Tilføjelse i Dalai Pharma-sagaen:
1. En pige gramses på, og pigen viser ubehag i kropsproget
2. Senere i videoens fulde længde viser pigen ikke ubehag
Konklusion: Der gramses ikke på pigen med ubehag til følge i den forkortede video
Blot en parallel, men den viser ét eksempel på en non sequitur (logisk fejlslutning) i formel logik. Man bruger en senere situation i forløbet som (illegitim) antagelse, at den første situation ikke skabte ubehag. 'Nu er pigen glad, ergo kunne hun ikke have følt ubehag før", hvilket selvfølgelig er en irrationel konklusion.
1. Dalai Pharma bad drengen at spise/sutte tungen
2. Ingen tunge blev suttet på
Konklusion: Der var derfor ingen skadevoldende handling -ergo ingen dårlig intention.
NB! Læg mærke til, at Dalai Lama på intet tidspunkt holder drengen tilbage fra at sutte tungen. Drengen kunne have gjort det, da dennes mund var meget tæt på tungen, og Dalai Pharma holdt ikke drengen tilbage fra at gøre det, tværtimod.
Manglende fuldbyrdelse af handlingen - hvad enten det er at 'spise' eller 'sutte' tungen - formindsker ikke selve transgressionens karakter (oplevet af barnet f.eks.) blot fordi handlingen ikke blev fuldbyrdet, hvorend lille den kan eufemiseres via det sproglige-kulturelle element, demens eller pædofil tendens. "Hvis ikke et overgreb blev fuldbragt, går overgrebsmanden fri" (ville være gakkeligak i det juridiske system).
2 videoer med klar tænkning, som viser Dalai Lamas gaslighting, etc:
Det samme med ad hoc antagelsen af, at Dalai Pharma ikke ville gøre det offentligt, hvis der virkelig var tale om overgreb, kun kulturel og sproglig misforståelse, og at videoen blev offentliggjort (rationaliserende cirkulær tænkning). NB! Dalai Lama og co. ventede med at undskylde for episoden til at videoen kom ud måneder efter episoden fandt sted. De håbede muligvis på, at episoden ville forsvinde fra offentlighedens søgelys.
Dalai Pharma kunne desuden være begyndende dement, forglemt konteksten.
Ansigtsudtrykket hos Dalai Pharma viser på ingen måde en jokende ansigtsmimik, da han spørger om at sutte på tungen, heller ikke da drengen kommer helt tæt på tungen. Paul Ekman og Dalai Lama's nærmeste kreds af tibetanske buddhister, såvel som kropssprogeksperter, ved dette.
En anden ting, som er langt langt værre, nemlig det vanvittigt seriøse brud på Boddhisatvaløftet ved at anbefale mRNAvaccinen. Anti-Boddhisatvisk i hht. den tibetanske buddhismes egen logik. De skadevoldende virkninger for mange tusinder (har set hundredvis af videoer af involuntære forfærdelige spasmer og virkninger, og fulgt disse siden 2009), muligvis millioner, som har fulgt Dalai Pharma's russiske roulette-eksempel og anbefaling for Pfizer og Moderna - i mange tilfælde grusomme irreversible virkninger, ikke mindst dødsfald som følge af Dalai Pharma's anbefaling af mRNA vaccinen og det offentlige stik på egen skulder - er umuligt at legitimere.
At Dalai Pharma angiveligt kan argumentere i yderst subtile filosofiske diskurser, argumentere i moralsk hensigt, ændrer ikke på, at moralsk hensigt og konsekvens er to forskellige ting. Hvis handlinger dementerer den moralske hensigt, er skaden den samme, og man vil oftest fremstå som hykler - eller uviis. At man fremstår som vismand, gør blot miseren mere absurd.
"After more than 60 years in the public limelight suddenly this man does something “cultural” that HE has never been seen to do before? Or, he has never done in public before? Or, THAT NO OTHER LAMA OR RINGPOCHE OR ORDINARY TIBETAN has ever been seen doing in public before?
Is LT that unconscious that he doesn’t realize this is not an OK public (or private) gesture or behavior for any man to do, but especially for a man of his global “spiritual” stature?
Or, is it that TL is really very immature and even infantile? This.
Is it senility? Why haven’t his defenders rolled out that excuse? It would be a more reasonable (unacceptable) excuse for kissing this (or any) child on the lips and then having the child suck his tongue.
By the way: the boy asked if he could give LT a hug, and he did, and he kissed LT on the cheek. That wasn’t enough reverence or respect or love for LT, and so he (LT) kissed the boy on the lips and made the boy suck his (LT’s) tongue.
It is demonstrative of immaturity, unconsciousness, senility, of a lack of awareness, and a lack of sensitivity.
Where is the wisdom?"
Hele mit liv har jeg studeret spirituelle faldgruber og Guru'ers fristelser og fortrædeligheder, mødt diverse Rinpoches, bl.a. Sogyal Rinpoche (sexskandaler in extremis, og han skrev i øvrigt ikke ‘Den Tibetanske Bog om Livet og Døden’ heller [en ghostwriter gjorde]), Chogyam Rinpoche (lige dele kokain og alkohol i en køre, hvilket mærkeligt nok ikke formindskede hans godartede evner i non-dual bevidsthed), set Tulkuers sex-skandaler (Kalu Rinpoche blev voldtaget af munke med trussel om død, og Kalu Rinpoche i sidste inkarnation havde en sex-slave), og mange andre vestlige non-duale skikkelsers fortrædeligheder (Andrew Cohen var voldelig) John de Ruiter, Adi Da, m.fl. hvoraf nogle slet ikke har skyggeside-fristelser (Eckhart Tolle f.eks. som jeg har mødt 5 gange).
Derudover er Dalai Lama ingen bevidst Tulku eller Rinpoche, han er en Lama (über-hyped pga. Hollywood og Vesten - og brugt i et dialektisk CIA/Kinesisk spil ), således ikke avanceret i hht. buddhismens egen rangering og egen logik.
Jeg har stort set aldrig købt Dalai Lama - til forskel fra den 16. Karmapa f.eks. - og mener, at han qua sine ord og handlinger har skabt fortræd på tibetansk buddhisme, idet mange mennesker fejlagtigt vil smide det uhyre værdifulde barn (buddhisme) ud med badevandet (Dalai Lama). Dette pga. hans selektive support for nogle afskyelige (CIA-initierede) )krige, Bush, Pinochet, mRNA-vacciner, hans kødspisning, hans excessivt exorbitante ure (intet galt mht. de to sidstnævnte, hvis han ikke deklarerede sig selv som "simpel munk") - og nu denne demente episode, hvor Dalai Lama har mange årtiers tilstrækkelig forståelse for simple kulturelle vestlige normer til - mildest talt - ikke at overskride dem (NB! i hht hans egen interesse som 'vismand' og moralsk bannerfører for Tibet).
Javist, der er excessiv overfortolkning - både hos "konspirationsteoretikere" og de fårede godtroende, som ikke ønsker deres koryfæ blive detroniseret - men jeg følger min egen observation i al denne evindelige Rorschach-båndsalat af confirmation bias og ønsketænkning.
Jeg er ligeglad med Kinas motivhandlinger i denne sammenhæng. At hans umoralske handlinger også udpeges af andre umoralske stater, neutraliserer ikke Dalai Pharma's negative handlinger som moralsk carte blanche. Kun uafhængig verificering og sandhedsværdi tæller. Om Dalai Pharma er dement eller har pædofile tilbøjeligheder, er i hht. handlingens objektive skadevoldende konsekvens underordnet, omend intentionen er forskellig og strafudmåling i det juridiske system er ditto. Patienten er stadig død pga. mRNA-vacciner. Ville vi lade en babysitter, som har vanrøgtet børnene, forblive babysitter fordi babysitteren er godhjertet og har handlet i god intention (og det er endda best-case scenario)?
Hvad med at Dalai Lama ikke har mundbind på, mens hans nærmeste bærer det for at undgå smitte? Gakkeligak. Masker virker ikke, men har i alle uafhængige undersøgelser vist sig skadelige. En hån mod alle buddhister, som har underlagt sig et meningsløst dekret foroven. Jeg får fysisk kvalme i sjælelig frastødelse, idet det er meningsløst og lidelsesvoldende, psykisk og fysisk. Jeg skrev sidste år: ‘Se idag på de Tibetanske buddhisters knæfald (der er undtagelser) for Corona-totalitarismen; næsten alle har deres mundble på alle steder, og Dalai Pharma som opfordrer til at tage stikket (som han selv har gjort på video) har et clairvoyant orakel til at rådgive ham. Hvor er Dalai Lama- oraklets clairvoyance i alt dette? Farligt + et skizofrent brud på Boddhisatvaløftet….’
VIDEO: Dalai Lama Beder Barn Om At Sutte På Hans Tunge
Dalai Lama apologizes after ‘suck my tongue’ controversy. The Dalai Lama has issued an apology after a controversial clip emerged on social media showing the spiritual leader asking an Indian boy to ’suck his tongue.’
VIDEO: https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/BoyKiss_social_wide2:4
Skandalen er i alle verdens medier lige nu.
"Imagine the celebrations in China that a once great, defiant legacy, one that took the Tibetan struggle to the world, is now laid to waste. No matter how much the west plays this down, there’s nothing ‘innocent’ or ‘playful’ about pedophilia. No geopolitical caves to hide in," India Todoay reporter Shiv Aroor responded.
Robby Starbuck added, "You forgot the part where you asked the boy to kiss you and suck your tongue. Pedophile behavior. You’re disgusting."
SÅ faldt endnu en figur, men de såkaldte 'konspirationsteoretikere' har vidst dette i mange år. Er Dalai Lama i samme kategori som pædofile? Who knows? ‘Suck my tongue’ er ikke den traditionelle tibetanske hilsen, og drengen bryder sig ikke om det ifl. eksperter i kropssprog.
Standardproceduren er at kontrollere magtfulde mennesker via deres sexvaner med børn, ikke noget nyt. Biden, Trump (og her), m.fl. er i samme kategori.
”Filmen, Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick) henviser med andre ord til virkeligheden (bortset fra at man også skal erstatte de voksne sexdeltagere med mindreårige), og det som er langt værre. Eksistensen af et elitært ekstremt magtfuldt netværk var et af filmens hovedpointer. Men Stanley Kubrick’s film er vand sammenlignet med virkeligheden. Dette gælder ikke kun VIP-logers praksis i rituel sex og magtbesættelse – og dersom rituelt-hedonistisk-dekadente swingers sexparties, var alt det, som dette handlede om, var det komplet uinteressant, men kigger vi dybere i ‘the rabbit hole’ finder vi andre ting, nemlig omfattende VIP secret societies og loger, hvis centrale karakteristika er økonomisk manipulation, pædofili, både i rituel sammenhæng med depraveret-hedonistisk praksis, ritualmord, men ikke mindst afpresning (kameraoptagelser af sex med mindreårige,o.a.) som essentielt kontrolredskab af toppolitikere og businessmænd (Mossad, CIA, etc.), mind control, okkulte ideologier ført ud i mord på børn, narkotikahandel, pengehvidvaskning, sexslaveri, snigmord, organ trafficking, og brugen af efterretningstjenester som prætorianske garder for Deep State aktører, staten i staten, etc.
– Finansmands Bekendelser – Elitens Rituelle Menneskeofringer & Pædofili
Gamle skrifter: Jeg anser heller ikke Dalai Lama for at være etisk ren, i øvrigt.
* Dalai Lama får mRNA-vaccinen, og anbefaler den til andre på video. Vanvid. Dalai Lama blev til Dalai Pharma.
* Dalai Lama støttede den ulovlige krig mod Jugoslavien, som var en CIA-planlagt ulovlig krig, som smadrede landet.
* Dalai Lama støttede USA/NATOs militære invasion i Afghanistan 2001
* Han var 'undecided’ med hensyn til den amerikansk-ledede krig mod Irak 2003.
* Dalai Lama gav berygtede personer som George W. Bush, Margaret Thatcher og Augusto Pinochet fripas og sagde, at George Bush junior er et 'meget rart menneske', når det faktisk er sådan - ikke kun som politiker, men også som person - at George Bush er følelsesløs og psykopatisk og en de facto massemorder.
In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, and former Beijing Ambassador, CIA Director and President, George H.W. Bush, the Dalai Lama demanded the British government release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who was visiting England.
Andre ting i farten - mange sexskandaler indenfor Tibetansk Buddhisme:
Not in the Name of the Dalai Lama: Tibetan Reaction to Child Rape Reveals a Deeper Malaise
Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche: I've been sexually abused by other monks.
Karmapa Agrees to Multimillion-Dollar Settlement with Mother of his Child, Source Says
2019: Sogyal Rinpoche beat members of his inner circle on a daily basis and coerced young followers into sex
2020: Famed Buddhist nun Pema Chodron retires, cites handling of sexual misconduct allegations against her group’s leader
’The Dalai Lama also has complicated ties to the self-help cult NXIVM, which has a history of sexual abuse. Leader Keith Raniere was sentenced to prison after an investigation found that multiple women, including one teenage girl, was coerced into having sex with Raniere.’
Jeg anser den 16. Karmapa for at have alle adelsmærkerne for en helgen, bl.a. realiseringen af regnbuekroppen, en ekstremt høj bevidsthed, hvilket hans død attesterede med udsagn og vidnesbyrd fra læger på hospitalet i Chigago, da han døde.
At Dalai Lama er uetisk, er der vægtige grunde til. Dalai Lama støttede f.eks. krigen mod Jugoslavien, og vi ved nu, at dette var USA's beskidte angrebskrig baseret på løgne og false flags:
Mainstream Media Confirm Dalai Lama is A CIA Asset - Veterans Today
The Absurdity of the Dalai Lama
Webster Tarpley - Dalai Lama on CIA Payroll Since 1959
Måske skal dette ses som den politiske del - og på samme måde som Paven og Vatikanet ikke er repræsentanter for Pater Pio, Frans af Assisi, Teressa af Avilla, etc., på samme måde anser jeg ikke Dalai Lama for at være repræsentativ for de tibetanske helgener. Dette er selvfølgelig sacrilege at sige for mange tibetanske buddhister (jeg er selv initieret i Kagyupa), kætteri af den værste slags, men man skal selv følge sin logik og observation.
Som Buddha selv sagde:
‘Tro ikke på noget, blot fordi du har hørt det. Tro ikke på noget, blot fordi det tales og rygtes af mange. Tro ikke på noget, blot fordi det er fundet skrevet i jeres religiøse bøger. Tro ikke på noget alene på autoritet fra dine lærere og ældre. Tro ikke på traditioner, fordi de er blevet overleveret i mange generationer. Men efter observation og analyse, når du opdager, at noget er i overensstemmelse med din fornuft og er befordrende for det gode og til gavn for alle og enhver, så accepter det og lev op til det.'
- Buddha
’Not examining the teacher is like drinking poison’
- Padmasambhava
Oh, the irony…
* Dalai Lama supported the illegal war against Yugoslavia,
* He supported the U.S./NATO military intervention into Afghanistan
* He was 'undecided' on the genocidal US-led war against Iraq.
* He was a CIA asset - and possibly continues to be so by being supported by CIA through NED (a well-known murderous proxy-NGO-front for CIA), and was supported by George Soros.
* Dalai Lama gave notorious figures such as George W. Bush, Margaret Thatcher and Augusto Pinochet free pass, and said that George Bush junior is a 'very nice person' when in fact - not only as a politician, but also as a person - George Bush is callous and psychopathic, and a de facto mass murderer.
Where is Dalai Lama's discernment here!? Nowhere it seems.
How can one uphold the 'pure' image of Dalai Lama, his seemingly at times sophisticated discourses about kindness, nonduality, compassion and transcendence while ignoring this schizophrenic narrative in favor of the murderous false flag war empire?
Only by being ignorant of this huge discrepancy!
Somebody might object by saying:
"The Dalai Lama ‘loves the younger Bush, as a person, not as the president of the United States’. The Dalai Lama loves the clean core of every being. That is the philosophy of the historical Buddha. Compassion, and loving kindness. Wisely, he acknowledged GW Bushes’ Mistakes!"
BUT has Dalai Lama admitted that support for the illegal US-led war against Yugoslavia was a huge mistake? Has he admitted that his 'moral' support for the illegal US-led war and invasion of Afghanistan was a huge mistake? No, not to my knowledge.
To give him the benefit of the doubt then, he might have been misled at THE MOST, which is also a humiliating ignorance on his part - where was the oracle here, the truth about the terror wars killing millions? Nowhere it seems.
All this as a MINIMUM constitutes being a 'useful idiot' and worse, cause the war lords benefit from this mistaken and lethal support in the relative world!
Professor Michael Parenti about Dalai Lama:
"He supported the U.S./NATO military intervention into Afghanistan, also the 78 days' bombing of Yugoslavia and the destruction of that country. As for the years of carnage and destruction wrought by U.S. forces in Iraq, the Dalai Lama was undecided: "it's too early to say, right or wrong," said he in 2005.
Regarding the violence that members of his sect perpetrated against a rival sect, he concluded that "if the goal is good then the method, even if apparently of the violent kind, is permissible."
- 'The Nobel Peace Prize for War', October 18, 2012
In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, and former Beijing Ambassador, CIA Director and President, George H.W. Bush, the Dalai Lama demanded the British government release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who was visiting England.
The Dalai Lama urged that Pinochet not be forced to go to Spain where he was wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity.
The Dalai Lama had close ties to Miguel Serrano, head of Chile's National Socialist Party, a proponent of something called esoteric Hitlerism. Leaving aside at this point the claim of the Dalai Lama to divinity, what is indisputable is that he has been surrounded and financed in significant part, since his flight into Indian exile in 1959, by various US and Western intelligence services and their NGOs.
The truth about feudalism in Tibet and the Dalai Lama's connections with the CIA came out in the Russia Today interview with the historian and author Dr. Webster Tarpley
"A former CIA officer, who supervised the Agency’s covert operations in the Chinese region of Tibet, says he is working on a new book on the subject. John Kenneth Klaus, who, while stationed in India in the 1960s, directed the CIA’s support of Tibetan independence paramilitaries, has given a rare interview to Canadian newspaper The Toronto Star.
In it, he admits that the CIA supplied weapons to Tibetan monks, who are widely known for their non-violent philosophy. According to 85-year-old Klaus, the origins of the CIA’s covert assistance to Tibetan monks date back to at least 1957, when Gyalo Thondup, older brother of the 14th (and current) Dalai Lama, sent the CIA five Tibetan recruits, whom the Agency trained in paramilitary tactics on the island of Saipan, in the Northern Marianas.
Shortly afterwards the five men were covertly returned to Tibet “to assess and organize the resistance”. In the process, they recruited another 300 Tibetans who were secretly transported to Colorado and trained by Klaus and other US intelligence and military officers.
Klaus insists that “no American operatives were ever dropped into Tibet”, but admits that, beginning in 1958, the CIA began airdropping weapons, munitions and explosives to Tibetan rebels, which he estimates to 700,000 pounds “during the years under his watch”.
He says that the Agency abandoned the mission in 1968, focusing instead on the US war in Vietnam. The former CIA agent also maintains that the Dalai Lama was aware of the Agency’s covert operations, but he never actively approved it, viewing it instead as a “terrible, complete moral dilemma”. Klaus has already published a book on his experiences in Tibet, called Orphans Of The Cold War: America And The Tibetan Struggle For Survival."
Professor Michael Parenti writes in his book God and his Demons:
“Many Buddhist maintain that, before the Chinese crackdown in 1959, old Tibet was a spiritually oriented kingdom free from the corrupting lifestyles and egoistic materialism that beset modern industrialized society. News media and Hollywood films have portrayed the Tibetan theocracy as a veritable Shangri-la.
The Dalai Lama himself stated that “the pervasive influence of Buddhism” in Tibet “amid the wide open spaces of an unspoiled environment resulted in a society dedicated to peace and harmony. We enjoyed freedom and contentment.” “Until 1959, when the Dalai Lama last presided over Tibet, most of the arable land was still organized into manorial estates worked by serfs and owned by monasteries and secular landlords… The commander in chief of the Tibetan army, a member of the Dalai Lama’s lay Cabinet, owned 4,000 square kilometers of land and 3,500 serfs. Old Tibet has been misrepresented by some of its admirers as “a nation that required no police force because its people voluntarily observed the laws of karma.” In fact, it had a professional army, albeit a small one, that served mainly as a gendarme for the landlords to keep order and hunt down runaway serfs.”
“One twenty-two-year-old woman, herself a runaway serf, reports: “Pretty serf girls were usually taken by the owner as house servants and used as he wished.”
Fugitive serfs who fled were hunted down by the landlord’s men and beaten mercilessly. Serfs were taxed upon getting married and taxed for every birth and death in the family. They were taxed for planting a tree in their yard and for keeping animals, taxed for religious festivals and for public dancing, and taxed for being sent to prison and upon being released. Those who could not find work were taxed for being unemployed, and if they traveled to another village in search of work, they paid a passage tax.”
Der Dalai Lama und die CIA | PANORAMA | DAS ERSTE | ND
*“Whatever wrongs and new oppressions introduced by the Chinese after 1959, they did abolish slavery and the Tibetan serfdom system of unpaid labor. They eliminated the landlords’ crushing taxes, started work projects, and greatly reduced unemployment and beggary. They established health clinics and secular schools and constructed running water and electrical systems in Lhasa. Since 1950 the Tibetan population has doubled and its life span has risen from thirty-six years to the present average of sixty-five years.”
Supporting the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the bombing of Yugoslavia “What of the years of carnage and destruction wrought by US forces in Iraq, a war condemned by most of the world – even by a conservative pope?
The Dalai Lama was undecided: “The Iraq war – it’s too early to say, right or wrong.” Earlier he had voiced support for the US/NATO military intervention and seventy-eight days’ bombing of Yugoslavia, and the destruction of that viable social democracy. He also supported the US/NATO military intervention into Afghanistan.”
“Both the Dalai Lama and his advisor and youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, claimed that “more that 1.2 million Tibetans are dead as a result of the Chinese occupation.”
The official 1953 census – six years before the Chinese crackdown – recorded the entire population residing in Tibet proper at 1,274,000. Other census counts put the population within Tibet at about 2 million. If the Chinese killed 1.2 million in the early 1960s, then almost all of Tibet would have been depopulated, transformed into a killing field dotted with death camps and mass graves, of which there seems to be no evidence. What is difficult to procure is hard data on the number of Tibetans who might have perished because of the Chinese occupation.”
“Because Tibetan Buddhism prohibits killing, mutilation and other extremely cruel punishments were widely used instead in old Tibet. The mutilation of top level Tibetan official Lungshar in 1934 gave an example. Tsepon Lungshar, an official educated in England, introduced reform in the 1920s; after losing a political struggle the reformist was sentenced to be blinded by having his eyeballs pulled out.
"The method involved the placement of a smooth, round yak's knucklebone on each of the temples of the prisoner. These were then tied by leather thongs around the head and tightened by turning the thongs with a stick on top of the head until the eyeballs popped out. The mutilation was terribly bungled. Only one eyeball popped out, and eventually the ragyaba had to cut out the other eyeball with a knife. Boiling oil was then poured into the sockets to cauterize the wound." [66][67] This was sufficiently unusual that the untouchables (ragyaba) carrying it out had no previous experience of the correct technique and had to rely on instructions heard from their parents. An attempt was made at anesthetizing the alleged criminal with intoxicants before performing the punishment, which unfortunately did not work well.[67]
'Prior to 1950 Judicial mutilation - principally the gouging out of eyes, and the cutting off of hands or feet - was formalized under the Sakya school as part of the 13th century Tibetan legal code, and was used as a legal punishment until being declared illegal in 1913 by a proclamation of the 13th Dalai Lama'.
'As late as 1949 the Tibetan government stilled sentenced people to mutilation. When an CIA officer Douglas Mackiernan was killed against official entry permit, six Tibetan border guards were tried and sentenced in Lhasa. "The leader was to have his nose and both ears cut off. The man who fired the first shot was to lose both ears. A third man was to lose one ear, and the others were to get 50 lashes each." The sentence was reduced to 200, 50 and 25 lashes, respectively, after another CIA agent Frank Bessac requested leniency.[68]'
“The Dalai Lama’s connections to the CIA and big banking financiers: The Dalai Lama’s organization itself eventually admitted that it had received millions of dollars from the CIA during the 1960s. “Into the twenty-first century, the US Congress continued to allocate funds to the Tibetan exile community via the National Endowment for Democracy and other conduits that are more respectable sounding that the CIA. In addition, the Dalai Lama received money from financier George Soros.”
Background information from Wikipedia: George Soros was a former member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) regularly provides funding to opposition candidates in elections in countries other than the USA. According to Allen Weinstein, one of the founders of NED, “A lot of what we [NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” Again many people would agree that violent resistance was an acceptable response to the Chinese military occupation of Tibet and the subsequent slaughter and oppression of the Tibetan people.
However the Dalai Lama is revered as a Buddhist Spiritual leader and there are many practising Buddhist that would not agree with his interpretation of Buddha’s teachings. It is also true that he was awarded the Nobel Peace prize based on his apparently totally peaceful, non-violent response to Chinese occupation..... ....As a result of the negative revelations concerning the CIA the American Government, led by Ronald Regan, decided a new approach to world politics was needed and the National Endowment for Democracy was launched. ‘The idea was that the NED would do somewhat overtly what the CIA had been doing covertly for decades, and thus, hopefully, eliminate the stigma associated with CIA covert activities.’ (Even Allen Weinstein, the NEDs first acting president, observed that in fact “A lot of what we [the NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA” (9).... .....The truly sinister implications of this long term funding by the NED is best described in the following paragraph:
‘This article has demonstrated the close ties that exist between the Dalai Lama’s non-violent campaign for Tibetan independence and U.S. foreign policy elites who are actively supporting Tibetan causes through the NED. This finding is particularly worrying given the high international media profile of many of the groups exposed in this article, especially when it is remembered that the NED’s activities are intimately linked with those of the CIA. This funding issue is clearly problematic for Tibetan (or foreign) activists campaigning for Tibetan freedom, as the overwhelmingly anti-democratic nature of the NED can only weaken the legitimacy of the claims of any group associated with the NED. In this regard it seems only fitting that progressive activists truly concerned with promoting freedom and democracy in Tibet should first and foremost cast a critical eye over the antidemocratic funders of many of the Tibetan groups identified in this study.’ https://gildedcagearticles.com/corporatepower/
It’s not only that one practices what one preaches, but the same must clean his own house first before he ventures out into the world, and begin finding faults against another.
This week it was reported that a five-year old Tibetan girl had been allegedly raped by two Tibetan adult males in the settlement of Mundgod, South India. As shocking as the alleged crime was the revelation that the Mundgod camp officer and settlement officer had encouraged the father of the child not to pursue criminal charges against the men. Why? Out of fear of shaming HH the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people.
Sadly, I and others living in the Tibetan community in exile were not surprised to learn this. HuffPost web cached article, “Not in the Name of the Dalai Lama: Tibetan Reaction to Child Rape Reveals a Deeper Malaise”
Kalu Rinpoche says that he was molested by elder monks…”sexually abused by elder monks,” and when he was 18 his tutor in the monastery threatened him at knifepoint. “It’s all about money, power, controlling. . . . And then I became a drug addict because of all this misunderstanding and I went crazy.”
A gang of older monks who would visit his room each week…..This was hard-core sex, he says, including penetration. “Most of the time, they just came alone,” he says. “They just banged the door harder, and I had to open. I knew what was going to happen, and after that you become more used to it.” It wasn’t until Kalu returned to the monastery after his three-year retreat that he realized how wrong this practice was. By then the cycle had begun again on a younger generation of victims, he says. Kalu’s claims of sexual abuse mirror those of Lodoe Senge, an ex-monk and 23 year old tulku who now lives in Queens, New York. “When I saw the video,” Senge says of Kalu’s confessions, “I thought, ‘Shit, this guy has the balls to talk about it when I didn’t even have the courage to tell my girlfriend.’” Senge was abused, he says, as a 5-year-old by his own tutor, a man in his late twenties, at a monastery in India. False idolatry and false institutions are two great scourges on this planet. Both have created a strong, opaque barrier between the mind and the Truth it is seeking. The only way to know the Whole Truth and free humanity at last is to launch a great rebellion against them both. 'Enjoying the benefits of conniving with a certain entity [CIA] while feigning ignorance of what crimes that same entity has committed is the height of one’s hypocrisy.'
Dalai Lama wears exorbitantly expensive Rolex watches, and is NOT a vegetarian - he is a meat eater which is of less importance perhaps if it weren't for the fact that one of the tenets of tibetan buddhism is about NOT killing animals: "Goldner writes that the Dalai Lama enjoys being put up in the luxury étages of luxury hotels. That is fine. Many of us would like to enjoy the same privileges, but we don’t present ourselves as simple monks. A commentator points out that the Dalai Lama eats meat and that this is no contradiction in Buddhism, which only forbids the killing of animals. I did not address this issue, but Goldner asks whether it is not disingenuous to eat meat while proscribing killing. What we have here, I think, is indeed a case of hypocrisy." https://www.psychologytoday.com/.../comments-dalai-lama-post
See also: "The Dalai Lama as a Brand - Neither god nor king" https://www.psychologytoday
"No less than Paul McCartney has taken it upon himself to write to the Dalai Lama asking him to go vegetarian and responding to his protests of being unable to due to his doctors advice told his holiness in no uncertain terms that “[the doctors] are wrong”[6] Does sitting down, after a hard day of espousing the vegetarian diet, for a meal of veal make one a hypocrite[7]? Despite not adhering to a vegetarian diet the Dalai Lama promotes vegetarianism, saying, when asked about the ethics of meat-eating: A vegetarian diet is the most healthy one for you. We must respect all forms of life. He goes on to clarify the basis of his views on vegetarianism: Animals deserve our compassion… We must know their pain. We should nurture this compassion through education. Showing concern about animal rights is respecting their life. [8]
The Dalai Lama is thought to be a bodhisattva of compassion, nurturing this compassion and expressing it through his actions would seem to be consistent with his beliefs and his role as the leader of Tibetan Buddhism. However it appears that even high lamas succumb to cognitive bias. The Dalai Lama recovered from his hepatitis B infection after following his doctors advice to resume consuming meat it is unsurprising that he perceives these two unrelated events as causally related. His refusal to reexamine this perception could be due to fear or hypocrisy but it seems most likely that, like many others the Dalai Lama lives with a level of cognitive dissonance surrounding the use of animals."
Dorje Shugden. The Dalai Lama himself for 40 years relied upon Dorje Shugden, even composing a prayer of his own praising Dorje Shugden and requesting his help. Then, suddenly in 1975 he abandoned the practice because he had ‘discovered’ Dorje Shugden was a harmful spirit! Incredibly, we are being asked to believe that the Dalai Lama accidentally worshipped a harmful spirit for 40 years without noticing! While It is clear that Tibetan Buddhist phenomenology and practice is so advanced that westerners are like neanderthals in comparison, it is equally clear that much of the politics, the traditional Tibetan structure of society, serfdom, customs of ungodly penalties in the 20th Centrury (up to the 50s), etc. in many respects seem very much in discrepancy with what should be the ideal tibetan buddhist practice of ethics and compassion.
How can Dalai Lama, considering the HUGE flaws of lending 'moral legitimacy' to bombing slaughter of Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, wars, and the above, be an example of high moral conduct? He can't.
“Interviewer: Then, over time, as I became more familiar with the whole medieval structure of Tibetan Buddhism, I saw how in so many ways their relationship to life, to family, to practice, and to the world was surprisingly fixed, rigid, and unchanging. They were unparalleled in their elegant and comprehensive teaching of nonduality, yet their experience of enlightenment was apparently not dislodging some deeply embedded and very primitive tribal notions, nor did it seem to be informing, in any dramatic way, their relationship to the changing world they were living in.
Ken Wilber: Classic mythic structure. What the Tibetans really have got extraordinarily well is what we call horizontal enlightenment—the capacity to completely transcend the world of form and then to come back and embrace all of form as the manifestation of oneness with emptiness that is itself luminosity moment to moment. That’s fantastic. But guess what? The world of form evolves. There are levels to the world of form, and you have to develop through those levels. You have to experience and grow through all of those structures. And these Tibetan sages and siddhas, as enlightened as they can be in terms of states—and they can be one hundred percent enlightened!—can be at very low levels of structural development. That’s the problem. So we’re trying to say, you have to have both. Of course, some teachers have both, which is rare ...you can go through Zen training and still remain at a mythic/traditional altitude. And completely get transmission. That’s the astonishing thing about it. I asked Genpo Roshi, “What structure were the greatest Zen masters that you knew in Japan?” He replied, “They were blue meme, all of them.” That’s pretty amazing. What happens is that whatever structure you’re coming from when you start these practices, for a very long time, the practice is simply going to leave that structure alone. You’ll have wonderful state experiences, and you’ll continue to interpret them through the structure at which you started. And it’s a real problem because, as I point out in the book, you can’t see these structures by introspecting. You can look within the mind all you want, you can sit on a meditation cushion for twenty years, and you’ll never see anything that says, “This is an archaic thought, this is a magic thought, this is a mythic thought, and so on.” It won’t happen. You have to use other tools of investigation to see these structures because they’re just not given."
- Ken Wilber in Dialogue
* "The traditional spiritual paths are by and large grounded in the vertical ideal of liberation from the conditioning of the body-mind. Therefore, they focus on what is conceived to be the ultimate good--transcendental Being. This spiritual single-mindedness jars the human psyche out of focus: its personal concerns become insignificant and its structures are viewed as something to be transcended as quickly as possible rather than transformed. Of course, all self-transcending methods involve a degree of self-transformation. But, as a rule, this does not entail a concerted effort to work with the shadow to accomplish psychic integration. This may explain why so many mystics and adepts are highly eccentric and authoritarian and appear socially to have weakly integrated personalities.Unlike transcendence, integration occurs in the horizontal plane."
- The Shadow of the Enlightened Guru, Paradigmet
But Ken Wilber's And Feuerstein's narratives do not explain Dalai Lama's support for the wars either. It seems Dalai Lama is hypocrite.
"As we've seen, cultivating presence through meditation or yoga is not by itself an adequate way to address the complex global challenges we face. The "raising of consciousness," as it's popularly phrased in today's yoga and meditation communities, doesn't raise political consciousness. It doesn't make people more aware of what is violent and what is not, nor does it make them resist violence. An increase in presence in the world does not increase justice.....How would meditation or the experience of awakening change the politics of these various groups? The Black Panther Party, radical feminists, the tea party, the KKK, Goldman Sachs bankers or anti-abortion activists. Would it somehow make them all the same?"
- Why the Dalai Lama is wrong to think meditation will eliminate violence
‘Vertical internal spiritual development does not in itself give birth to horizontal knowledge about concrete and often hidden causations in the external world. Non-duality is about transcendence of thoughts and emotions - the vertical process.
Knowledge of the relative world is about the use of thought - a horizontal process. [not the same as Ken Wilber's concept as "horizontal enlightenment" above]
Non-dual consciousness does not provide knowledge and insight into dangers of fluoride, vaccines, aspartame, GMO, Monsanto, false flag terror, the deliberate dumbing down of entire populations, deep politics and directed history, global warming and CO2 swindle, etc. – unless you have a quite specific form of ‘always-ready clairvoyance’ which can substitute knowledge, discursive thought, logic and analysis. Both a vertical awakening (transformation of negative emotions and transcendence of thought) + a horizontal knowledge (of ‘what is’ (it) will be necessary.
Meditation and mindfulness will not make primary psychpathy, Bilderberg, CFR, TLC, Skull and Bones, False flags, vanish into thin air. This would imply that meditators, morphic resonance, or directed positive intention could somehow transform elite psychopaths in power into noble persons, nullifying their free will in the process, exalting their low emotional state to a sudden empathic level - which is wishful irrational thinking. Not going to happen with primary psychopaths (neurologically hardwired), sorry.
And many spiritually inclined people are not even aware of the depths and destructive influence of the 'Darth Vader-empire' in the first place! We can only remove such shadow organizational entities if sufficient numbers of people are becoming aware of their destructive influence in the first place, apply thought and analysis, and then skillful action.
A vertical spiritual awakening (transformation, and transcendence of negative emotions and exclusive identification with thought) in the individual is necessary but it cannot remove these entities - the domain of thought and analysis and subsequent skillful action is needed here.
The third category - 'the conspiritual' (etymologically incorrect and a slang-neologism but anyway..) seems to be intertwining both the vertical and the horizontal in this respect, or many are at least cognizant of the necessity of both perspectives.
This group is growing and being a unifying catalyst for bringing the 2 former categories - previously more irreconcilable groups - together.
A more versatile and truly informed spearhead for both horizontal and vertical enlightenment. Knowledge, discursive analysis, can't be replaced by the inner vertical alchemical process (leading to transcendence of negative emotions, absence of emotional reactivity, etc.)
Conversely; the 'conspiracy theorists' deep politics studies is no substitute for the interior vertical alchemical proces, the transformation of inner soul life. Both things are needed optimally, the vertical spiritual process and the horizontal analysis - it doesn't mean that nothing good comes from the one or the other.’