmology with an uncanny ability to provide natural explanations for what the ancients really saw happening in the skies above them; i.e. the same ancient records that today’s mainstream academics brush off as fantastical myths and certain Luciferian-type sects such as the so-called Illuminati claim as spiritual ‘Illuminated Truth’.
Understand the real forces behind the legends of Atlantis and Lumeria and our continuing fascination and fear of a coming Doomsday. Know how planetary cataclysms caused the ancients to divide mankind’s history into a Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and the modern and violently destructive Iron Age.
For meget kortere overblik om de 4 tidsaldre i konspiranautisk optik, se en af verdens bedste bloggere::
Also, if you have ever wondered why the infamous call for a New World Order is linked by conspiracy advocates to elitist financial cronyism, missing children and paedophilic networks, death cults, serial killers and police state terrorism, then hopefully this website may connect a few dots.
Guns. Oil. Drugs. Sex. Learn how the parasitic GODS industry has its origins in the financial corruption of the ancient mystery schools and priesthoods that had been originally established during man’s Silver Age to preserve the knowledge of Saturn’s life and death as our first and best sun.
Discover the connection between the collapse of today’s international financial system and its origins in the legend of the Tower of Babel
Mere om Ancient Civilizations, Frimurei, Lost Knowledge
Mere end 350 artefakter blev fundet i Ecuador i et gammelt tunnelsystem. Én artefakt viser den samme pyramide med et altseende øje i toppen af det. Under et blacklight antager øjet en interessant nuance. I bunden af denne artefakt, kan du se et stjernekort over Orions Bælte sammen med et skrift, der er ældre end noget kendt skrift på jorden.
(Angiveligt har Rotshschild familien en sådan pyramide, da der muligvis er 3 eksemplarer, som er fundet i verden)
Ifølge Klaus Donas forskning er det samme skrift blevet fundet over hele verden, hvilket - hvis sandt - beviser, at der var en allerede eksisterende GLOBAL civilisation, der er meget ældre end nogen sanskrit-skrifter.
Pyramiderne på Giza-plateauet afspejler også nøjagtig samme justering som de "3 konger" af Orions Bælte.
Professor Kurt Schildmann, tidligere formand for den tyske lingvistik forening, kaldte dette skrift for "før-sanskit" (ældre end 6.000 år gammelt) og var i stand til at oversætte skriften som følger: "The creator gods come."
Hvis pyramiden (video) er 12.000 eller 10.000 år gammel, f.eks. - og pyramider er meget ældre end det, HVORFOR I helvede findes en sådan pyramide i gamle equadorske tunneler - det identiske frimurerdesign med 13 trin og øje på toppen - som findes på den amerikanske dollarseddel 12.000 år senere!? Så frimureriets rødder er langt ældre?
I øvrigt er det min fornemmelse, at pyramiden med øjet ikke er noget oprindeligt ondt symbol, men er blevet kuppet eller monopoliseret af degenererede secret societies.
20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School
Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History Is Wrong
Orion, Plejaderne og Sirius synes at spille en rolle for frimurerne. Hvorfor?
Orion, Ancient Egypt, and the Mason Connection
Hvorfor er magteliten besat af denne frimurersymbolik og anden symbolik? En tidligere avanceret civilisation som blev udslettet for 12.800 - 11.600 år siden? - se f.eks. Graham Hancock's Magicians of the Gods & Elitist Academia (RT Going Underground) 2016 og Graham Hancock: Ancient advanced civilisations-130,000 years of unacknowledged human history 2019 RT (E736). (desværre skal du bruge VPN, da RT er verboten fra Danmark nu )
Det giver også mening med de gamle megalitiske strukturer spredt rundt om på kloden, som vi ikke er i stand til at duplikere i dag. Er de ruinerne af en tidligere meget avanceret civilisation, der blev ødelagt af et polskifte, komet? - såsom Gobleki Tepi for 12000 år siden?
Ikke nok med, at den menneskelige psyke er traumatiseret af den personlige biografi i et maskeret Directed History patokrati, som de skal tilpasse sig. - civilisationen i selv er traumatiserende, idet den er psykopatologisk og slaveri, en art skærsildszone (jvf. Eckhart Tolle, Gurdjeff, Krishnamurti, Osho, Almaas, højtstående Tibetanske Rinpoche's udsagn om kulturen og mennesker som 'zombier', etc.) -- ydermere er den globale civilisation også en pseudo-civilisation, en pitcairn ø, en cargo cult mutant (hybrid muteret bastardkultur mellem vesten og de indfødte, som påtog sig skikke fra vesten løsrevet fra historiebevidsthed, etc.), som ikke kender sin egen oprindelse, og formulerer fantasmagorier af teorier, som er tilpasning til landkortet (falske groteske teorier). Dette gælder også eliten i en vis udstrækning, selvom de selv står som årsag til massernes bastardiserede historiebevidsthed via forfalskning.
Kontinuiteten i en sådan historie- (u)bevidsthed er ekstremt brudt, lost in transition and translation.
Mark Passio kalder den gamle katastrofe 'Cosmic Abandonment', et meget passende udtryk. Et forfærdeligt traume(r) som ligger hengemt i det akashiske felt, det kollektive ubevidste, og uden at vi ved hvorfor, endsige er kognitivt bevidst om det. Civilisationer er sandsynligvis gået under mange gange gennem millioner af år. Det er muligt, at mange myter i virkeligheden er ancient civilizations, og ikke kun det 'indre' mytologiske arketypiske verdensrum, men det er også muligt, at det er 2 sider af samme sag. Se f.eks. Troy McLachans episke artikelserie med Electric Universe: Mythology as natural history, and human history as occult ritual. Hvad der engang blev gestaltet som negativ arketype i det kollektive ubevidste/det akashiske felt/det astrale ved f.eks. Cains mord på Abel som ursynd, ur-mordet,, sumeriske myter, m.m.m. kan have en ydre genealogisk pendant og ideologisk kontinuitet, et drama fortsat i vor tid via blodlinjen af Cains efterkommere via Canaan, Black Nobility, elitære netværk, etc. Kryptisk? You bet.
" Researchers have pointed out the heavy presence of occult symbolisms and connections .....Why would such an analysis be important? Because in the final analysis, without knowing the culture of one's opponent or overseers, one can never know their mind and possible motivations.”
Hvad er den esoteriske hemmelighed bag Jødisk religion?
Brendon O’Connell - der er på flugt, og portrætteres som en af verdens bedste Deep State reseachere i konspirationer, zionisme og jødisk magt - skriver dette: WHAT IS THE RELIGION OF THE JEWISH/MASONIC ELITE?
The real coming religion is not Yoga based, Jungian psychotherapy based, LSD consciousness expansion based. These are all "part" of the coming New World Order Religion. The New World Order religion is fundamentally UFO Theology. This is the Masonic secret. It is the secret of Lord Jacob [Rothschild] and his friends. The deep secret of Judaism is this movie...They Live. And this movie...Alien Prometheus, with a "deadly virus".
You Tube Video - - - Creator of the cyborg "David" interacts with the Egyptian Phaero based alien "Engineer" who created life on earth and now wants to wipe it out. Note his large height and Egyptian based language...all written to fit with the Jewish Old Testament.
WEYLAND: "What did he say! What did he say?"
DAVID: "I told him you wanted to live forever. He asked why?"
WEYLAND: "Do you see, do you see this man? My company built him from nothing. I made him, and I made him in my own image so that he would be perfect, so that he would never fail. I deserve this, because you and I are superior. We are creators. We are gods, and gods never die."
And these lines from The Jewish Old Testament (Tanakh)...
30 But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.” 31 Then the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we are.” 32 So they brought to the people of Israel a bad report of the land that they had spied out, saying, “The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it are of great height. 33 And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.”
6 When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in[a] man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” 4 The Nephilim[b] were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
10 And he said, “You have asked a hard thing; yet, if you see me as I am being taken from you, it shall be so for you, but if you do not see me, it shall not be so.” 11 And as they still went on and talked, behold, chariots of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 12 And Elisha saw it and he cried, “My father, my father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” And he saw him no more.
Here is the original script from the big budget Ridley Scott movie Alien Prometheus...
YOU TUBE VIDEO: And why was The Engineer trying to destroy the inhabitants of earth?
ENGINEER: "We took a mothers child back to paradise and educated him, taught him the meaning of life and creation. We put him back into Eden to educate your kind, but your kind decided to punish him. We gave you the fruits of life and you repay us by leaving it to rot. You talk to me of hate? Prepare for rapture."
Regardless of what you and I believe, this is what "they" believe. If you understand this, you will better be able to understand what is going on. Knowing what I know, this is what instantly attracted me to Bill Cooper in the late nineties when I first heard him speak of the final scam - a fake alien invasion/arrival, using the latest technology to make it utterly believable.’
- Brendon O’Connell, uddrag, 11. november 2022
Gary Wayne, forfatter til The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Humankind, beskriver nutidens plan om at installere Antikrist. Da Gud kastede englen Lucifer og hans tilhængere ud af himlen, satte Lucifer i gang en plan for at sikre, at Nephilim overlevede [efter katastrofen for 12000 år isen] . Hvorfor? Fordi fra disse nefilims blodlinjer vil Antikrist komme. For at holde sin plan i live har Satan [aka Ahriman] hentet loyaliteten fra hemmelige selskaber som frimurerne, tempelridderne og rosenkreuzere [infiltration] til at konspirere i at undervise i en teologi og en verdenshistorie, der er i modstrid med den bibelske. Denne Genesis 6-sammensværgelse marcherer mod den store trængsel, hvor loyaliteten hos den terminale generation - denne generation - vil blive testet. Bibelen, sammen med mange andre gamle kilder, beskriver tydeligt eksistensen af giganter. Wayne giver rigelige citater fra mange samfundsinsidere sammen med omfattende bibelhenvisninger, andre religiøse referencer og historisk materiale for at styrke hans påstand. - fra Amazon
Hans påstande om frimureriet, Club of Rome, Bilderberg, CFR, Skull and Bones, Committee of 300, o.a. er meget afslørende/interessante.
Min egen intuition og research konkluderede, at frimureriet er fra Atlantis som overlevede katastrofen. Dette har jeg kun hørt fra Gigi Young, Manly P. Hall, og nu Gary Wayne. Waynes tilgang er traditionel historieresearch og primære kildedokumenter. Det er dog meget svært at redde trådene ude, fordi så meget er manipuleret i historien. Stadig er hans research vanvittigt interessant:
SECTION I: The Antediluvian Epoch
The Age of Great Heroes
1. Heroes of Old
2. The Daughters of Cain
3. The Sons of God
4. The Giants of Antiquity
5. The Schism of Antediluvian Freemasonry
6. Enoch and Hermes
7. Enoch the Evil
8. Royal Bloodlines
9. Antediluvian Masonry and the Seven Sacred Sciences
10. Enochian Mysticism
11. The Great Deluge
12. Azazel: Leader of theWatchers
13. Lucifer’s Revenge
SECTION II: The Golden Age
The Global Testimony for the Other Race
14. The Black Heads
15. Isis, Ishtar, Gaea, and Ninkhursag
16. The Great World Myth
17. Atlantis
18. Zep Tepi: The First Time
19. Echoes from Atlantis, Sumer, and Mu
20. The Seven Sages of Atlantis
21. TheEpic of Gilgamesh
22. Deucalion, Manu, and Seth
SECTION III: The Descendants of Anak
Bloodlines and Covenants
23. The Raphaites and the Amorites
24. Sodom and Gomorrah
25. The Amalekites
26. Jethro and Caleb
27. Nimrod
28. The People of the Plain
29. The Tower at Babel
30. The Original Great White Brotherhood
31. Forging the Nation of Destiny
32. The Nephilim Wars
33. The Holy Covenant
34. Jericho
35. Curse of the Amalekites
36. King Saul and King David
37. David and Goliath
38. The Avvites
SECTION IV: The Terminal Generation
The Time of Jacob’s Trouble
39. Nothing New Under the Sun
40. The New Man
41. The New Age of Aquarius
42. The Sign of Noah
43. The Godless Generation
44. Babylon City
45. Reflections from Within the Third Reich
46. The False Prophet
47. The Disciples of Light
48. The Alien Phenomena
49. The Mother of All Sorceries
50. Spirit of the Antichrist, the Beast
51. The New Nimrod
52. The Rapture Tragedy
53. Adonai
Bloodlines of the Grail
54. The Jerusalem Church
55. Sex, Lies, and Fairy Tales
56. The Knights Templar
57. The Priory of Sion
58. The Sinclairs
59. St. Bernard and the Benedictine Monks
60. The Invisible College
61. Legends of the Holy Grail
62. Joseph of Arimathea
63. Scota and Temar
64. The Kings of Camelot
65. The Merovingians
66. The Trojans
67. The House of Stuart
68. Guardians of the Antichrist
SECTION VI: Rendezvous with Destiny
Anatomy of a Global Conspiracy
69. Novus Ordo Seclorum
70. Inside Freemasonry
71. The Thirty-Third Degree
72. The Rothschild-Rockefeller-Morgan Axis
73. Secret Societies and the New Age of Atlantis
74. The Illuminati
75. Global Gnosticism
76. A Thousand Points of Light
77. The Rosicrucians
78. The New Age Millennium
SECTION VII: The House of Dragon
Bloodlines of the Prehistoric Giants
79. The Fairy Kingdoms
80. Ordo Draconis
81. Serpents and Dragons
82. Leviathan
83. The Bull Cult of Melchizedek
84. The Essenes
85. Moses, Akhenaten, and the Armana Dynasty
86. Joseph
87. Abraham, Esau, and Ishmael
88. The Kings of Nimrod and Ham
89. Ham and Japheth
90. The Blood Drinking Kings of Kish
91. The Antediluvian Dragon Court
92. Adam and Cain
93. Lilith
SECTION VIII: The Gene of Isis
Bloodlines of the Fairies
94. The Grail Cauldron of Fairies, Annwyn, and Atlantis
95. The Fairy Lords of the Tuatha Denaan
96. The Royal House of the Scythians
97. The Antediluvian Testimony
98. The Khem of Mendes
Epilogue: What Must Take Place Will Take Place
The Stargate Conspiracy
Jeg fik associationen til The Stargate Conspiracy af Lynn Picknett og Clive Prince pga. O’Connell’s henvisning til Prometheus, da besættelsen af Ægyptologisk mysteriereligion synes at være essensen af magtelitens esoterik.
Stargate Conspiracy er om en forbløffende magtfuld kult, der har været skjult i New Age bevægelsen i over halvtreds år. De viser, at det siden 1952, eller endnu tidligere, har været en enormt indflydelsesrig hemmelig bevægelse inden for den amerikanske herskende klasse – blandt frimurere og politikere på højt niveau, såvel som ”topindustrialister, banebrydende videnskabsmænd, populære entertainere, radikale parapsykologer og nøglefigurer i militær- og efterretningskredse,” og endda på tærsklen til selve Det Hvide Hus – der hævder direkte, telepatisk kontakt med en kabale af avancerede spirituelle intelligenser fra et andet stjernesystem.
Det originale Star Trek var i øvrigt produktet af kanaliseringer fra Phyllis Schlimmer, et trance-channeling medie, Gene Roddenberry, skaberen af Star Trek, baserede Star Trek på Schlimmers kanaliseringer. Men det er mindre kendt, at der var ni store karakterer i den originale rollebesætning af Star Trek: The Next Generation, som alle havde direkte modstykker i det egyptiske pantheon ... hit sci-fi tv-showet, som Roddenberrys alter ego havde produceret i 60'erne var faktisk ikke hans arbejde, men var blevet kanaliseret gennem ham af Council of Nine. UFO-kultister i 70'erne og 80'erne ville fremsætte lignende påstande…..Manden, der satte det hele op, var Andrija Puharich, som var involveret i den berømte israelske synske Uri Gellers tidlige karriere. Ifølge Picknett og Prince var Puharich også involveret i CIA's berygtede MK Ultra-mind-kontrolprogram. Og det her var ikke en flok hippie-frreaks, som Roddenberry havde med at gøre. Ifølge Picknett og Prince inkluderede de Nis disciple multimillionærforretningsmænd (mange gemte sig bag pseudonymer og inklusive medlemmer af Canadas rigeste familie, Bronfmans), europæisk adel, videnskabsmænd fra Stanford Research Institute og mindst én fremtrædende politisk skikkelse, der var en personlig person. ven af præsident Gerald Ford." Roddenberry-biograf Joel Engel bemærkede, at Whitmore også introducerede Roddenberry for flere nøglepersoner i British Broadcasting Corp. Det er interessant at bemærke, at Roddenberry på samme tid mødtes med alle disse britiske tv-chefer om Council of Nine’
- Secret Star Trek, Part 2: The Unknown Nine
I 2005 kom Laura Knight-Jadczyk med denne kommentar:
"Efter at have læst The Stargate Conspiracy, er vi næsten 100 % enige i dens konklusioner.....Faktisk kan læseren blive temmelig overrasket over at opdage, hvem der er først i denne! Mennesker, du aldrig ville gætte på havde nogen forbindelse til dette besynderlige, såsom kanalisering, gør det tilsyneladende - inklusive højtstående embedsmænd. (Vi vil ikke fortælle det - du er nødt til at læse bogen!) I sidste ende bringer P & P det dog hjem til kanaliseringen af The Council of Nine, der forbinder det med Andrija Puharich, James Hurtak og hans Keys of Enoch, tankeprogrammeringsprojekter såsom MKULTRA, Enochian Magick som udgivet af MacGregor Mathers og Aleister Crowley, mulige politiske manipulationer af R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, forskellige ordener af "Melchizidek" ," og "Vogtere" af forskellige udenjordiske kilder".
Det var lidt af en diggression :-)
Endnu et kvantespring:
Tilbage til Iapetus - Klerksdorp Kuglerne
Så er der ligheden med Klerksdorp kuglerne, som er fundet i Afrika, kæmpe anomali i sig selv; de er 2.8 milliarder år gamle, kan ikke ridses med stål, indeholder materiale som disintegrerer i kontakt med luft, har 3 parallelle linjer ækvatorialt, og der er også en rund fordybning over ækvatorlinjen, og ser derfor meget ud som....drumroll...: Iapetus!
"At least 200 have been found, and extracted out of deep rock at the Wonderstone Silver Mine in South Africa, averaging 1-4 inches in dia. and composed of a nickel-steel alloy that doesn't occur naturally.
Some have a thin shell about a quarter inch thick, when broken open are filled with a strange spongy material that disintegrates into dust upon contact with air.
The manufactured metallic spheroids have been mined out of a layer of pyrophyllite rock and geologically and by the various radio-isotope dating techniques are shown as being 2.8 - 3 billion years old, long before man.
.... A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves around its equator. The sphere was found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years old.
[p. 813, Forbidden Archeology]
"One of the most compelling arguments for artificiality of these perplexing spheres is a set of three (!) parallel grooves around their “equators (above); that -- and the equally remarkable hardness of the (currently unknown) material from which they are made."
The most astonishing, if undisputed fact (because of the highly specific dating of the pyrophyllite rock layers in which these “spheres" were found) is their extraordinary age: 2.8 billion years!
Kosmisk humor - Dødsstjernen fra Star Wars, Iapetus, og Klerksdorp kugler side om side
Some years ago, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson published a voluminous compendium of startling examples of additional “lost archaeological knowledge, in a landmark work entitled Forbidden Archaeology. Here’s one reviewer’s description:
“Over the past two centuries researchers have found bones and artifacts showing that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years ago. But the scientific establishment has ignored these remarkable facts because they contradict the dominant views of human origins and antiquity. Cremo and Thompson challenge us to rethink our understanding of human origins, identity, and destiny. Forbidden Archeology takes on one of the most fundamental components of the modern scientific world view, and invites us to take a courageous first step towards a new perspective [emphasis added].…”
One of the most remarkable examples of potential ancient artifacts published by Cremo and Thompson were hundreds of “small, grooved spheres mined in South Africa. According to Roelf Marx, curator of the Museum of Klerksdorp, South Africa, where some of the spheres are housed:
“The spheres are a complete mystery. They look man-made, yet at the time in Earth's history when they came to rest in this rock no intelligent life existed. They're nothing like I have ever seen before (Jimison 1982).
One of the most compelling arguments for artificiality of these perplexing spheres is a set of three (!) parallel grooves around their “equators (above); that -- and the equally remarkable hardness of the (currently unknown) material from which they are made .
Again, Roelf Marx:
“… they are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the little town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. This pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2) is a quite soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Mohs' scale and was formed by sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago. On the other hand the globes, which have a fibrous structure on the inside with a shell around it, are very hard and cannot be scratched, even by steel [emphasis added] ."
But, that isn’t the most remarkable part of this story.
Other images of these mysterious “metallic spheres in the Klerksdorp Museum (below) reveal an even more astonishing, precise resemblance to none other than the Cassini close-ups of the anomalous eighth satellite of Saturn, Iapetus!
Again, we do not have room to debate the full details of Crick and Orgel’s panspermia theory. What we do have is brand new evidence, which they did not possess
That provides a stunning new line of research into their seminal idea.
Because -- parked in a unique “base 60 orbit, around the most spectacular “hyperdimensional planet of this solar system -- is an apparently ancient, geometrically altered world battered almost beyond recognition. Astoundingly -- a billion miles away, buried deep within this planet -- lie a set of miniature counterparts ... from a long, long time ago .
This stark “coincidence now demands serious investigation!
Saturn's Iapetus: A Moon With a View - The Enterprise Mission
We're All Made of Stars
Memet i tidsånden, at vi er kommet fra stjernerne , er meget oppe at vende disse dage:
Richard Dawkins, scientismens selvbestaltede ypperstepræst + de religiøse, Vatikanet og Jesuitterne:
"For example, consider what evolutionist Richard Dawkins told Ben Stein during an interview for the movie “Expelled“…
RICHARD DAWKINS: Well, it could come about in the following way. It could be that at some earlier time, somewhere in the universe, a civilization evolved, probably by some kind of Darwinian means, probably to a very high level of technology, and designed a form of life that they seeded onto perhaps this planet. Now that is a possibility, and an intriguing possibility. And I suppose it’s possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the details of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer.
.....Investigative reporter Tom Horn has discovered that some top Vatican scholars are also into this kind of thing…
Do Vatican scholars actually believe Jesus might have been the Star-Child of an alien race? Does Consolmagno and/or other Jesuits secretly hold that the “Virgin Birth” was in reality an abduction scenario in which Mary was impregnated by ET, giving birth to the hybrid Jesus? As incredible as that sounds, you should prepare for the unexpected answer as this series unfolds.
All this would seem impossible theology if not for the fact that other high ranking Vatican spokespersons—those who routinely study from the “Star Base” (as local Indians call it) on Mt. Graham—have been saying the same in recent years. This includes Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mt. Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure of alien life is soon revealed by scientists (including the need to evolve from the concept of an “anthropocentric” God into a “broader entity”), [iv] and the current Vatican Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is “our brother” but will, when manifested, confirm the “true” faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.
- Are we being prepared that extraterrestrial seeded life on earth
Stephen Hawking - fra stjernerne til jorden og ud igen?:
'Colonize planets to save the human race ... -
Det slår mig, at Klerksdorp-kuglerne i sig selv - bortset fra den eklatant lighed med Iapetus - er et figurativt afbillede af den eneste planet i solsystemet, som har den mest distinkte og massive ring omkring sig... by far; Saturn....måske er det at strække den, men generelt; der er jo legio af karakteristika, som ude i landskabet ikke passer med de hævdvundne modeller (landkort) i denne sag, mildest talt.....
Der kan ikke være tale om falsk associativ tænkning qua observation af stærke afvigelser fra de forventede konstanter, o.a. - komparativt. Hvis præmisserne (karakteristika, anomalier; Klerksdorp, Iapetus, Saturn, osv.) er korrekte, er det chokerende.
Hvis dette rabbit hole er sandt, er det svimlende...og jeg taler ikke for Ancient Astronaut Theory nødvendigvis (der er megen manipulation), men ‘blot’ Ancient Civilizations....
Is it true...?
Lidt mere om Iaepetus
Artistisk gengivelse af Iapetus
This scene simulates a shot taken in low orbit over Saturn's moon Iapetus, looking down at a string of domed settlements built along the mighty equatorial ridge that runs along a large part of the moon's circumference.
This mysterious feature was only discovered as late as 2004 by the Cassini spacecraft, taking photos of the moon from orbit, and it is as of yet unknown how it came to be. It is about 1,3 thousand kilometers long, 20 kilometers wide and at places has peaks rising more than 20 kilometers above the surrounding plains. The area shown in this shot is however, not one of the tallest parts of the ridge, as I wanted to show the moon from a place from where Saturn is visible. As is the case with most moons, Iapetus is tidally locked to its parent planet, resulting in Saturn always being in the same place in the sky.
This was the first shot I made for the film, inspired by Kim Stanley Robinssons novel "2312" in which he describes a large urban area built along the ridge of Iapetus. The shot is almost built entirely in CG using various maps and photos from the NASA JPL photojournal as reference. Saturn in the background is a photo from the Cassini spacecraft (NASA/CICLOPS) but I don't know exactly when it was taken.
Again, I may have taken some artistic liberties here in making the city domes nearly unbelievably huge. The dome on the large city in the distance would be over 1 kilometer tall compared to the scale of the landscape. Now, the gravity on Iapetus is only a fraction of the Earths, so such structures like these would indeed be possible. It's just that there might take some time before we see such interest in living on Iapetus that there is need to build cities for millions and millions of people.
However, as a final note, Iapetus is one of very few moons around Saturn that has an orbit not entirely aligned to the plane of the rings, so, while on most other moons you would only see the rings as a mere stripe, from Iapetus you would see them in their full glory. So when it comes to amazing views, Iapetus would make for some highly valuable real estate.
I recommend turning to the wikipedia site for more reading on Iapetus, for example about its unique "yin/yang" coloring, being almost entirely white on one side, and dark brown on the other... '
Wanderers. Why Erik Wernquist's short movie is so amazing
[1] I presented my findings to Troy McLachlan and others with the quote from 'Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Astronomy' from 1923 about the Chaldeans attributing a Hexagon to Saturn - here is McLachlan's reply:
"I do think the hexagonal shape at Saturn's north pole is an indication for that shape's association with the planet Saturn, but mainly because (according to Electric Universe principles) the same shape would have been seen by Earth's inhabitants at Saturn's south pole in the period I describe as the Golden Age. The electrical connection between Earth and Saturn was far more pronounced at that time and would have produced a much more defined hexagonal shape during that period.
This is because Birkeland currents are actually a combination of between six and eight twirling currents that always spin about each other according to the right thumb rule of electrical current flow - like a more complicated double helix. These twirling-twisting currents form the much larger Birkeland currents that flow through planets and stars and produce a hurricane-like electrical vortex at their points of contact that is often characterised by hexagonal-shaped centres.
We see the exact same phenomenon in Earth's hurricanes and twisters where hexagonal eyes are often observed at the centre of major tropical storm systems (which are themselves, according to EU theory, electrical phenomena).
The same is also true for the formation of craters on planetary bodies where so-called impact craters display this same tendency for hexagonal shapes. This is because most craters are, in fact, the results of intense arc-mode plasma/lightning strikes where the same high-intensity combination of twisting-twirling electrical currents are at work.
Here's a quote from a useful article on the website that touches on this topic:
"One of the most bizarre configurations discovered on Saturn is the hexagon that dominates its north pole. The formation was originally seen by cameras onboard the twin Voyager spacecraft that flew by Saturn in November 1980 and then again in August 1981. NASA researchers continue to refer to the structure as “unexplained”, since the convective interpretations of Saturnian weather do not include mechanisms by which clouds can organize themselves into polygonal shapes.
For many years researchers studying the issue have known that beams of electricity flowing through plasma produce a central column surrounded by concentric cylinders. The cylindrical current filaments exhibit long-range attraction and short-range repulsion braiding that result in evenly spaced vortices surrounding the column. As the filaments rotate around one another, a preferred hexagonal cross-section forms within the innermost column. Hexagonal craters can be seen etched into the surfaces of planets and moons. Weather patterns, such as hurricanes on Earth, also exhibit hexagonal “eyes” that defy conventional explanation.
The hexagon at Saturn’s north pole is another example of electrical activity in the solar system on a tremendous scale. Electricity moves along Birkeland current filaments that electrically connect the Sun with its family of planetary bodies. The energy flows most strongly into the giant gas planets because their charge differential with the Sun is greater than that of their smaller, rocky cousins. See here for the full article:
I think the underlying truth here is that the ancients did indeed know that a hexagonal shape was closely associated with Saturn and that can only have been the case had Earth and Saturn been in closer proximity to each other at some time in the past.
No, I have not seen a direct correlation in ancient texts between a geometric hexagon shape and the planet Saturn. However, the number six is most definitely used as a Saturnian attribute (it's current position being the sixth planet in the solar system's current configuration), and a hexagon is the accepted geometric expression of the number six, along with the six-pointed star. The number six is also attributed to the male of the human species in many ancient texts and traditions, i.e. man made on the sixth day; the male torso having six appendages - two arms, two legs, one penis, and one head, etc.
Geometry and Music were considered the highest pursuits of the ancient priesthoods since both disciplines incorporate a pleasing combination of both mathematical and aesthetic qualities, so it is likely that Saturn was associated with the hexagon from time to time, though this cannot be proven conclusively using ancient texts (at least none that I know of). The symbols used for the planets, though ancient in origin, owe more to being language representations than geometric appreciations, and this is why a hexagon is not used officially to symbolise Saturn."
- Troy McLachlan
The Sumerians/Babylonians used the word 'Shamesh' for both the Sun og Saturn - a conundrum for mythologists.
Helios (the Sun) was an expression used for Saturn according to Diodurus Siculus, m.fl.
Saturn was called 'The star of the Sun' and 'Sol' according to Hyginus
Sumererans denoted Saturn as 'Shining like the Sun'
Saturn was associated with the North Pole in ancient times.
The Arctic sea was called "Cronian Sea' (after Kronos)
'"Apart from a few experts on Babylonian astronomy, historians and mythologists as a whole seem to be unaware that in Babylonian astronomical texts, the sun god Shamash and the planet Saturn merge in a most unexpected way. Where one would expect references to the Sun, one finds instead the name of the planet Saturn.....
As strange as it may seem, as difficult as it may be to comprehend, the ancient sun god is not the body we call "Sun" today. But how could such a strange identity have attached itself to the now-distant planet.
[It must be emphasized that we are not claiming our Sun was absent. What should become clear in the course of this investigation*17048 is that the Sun was simply not a subject of ancient myth, or the Age of the Gods. The celestial drama takes place at a particular location far removed from the path of the Sun.]
Samas og Shamash er ofte benævnt som hhv. Sol og Saturn
Saturn er Shamash
Saturn blev kaldt "the star of the sun"
Utu Samas = Sun Sungod, god of justice
Ninurta Ninurta Saturn God of war and hunting
1)Associeringen mellem Saturn og Solen er hyppig og 2) distinktionen mellem deres karakteristiska ses ved, at Saturn udførte samme funktion om natten som Šamaš udførte om dagen, dertil at Saturns lys var klart svagere om nattten end Samas's lys om dagen, viser her at Samas er solen.
Det at Solen og Saturn ofte er associerede fejlagtigt, ændrer ikke på, at den fysiske gigantiske astronomiske Hexagon-storm på Saturn er associeret med Saturn, uanset dobbeltheden. Den fonetiske beslægtedhed viser også, at de tilknyttede de to objekter lighed (lys)
Sandsynligheden for, at denne viden om Saturn associeret med en hexagon, er et tilfælde, er uhyre lav. Det er der for så vidt intet mærkeligt i, når man betænker tidligere civilisationer som er gået under på jorden. Alligevel er det chokerende og forbløffende, da det tager tid at vende sig til, at det herskende verdensbillede, er forkert.
Andre indikationer for glemte højteknologiske civilisationer ses via bl.a. Graham Hancocks og Klaus Donas fund m.fl. som bevidner dette.
Saturn's Hexagon could perhaps be viewed once directly from Earth (lack of sources and farfetched but not imposible), but more importantly; the elites worship Saturn as the ancient 'Sun' and not the current Sun! This would explain a lot about the characteristics of the Saturn Cult. See the Saturn Death Cult (NB! extremely interesting article series by Troy McLachlan)
After its flare-up and ejection of Venus, Saturn would alternate between quieter times in which Venus could be seen behind Mars and more electrically active periods in which Venus flared in a distinctive eight-pointed star burst. - previous link
See also: Saturn Death Cult | - Occult Zionism V - The Saturn King - Infrakshun -
It is interesting to note that Dr. Peratt's plasma experiments were able to replicate many symbols that can be found in ancient mythology too, such as Sumerian god, Ninurta's "Divine Weapon":
Ninurtas Divine Weapon and Plasma Discharge Compared
So, could it be that Palaeolithic man was merely replicating what he saw in the heavens above him? This would account for why the same symbols and images are found all over the world (aprt from the fact that there actually was a global civilization once).
Sumerian/Babylonian star and crescent
Throughout the ancient world the star between the horns of a crescent was an important religious symbol. Yet it is physically impossible if the crescent represented the Moon. What is more, the apparition was universally reported to have occupied the top of a tapering column of light in the motionless center of the northern sky – the north celestial pole – where the Moon never goes. It was often pictured as a figure with arms stretching upwards. The north celestial “pole” was commemorated by all ancient cultures as the home of the prehistoric sun and the planetary gods. A true history of the Earth must explain these astronomical enigmas. And a true history of the Earth is necessary before we can speculate meaningfully about planet origins.
- source from Electric Universe