Whitney Webb er det vigtigste interview jeg nogensinde har lavet
How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves
Glenn Beck siger, at interviewet med Whitney Webb (og 2, bio her) er det vigtigste interview han nogensinde har lavet i sit liv.
Whitney Webb er betragtet af mange, som den hidtil bedste og ufatteligt detaljerede analytiker af The Deep State. Hendes nye bog i 2 dele, One Nation Under Blackmail, er spået til at blive en banebrydende klassiker mange år ud i fremtiden.
Fra beskrivelse af del 2:
One Nation Under Blackmail er en fordømmende anklage mod konsekvenserne af det næsten århundrede gamle forhold mellem både amerikansk og israelsk efterretningstjeneste og det organiserede kriminelle netværk kendt som National Crime Syndicate. Denne bog udforsker specifikt, hvordan denne sammenhæng mellem efterretningstjeneste og organiseret kriminalitet direkte udviklede den seksuelle afpresningstaktik og -netværk, der senere ville muliggøre seksuel afpresning og andre forbrydelser begået af den afdøde pædofil og sexsmugler Jeffrey Epstein. Andre bøger om Jeffrey Epstein fokuserer på den fordærvede karakter af hans forbrydelser, hans rigdom og hans mest berømte/politisk forbundne venner og bekendte. I modsætning hertil afslører denne bog, i hvilket omfang Epsteins aktiviteter blev statssponseret gennem en udforskning af hans efterretningsforbindelser.
Beskrivelsen ovenfor er nærmest en latterlig grå og meget nedtonet beskrivelse.
Hvis du vil have et indblik i hvor radikalt det hele er, skal du lytte til dette interview.
Omend det er den kedelige og berømte interviewer, Glenn Beck (Whitney Webb bliver interviewet af alt og alle disse dage) er interviewet eksplosivt - sandsynligvis første gang i historien, at et interview af denne karakter er i en mainstream-alternativ kanal.
How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 162
Journalist Whitney Webb has worked to uncover some of the most dangerous stories of our lifetime, and she joins Glenn to reveal just how eye-opening it’s been. Her new two-volume book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” examines Epstein’s elaborate network of corruption and power, from Bill Clinton to Ghislaine Maxwell and many more. Her research into transhumanism has given her a terrifying perspective on the World Economic Forum and tech elites, including Elon Musk. And she tells Glenn the dark truth about Biden’s push for electric vehicles that she noticed while living in Chile
Dansk anmeldelse af del 1 (af SW): "One Nation Under Blackmail". Bogen handler om baglandet bag Jeffrey Epstein, hvis rolle som pædofil menneskehandler kun skraber overfladen, ligesom det er evident, at han ingenlunde var/er den eneste bestyrer af sådanne pædofile afpresnings-forretningsmodeller. Det belgiske "X-Dossier", som WikiLeaks offentliggjorde en udgave af i 2005, viste, at sådanne pædofile netværk til kapring af og kontrol med centrale magtpersoner ikke kun er en amerikansk foreteelse. Tværtimod synes de langt mere udbredte, ja sågar 'almindelige', indenfor hele det amerikanske imperium.
Ifølge Webb er hovedstrømmens fokus med vilje holdt snævert på denne del af Epsteins virke, fordi resten potentielt - om kendt videnom - er langt mere ødelæggende for de involverede og åbenbarer netværkets tråde dybt og vidt i det amerikanske imperiums magtstruktur. Herunder det Hvide Hus' og adskillige præsidenters nære bånd til organiseret kriminalitet, fx. efterretningstjenesternes og det Demokratiske Partis symbiose med italiensk-jødisk mafia lige siden Anden Verdenskrig; dertil årtiers internationale efterretnings- og finansskandaler, hvoraf flere er 'glemte' og/eller nærmest ukendte i offentligheden, fx. Clinton-administrationens helt egen, kinesisk-'israel'ske version af Iran-Contra-skandalen.
Se også:
Host … Glenn Becks interview med Whitney Webb nærmer sig hurtigt 300.000 visninger på YouTube, og det blev offentliggjort for 3 dage siden:
Glenn Beck er en fremtrædende fan af Israel og Zionist BIG time. Han sagde endda i 2022, at han overvejer at flytte til Israel.
The Zionist Organization of America hyldede Glenn Beck i 2011. Han blev overrakt den første Sheldon og Dr. Miriam Adelson "Defender of Israel"-prisen nogensinde, Beck blev introduceret af Sheldon Adelson. I sine indledende bemærkninger beskrev Adelson Beck som en "meget speciel mand. Vi vidste, at han var en kæmpe, allerede før vi mødte ham. Jeg havde aldrig kendt en kristen zionist som Glenn Beck. Han fortæller sandheden om den arabiske krig mod Israel. " Red flag!
PS: Kritik af Webb
På trods af et fantastisk interview finder jeg det mærkeligt, at Glenn Beck , sandsynligvis et limited hangout, skulle give en enorm platform til et unlimited hangout?
Webb har en tendens til at tro, at grafenoxid i vacciner er en PSYOP og opfordrer andre til at kigge andre steder og ikke på grafenoxid; https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/whitney-webb-interview-is-there-graphene-oxide-in-the-covid-19-injections/
Man kan blive ledet ned ad en vej i konspirationsforskning, hvor du kan blive en bevidst eller uvidende gatekeeper. Whitney Webb afviser, at der er grafenoxid i vacciner. Om hun ikke tror på det på grund af kognitiv dissonans eller noget andet er uklart. Under alle omstændigheder er det at benægte det, ensbetydende at man er en gatekeeper, bevidst eller ubevidst. Det betyder ikke, at det hun siger om andre ting er usandt, men hvis grafen i vacciner ikke bliver nævnt før eller siden, og IKKE er en PSYOP så er det en kæmpe udeladelse og vildledende.
Den dybere røde pille, der ikke bliver nævnt af mange, kan være denne:
Whitney Webb attempted a smear piece on La Quinta Columna and the University of Almeria’s discovery, where she directly attacked Dr. Ricardo Delgado’s credibility without anything substantial. Investigative Journalist Ramola D. and Ariyina Love debunked Whitney’s Webb of lies.
Anden kritik af Webb af Brendon O’Connell:
Whitneys Second Book [One Nation under Blackmail] - Not So Bad...
I went through it all last night. "All" the necessary info is in there. Not perfect, but its in there.
Lekem. BIRD. Rafe Eitan. Pollard. Israel. I have still not read it properly.
We can now ask Whitney why it is she understands all we gave her in 2019 and why she so studiously touched on and avoided detailed analysis in her little online lectures? Was Israel's central role in the coming 'Techno Corporatist Oligarchical Smart City Program' mentioned on Glenn Beck? Or are we back to..."ya cant mention Israel", in the year 2022? And this is a "smart tactical move"?
But does it matter? Ya got "most of it now"
Now that you know Israel has been blackmailing America via Epstein like rings and backdoored technology...you can abandon Israel.
Because "someone" is waiting in the wings...or "was" waiting in the wings...
Whitney Webb and her little friends like 'The Last American Vagabond' protected and worshiped and praised Putin for 4 long years. Ya think that was an "accident"? Brendon O'Connell was meant to be wiped offline 4 years ago in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I was to hang out with Royal Malaysian Military Intelligence and Opus Dei while Whitney took over the issue. It didn't quite work out. Does this make sense to you and why Whitney ignores certain material and not others?
Whitney got ALL of this material, especially the teaming up of Israel...Russia and China on The Belt And Road. She tell you about it? She protected the issue along with her friends at Iranian (WEF) based Mint Press News. Because America was supposed to withdraw from the Middle East and Eurasia and the Multi Polar World Order was to be formed. Whitney Webb DIRECTLY supported that program by keeping vital information from her base as she was promoted slowly through the Kissinger & Associates channels.
Whitney, so concerned for the plight of the Palestinians tell you about this?
I'll quote it for you...
And while Russia hasn't been a very active player in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the U.S. seems to have run out of steam as lead intermediary. Perhaps Moscow, given its historical support for the Palestinians, would be viewed by both sides as an honest broker. Barring that, Israel could at least have a freer hand to intervene militarily in the Palestinian territories without concern that its main global patron would criticize it on human rights grounds.
Kanye West will help move the process of increasing hatred towards Jews and Israel along. So will Alex Jones latest little exposes. Once Americans hate Israel and by association "Jews", they can run across to the 'Federated States of Greater Israel' and Russia and China can assist with transforming the Middle East into the final stages of Oded Yinon without pesky "leftist" Jews and others bleating on about human rights and such like.
Whitney Webb's work is like the police taking down a drug dealing network. It is ostensibly a good thing, until you realize the police are taking out competition and replacing one network with another...or one protector of Israel with another. *THAT is the INTENT of Whitney Webb and her work.*
You think it was an "accident" she did not bother telling you about Microsoft Windows, Office, Azure Cloud being CORE CODED in Israel? You think that was info worth ignoring? The world number one corporate and private operating system?
You think it was an "accident" she did not bother telling you about Microsoft Windows, Office, Azure Cloud being CORE CODED in Israel? You think that was info worth ignoring? The world number one corporate and private operating system?
Whitney thought this INCREDIBLE video of a Jewish American activist ambushing Democratic Presidential hopefuls in June 2019 on the issue of the Pentagon JEDI Cloud, was a video she and ALLLLLLLLLLLLL her friends could ignore? Seriously? This is one of the best video's on the internet on this issue, without question. NO ONE would touch it! No one! You let that sink in:
Watch the above video and tell me if you understand why Brendon O'Connell is constantly sidelined by these people? A video encouraging activism, core national security issues AND an American JEWISH activist is doing the ambushing! It is brilliant...no one will touch hit. Have you worked it out yet?
You think ignoring Intel Corporation moving CORE R&D and advanced manufacturing into Israel was a issue to be ignored by Whitney Webb considering it's a CORE issue she is exposing...Israel and high technology? You think it was an "accident"?
Once you become familiar with my work, along with ten others...you will understand what "organic" and "manufactured" are. This is NOT "sour grapes". We gave her everything in 2019 and Jeremy Roth Kushell was in direct contact with her. Do you understand? She is not a "random" that I am picking on. She CHOSE and was DIRECTED to NOT talk about the self evident relationship between Israel, Russia and China, The Belt and Road and The Multi Polar World Order. Because that would give the Kissinger & Associates game away.
"Exposing Israel" is a cottage industry designed to push Israeli's and American's apart...and Israeli's and Russians together. Hence why Whitney Webb conveniently forgot the core issue of the puzzle - Israel, Russia, China, Belt and Road. Along the way, she pretended Brendon O'Connell did not exist, as did the entire internet except white supremacists, drunks, fakes and Fred Smith of FedEx...you don't think that same network trying to control me successfully controlled Whitney Webb? Hence the up coming Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman appearances? Who are they? Kissinger & Associates.
You think the Soviet creation and take over of Israel...and all the issues of black mailing of Americans and high technology subversion...was not a vital piece of the puzzle that Whitney Webb needed to tell you? She had all of it!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why I POUND this issue relentlessly. It wins me no friends but I know people will get it eventually. This is NOT a "gripe" on some small issue from "some guy" in his mummies basement wanting attention and validation. I BLED for this! Had I not been jailed and pummeled, you would have had this information ten plus years ago...I was jailed, beaten, harassed, my life destroyed - the Israeli state coming out against me directly!!!!!! A massive high profile court case where these very issues were raised at hearings and meetings with state and federal authorities took place! And some "spoilt rich kid brat" limited hangout waltz's onto the scene, picks it up, run's with it, and hands you an altered message like Rafe Eitan stole PROMIS from Bill Hamilton and altered and backdoored it for their own ends.
Do you think ANYONE would bother to take real risks in the real world if they are sidelined, harassed and lose everything...and then watch the "Ficus" destroy the message? Do you? We could have all worked together on this at a grass roots level and had a refined and honed message politicized and moving in the online and off world four years ago. And now here we are. Now you know what Covid was about.
The deal is and/or was, done years ago. They had to get the Israeli middle managers and populace to go along with working closely with Russia and China to facilitate the new world order forming. Trump, under Kissinger & Associates, was the next cog in the machine to ensure the process of the great game took place - the withdrawal of America from Eurasia and the Middle East. Only it didn't. And now Whitney and her friends have to trim their sails, pretend they knew all about Putin and The Belt and Road and the multi polar world order and they hope no one is left around to remind their fan base of their history of deception, mis-direction, dodgy associates and outright lies by omission they have indulged in for four looooooong years.
I aim to stick around and keep the bastards honest.
The second book in the series is definitely worth a read and it's only four years late.
The issues Whitney has "forgotten" will continue to get pushed grass roots by the small channels and the people not appearing on IIA approved millionaire social media influencer platforms. When the data analytics show the need, Whitney and her friends will pick up on it, give it a twist, get on Joe Rogan and spin you in circles.
Take the time to watch this series...much of it four to five years old. You'll know what a FULL organic fruit menu looks, sounds, and tastes like and Whitney Webb knew all of it. You NEEDED this information. WE needed it. This is PURE IIA Op's at work.
*UN Refugee Application | Brendon O'Connell - 100MB PDF file*