Hvad ser du? Prøv at zoome ud. Billedet er AI-genereret.
Om fotoet foroven: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hidden-words-in-ai-art
Hollywood bruger AI mindfuck - husk det når du ser Marvel og andet mindfuck.
Nu er ét billede ikke selve beviset for alt andet, men det er illustrativt for pointen. Pointen er postulatet: At film og billeder kan manipulere os med subliminale symboler.
Følgende er allerede gammelt, kaster blot nogle få ting ud lynhurtigt (se evt: The Idiot Box: How TV Hypnotizes You af James Corbett) - tilbageblik 2018 fra paradigmet.blogspot:
'Flere generationer mindfucked af Hollywood CIA & skjulte tænketanke
Deklassificerede dokumenter fremlagt i ny bog, beviser 100%, at Hollywood og TV-serier i betragtelig grad er styret af Pentagon, tænketanke og CIA. Nylige FOIA-dokumenter (aktindsigt via Freedom Of Information Act) dokumenterer, at Pentagon, CIA og andre statslige instanser gennem 70 år aktivt har været medvirkende til at skabe over 1800 film med specifikt hvidvaskende og/eller manipulerende indhold, som tjener det militær-industrielle kompleks' særinteresser. Film som Transformers, Iron Man, The Terminator og andre Marvel-produktioner, hvor the Deep State har haft en finger med i spillet, i produktionen af talløse film, med det formål at påvirke befolkningerne. Og dette er blot toppen af isbjerget.
EXCLUSIVE: "Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA" - US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows'
- Insurge Intelligence, 4. Jul. 2017
'US Intelligence Rewrites over 1000 Hollywood Movies: New Book'
- Telesur, 5. Jun. 2017
Sean Stone's yderst interessante og chokerende eksponering af CIA's og krigsindustriens massesuggestive indflydelse via Hollywood, bekræfter disse 'paranoide' tidligere uantagelige formodninger (find dem via Yandex.com):
Hollywood, D.C. – Part 1 (E672) RT — Watching the Hawks - RT.com og
Hollywood, D.C. – Part 2 (E673) RT — Watching the Hawks - RT.com
Predictive Programming
Teorien i en nøddeskal: Predictive Programming (Prediktiv programmering) er en subtil form for psykologisk konditionering fra medierne, især i film, for at bekendtgøre offentligheden med planlagte samfundsmæssige ændringer, der skal implementeres af supereliten. Hvis og når disse ændringer gennemføres, vil offentligheden allerede være bekendt med dem og vil være psykologisk desensitiverede til acceptere dem som "naturlige fremskridt", dvs. at offentlig modstand mod elitære tiltag vil reduceres. Prediktiv programmering kan derfor betragtes som en sløret form for forebyggende massemanipulation eller sindelagskontrol. Predictive Programming er identisk med The Revelation of the Method.
Michael Hofmann postulerer: 'Revelation of The Method' er et dødbringende våben i hænderne på etablissementets fjender, på de tidspunkter, hvor det amerikanske folk var i besiddelse af et årvågent sind, en vækket bevidsthed, koncentreret viljestyrke og ikke for mange distraktioner. I dag er amnesi, apati og distraheringer, både digitalt og forbrugermæssigt altovervældende, altgennemtrængende, undtagen når folk er inciteret til raseri af etablissementet.
En anden ofte anført grund til, at elitært symbolik fremlægges offentligt, omend sløret, skyldes en overbevisning om, at den frie vilje først skal præsenteres for elitens intentioner før at de kan handle - dvs. når information om, hvad som foregår først er ude i det offentlige rum uden protester, vil det svare til en form for accept og tavst samtykke til elitens handlinger.
Mindfuck som Novichok
Eksempel på predictive programming: Kun 2 dage før Salibury/Novichok episoden indtraf, hvor etablissementet udførte denne Novichok false flag (som Rusland urigtigt blev anklaget for), bruges Novichok som et udtryk i en fiktionsfilm (serie) for første gang i filmhistorien, men også i mange uger før.
I filmen bliver et Novichok angreb også hængt op på russerne. 3 episoder foregår over flere måneder med visuel og verbal konditionering i en højtprofileret serie på HBO i mange lande
Moon of Alabama, en af de bedste dissident-militæranalytikere, påstår, at nogen i den Britiske PSYOPS propaganda stab fik idéen fra den britisk-amerikanske spionserie Strike Back, men er det monstro omvendt kausalitet? At det var en form for forsætlig predictive programming?
Episode 50 ran in the U.K on November 21 2017 and in the U.S. on February 23 2018: Meanwhile, General Lázsló shuts down Section 20, forcing Donovan to work in secret. She discovers that Zaryn is in fact Karim Markov, a Russian scientist who allegedly killed his colleagues with Novichok, a nerve agent they invented.
Episodes 51 ran in the U.K on November 28 2017 and in the U.S. on March 2 2018
Section 20 track Berisovich's meth lab in Turov where Markov is making more Novichok and destroy it, though Berisovich escapes with Markov.
Episodes 52 ran in the U.K on January 31 2018 and in the U.S. on March 9 2018:
Section 20 track down Maya, a local Muslim woman Lowry radicalised, to a local airport. When she attempts to release the Novichok, Reynolds shoots her. The Novichok is fake however, as Berisovich does not want an attack committed in his country. ... By the time Section 20 arrives, Berisovich had already called in the FSB to extract Markov and confiscate the Novichok. Yuri resurfaces to kill McAllister and Wyatt. However they turn the tables and strangle him to death. They then manage to engage the FSB and contain the gas. But in the process Reynolds is exposed. Markov works on an antidote but is killed by the Russians before he can complete. McAllister improvises and saves Reynolds, before Novin blows up the lab. Lowry uses the remainder of the gas to kill Berisovich for trying to betray her.
Syn for sagn - kort video dokumentation om ovenstående: https://www.moonofalabama.org/images6/NovichockTV.mp4
Det er altid altid et 'tilfælde', selvom timingen tyder på det modsatte.
Freedom of Information Act via 2 journalisters grundige arbejde - deklassificerede dokumenter: EXCLUSIVE: "Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA" - US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows'
- Insurge Intelligence, 4. Jul. 2017 - Kopi via Wayback Machine (tager tid at loade).
Billede fra Cartoon Network fra Mr. Pickles, en serie af populære tegnefilm for børn - brutale billeder figurerer som åbenlyse og/eller subliminale symboler, hvor børn kultiveres til accept af pædofili, degeneration og sataniske beskeder, programmeres til aversion mod ulydighed, etc. Tilsyneladende er der talløse sataniske symboler i tegnefilm, film, serier, musikvideoer, computerspil, etc. - men set fra et mainstream sind er den slags, uanset hvor mange mystiske perversiteter som bliver afsløret, blot tilfældighedsteori - eller 'der må være en anden uskyldig forklaring', lyder rationaliseringen. Inverteret pentagram ses på billede foroven og forneden fra Mr. Pickles serien.
En anden serie pt. [2018] er 'Happy' på dansk Netfilx, som er alt andet end happy, en obskøn serie som handler om forsvundne børn, der bliver misbrugt. Skaberen, Grant Morrison, er både selverklæret Chaos magiker og discipel af Aleister Crowley. Grant Morrisons T-shirt lægger heller ikke skjul på det (negativt pentagram og nedadgående lyn, klassiske satanistiske symboler):
Som Netfix seer har den almindelige Jens Jensen ikke skyggen af mulighed for at afkode serien, som forekommer at være promovering af pædofili, og handler om forsvundne børn, der bliver brugt i perverse orgier - og er spækket med regnbuesymbolik og enhjørninger, som også går igen i pædofili, MK-Ultra, etc. Det afhænger selvfølgelig af konteksten, men Happy er ikke til at tage fejl af.
Se f.eks: Why Are We Being Inundated with Unicorn Symbolism? - Truthstream eller Does Society Realize It Is Being Initiated? -Truthstream
'Illuminati' er i det følgende forsøg på en akademisk analyse en overordnet betegnelse for magteliter med esoterisk viden (og ikke det historiske Illuminati per se):
Academic Analysis of Illuminati Rituals in the Media:
"I am presenting three hypotheses in this article:
The Illuminati consistently engage in a pattern of behavior whereby they perform rituals of a certain aesthetic that frequently involves a combination of sex, violence and/or drugs.
The Illuminati intentionally depict these rituals in the media.
The Illuminati depict these rituals in the media as a means of proselytizing their religion.
Back to Grant Morrison’s article, he describes the process of creating sigils, which he claims are one of the most potent means the Illuminati have of changing the world in a manner that conforms with a magician’s true will. He describes sigils as magically charged symbols that magicians create with the intention of causing the world to change in a specific manner:
In the Pop Magic! style, the sigil (sij-ill) is the first and one of the most effective of all the weapons in the arsenal of any modern magician…
…The sigil takes a magical desire or intent-let’s say “IT IS MY DESIRE TO BE A GREAT ACTOR” (you can, of course, put any desire you want in there) and folds it down, creating a highly-charged symbol. The desire is then forgotten. Only the symbol remains and can then be charged to full potency when the magician chooses…
…I usually sigilize to meet people I’m interested in, or for particular qualities I’ll need in a given situation. I’ve also used sigils for healing, for locating lost objects and for mass global change. I’ve been using them for 20 years and they ALWAYS work.
For me, the period between launching the sigil and its manifestation as a real world event is usually 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months depending on the variables involved.
I repeat: sigils ALWAYS work. [Grant Morrison]
The next part is where the article gets interesting (and relevant to this discussion). Morrison describes what he calls “viral sigils,” which are known by mainstream society as “brands” or “logos.” He makes the claim that corporate logos are actually sigils, implying that mainstream society is already using magic whether they realize it or not:"
- Academic Analysis of Illuminati Rituals in the Media
- http://paradigmet.blogspot.com/2019/05/game-of-thrones-elitens-symbolik.html
En 9-klasses opgave på engelsk lavet til min ex-kærestes datter i 2010 (den er forsætligt lavet i en mere ‘infantil’ og forenklet version):
Subliminal messages in advertising
There are many methods of advertising and the marketing industry is increasingly using more and more complicated and sophisticated high-tech methods to influence people. Words like “neuromarketing”, “product placement”, subliminal messages”, etc. are just some of the very few names for methods which have been invented. Many of these methods are by some researchers categorized as subliminal. [1]
In this essay I have chosen to focus on visual subliminal advertising and to investigate whether subliminal messages are effective as advertising methods or just exaggerated imaginations.
What are subliminal messages?
Subliminal messages are words, images, or sounds that might appear in television or radio commercials, TV shows or movies, printed advertisements or recorded music. Usually when subliminal messages are seen or heard, they’re not recognized for what they are. In fact they may be ignored by the conscious brain but the theory says that they work on the subconscious level.
Purpose of subliminal messages
The purpose of subliminal messages is of course to stimulate the consumer or target to be influenced without his knowledge. Subliminal advertising was exposed in the 1950s when some television and movie theatre ads were found to be transmitting splitsecond images that the conscious mind couldn't see to stimulate a desire for a product. This included a subliminal "I'm thirsty" during drinks commercials.
Figure 1. Advertisement poster for the the blockbuster Hollywood film “The Silence of the Lambs. The Moth has a skull on its head which is identical to a motif painted by the famous artist Salvador Dali showing a double motif – hidden in the skull are seven naked women. The original is a photograph by Philippe Halsman after a drawing by Dalí.
Examples of subliminal messages in politics
Figure 2. The subliminal implant of ‘RATS’ in a Bush TV-commercial attacking Al Gore in the 2000 election campaign. It was not subliminal enough and could be seen by slightly slowing down the tape. [2]
Figure 3. “An anti-Obama video produced by the McCain campaign… For a brief moment, Obama’s face is framed by letters that the brain may want to play with and spell something that does make sense. If you type “al qD” into Google, you get this response: “Did you mean: al qaeda?” [3]
The name “Obama” also rhymes on “Osama” (Osama bin Laden is/was the leader of the terror group al qaeda) which could be a way of influencing people’s behavior by associating Obama with al qD = al qaeda = Osama.
The following sentence is an illustration of how you can still read the message even if some of the letters are misspelled or missing: “it deosn't alays mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod ar, you cn stlli raed tihs snetence” – did John McCain use this type of text in a subliminal way to influence people not to vote for Obama?
Sexual subliminal messages in advertsing
Sexual themes are used in subliminal advertising (and in advertising in general) on a large scale. The subliminal word 'sex' is incredibly common in advertisements. Some researchers claim that sexual motives are so widely used because it is such a strong instinctive force in people. Contrary to what many assume, we are not a sexually open society, but a seriously sexually suppressed one. We are largely in denial of our sexuality and our desires, but much as people may wish to deny them they don't go away. Denying something gives it more power over you and can become an obsession. Because of this one could argue that sexual motives are more powerful than other non-sexual motives in advertisements and especially sexual subliminal messages.
Figure 4. In the 1980s, Coca-Cola released in South Australia an advertising poster featuring a Coca Cola bottle, with a speech bubble, "FEEL THE CURVES!". Inside one of the ice cubes was the silhouette of a woman performing fellatio.
Subliminal advertising is not only used by big companies like Coca Cola. Subliminal messages could be found in adds of small and unknown companies and brands. We should not forget that they also very often use the services of the big advertisement agencies. The following add below appeared in the British Yellow Pages in the nineties. We observe a carpet supplier and flooring company add with an innocent image. However, when the image is reversed a rather indecent image is revealed (Laid by the best = get laid?)
Figure 5.. Carpet advertisement - The same add reversed
Figure 6. Can you see the subliminal message in this image? Apparently about 5% of people see it immediately
Here I have enhanced the hidden message:
A ‘scientific study suggests that subliminal messages have an effect. Half of the participants in the study were subliminally tested with Lipton Ice tea ("Lipton Ice" was repeatedly flashed on a computer screen for 24 milliseconds), while the other half was tested with a control that did not consist of a brand. In the study they found that subliminally testing a brand name of a drink (Lipton Ice) made those who were thirsty want the Lipton Ice. Those who were not thirsty, however, were not influenced by the subliminal message since their goal was not to quench their thirst.’
Subliminal advertisement can actually influence people – although some observers claim that subliminal messages do not have an effect on the subconscious mind and consumer behavior, etc. – and many analysts claim they can.
Thousands of pages will not be enough to explore all subliminal ads, appearing in the public space.
Recently is has also been proven that subliminals do work. [4]
Figure 7. “This picture is an example of subliminal stimuli in images.”
- Wikipedia
Here I have enhanced the text in top of the picture with contrast and colours so it is easier to see.
The use of subliminals is supposed to be illegal in some countries and the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) in the United States says that subliminals are deceptive because the consumer does not perceive them at a normal level of awareness and is given no choice whether to accept or reject the message.
It is frightening to consider that groups of power and influence are using hidden manipulative messages in society, messages which can influence people’s behavior, thoughts, emotions, what to buy and think, etc. The topic is enormous and complicated.
Some websites give very points of good advice about how one can protect oneself – for example: “Critical, Rational Thinking – Question, question, question, why you really want to make a particular purchase decision. Do you really need the object? If you only want it, what are the real reasons you want it.” [6]
“10 Disturbing Trends in Subliminal Advertising”- By Martin Howard, Author of “We Know What You Want: How They Change Your Mind” http://www.mindpowernews.com/SubliminalAds.htm
“Dirty rats leave Gore a subliminal message - It was only visible for a thirtieth of a second but here's proof the gloves are really off” - The Guardian, Wednesday 13 September 2000 01.18
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2000/sep/13/uselections2000.usa“Subliminal Messaging, or Over-Active Imaginations?” – ABC News, July 18, 2008 http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/07/subliminal-mess.html
Karremans, J.; Stroebe, W.; Claus, J. (2006). "Beyond Vicary’s fantasies: the impact of subliminal priming and brand choice". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology + Wikipedia
“Scientists at the University College London (UCL) have found the first physiological evidence that invisible subliminal images do attract the brain’s attention on a subconscious level.“
- Subliminal Messages Work, Neuromarketing Blog, March, 2008.
http://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/subliminal-messages-work.htm“…when shopping or considering purchases, do not allow yourself to act on “auto-pilot”. Be aware of what you are doing and the thoughts you engage in to justify your actions. Actions manipulated by neuroscientific methods will be at your subconscious level. Your awareness of manipulation will not be immediate.”
- “How to Protect Yourself From Advertisers Neuromarketing Tricks”